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N e p a l Smoke Tour : Titoon in the land of hashish


Well-known member
Hey Titoon,

first of all, thank you for your wonderful thread and the big amount of work it must have been to report it (especially from Nepal); i now how hard it is to use "internet" there

i had been around in Nepal some months ago as well!
It is a wonderful country - loving it so much! :)
Sadly my main journey was in India, but i had a short view to Nepal nonetheless.

If i got u wright, i had the same experience like you:
It is very hard to get good hash there, especially in Cities.
The best hash i got in Pokhara like you; quite funny :D

It was cold pressed and i got it quite expensive i think, even i discussed a long time; after all i paid 250 NepaliRupie`s for a gramm.
It is a pitty i don`t have a picture of it...
...it was quite bright, not as bright as the big amount of hash you are holding in your hands on the picture you posted, but quite bright.
I bought about 7 gramm of it; it was quite hard to buy only this small amount, they always wanna sell you a minimum of a tola (~10g).

But i only had some days left in Nepal so i didn`t need more...
As well i bought 2 gramm of weed from this guy, it was for a friend; she doesn`t smoke much and no hash, so i asked him for that small amount as well; very hard discussion again... :D
Like you experienced most times, the weed was full of seeds and very bad dryed with no curing of course.

At the day of my flight back to india (didn`t want to do this hardcore days-taking travelling buy local bus on my way back to india) i did`t finished the piece yet so i made it hot and pressed it to a ball.
Hell, you won`t believe it melted so nice together and formed a ball half in "holding capacity" (sorry, no native english speaker, it is hard to explain things like that with my little words) than before. And it was so hard after it, unbelievable.
This small ball was no big deal/problem to carry with me back to india.

Imho this hash was very very pure. You could`t see any unpurities; okay i didn`t had any mikroscope or something but believe me.
It was such a strong uplifting high, that it was even a little bit -too- much sometimes, not last due to the fact that i didn`t smoke so much in the previous weeks when i had been to india.
Hahahah, i just remember a situation in kathmandu related with this hash:
i was standing on the filthy rooftop of my hostel when i was so stoned from a joint i only had token three times or something...as i remembered former times when i was "young"... in that times i always dreamed about to be one day in Kathmandu and smoke a mass of the best hash in the world... now i was standing in kathmandu and only three hits were too much.... unbelievable - i finished that joint, don`t ask me how, but i got it. :-D

In India i think you get mostly only bad hash as well; EXCEPT you go up in the North of Delhi; you wrote something about that as well i think!?!
There you get to the Hamalaya`n Regions in Himachal Pradesh, more northwest there is Kashmir and Jammu; these are two mostly indian-administered regions.

I had been to Varanasi as well and like you said, there you can find only crap (as well like in delhi, agra, jaipur, kerala, goa)! Sometimes it looks like good black hash, but when you cut it half u can see so many unpurities, mostly hairs of all kinds: animals-, human-, synthetic, cotton...everythink.
When i wanted to smoke a joint, i had to "clean" more than 10 minutes each peach of hash i wanted to consume...
In most causes it was laced with "gee", this is one of the two parts that split up when you heat butter.
I only bought a small amount, it was about 3g... for 280Indian Rupie`s ~ 4,20€, again with gee i think, many hairs, but after "cleaning" (fingers were fatty, not resiniuos, like hell everytime) the smoke was not very tasty but it had a good effect.
The most bad thing of that purchase was, that i bought it in the same street like my hostel was. so i met this guy like every day during my time in Varanasi, and he was getting more and more annoying me. always asking me for buying more. and it got more and more worse; after a while i had to send him away aggressively and after that he even tried to chase me secretly...crazy guy!

The best weed i got was down in the South of India in Varkala, Kerala. One of my friends is living there. She owned a hotel and is married with a local (hahaha, that rhymes:). And her local husband is a pothead of course *smile*
He organized me "the best ganja around" he said, and i was quite happy when he came back. Okay it was with seeds again, and badly fermented but quite strong. Less than 1g/joint was quite okay!
After a while i got a bit of funny struggle with my friend, cause her husband was smoking with me all the day and did`t got to do the work that he had to do in the hotel...very funny!

To be fair i have to say it isn`t everytime this easy as it seems when you see pictures of Nepal/India. The things Titoon did during his trip mean a lot of work and nerves. if you have a aim in nepal it is not such easy to follow and accomplish it like we are used to. normally in nepal everything works very slow. when you wanna go from pokhara to kathmandu for example, a distance of little more then 200km, it will take you at least 4 hours (with small fast car); if you are travelling by local bus, it takes much more time of course. and sometimes there is traffic-jam on the mountain-roads, that takes energy believe me....

Looking forward to go there again at the end of the year.
This time i will have some more time to concentrate more on the products from Nepal!

Keep up your wonderful work!


if you want we can stay in touch, perhaps it fits and we are back again there at the same time...!?!


Well-known member
great read and awesome pictures titoon!!
thank you so much for posting & sharing your experiences :)
take care!
Titoon, you ROCK!!! After seeing your smoke reports, I have to take a trip to Nepal one day! How hard is it to pick up enough of the local language to not be totally clueless?


Well-known member
Titoon, you ROCK!!! After seeing your smoke reports, I have to take a trip to Nepal one day! How hard is it to pick up enough of the local language to not be totally clueless?

Hm, it is quite hard to learn that stuff, but i think it should be okay to talk in english there; it is quite common due to the tourists...
...but as titoon said, you will need a local for translation purposes of you wanna bargain with the farmers in the mountains/-villages.
Hm, it is quite hard to learn that stuff, but i think it should be okay to talk in english there; it is quite common due to the tourists...
...but as titoon said, you will need a local for translation purposes of you wanna bargain with the farmers in the mountains/-villages.

I wish I knew someone over there! I would really love to go and poke around, its such a beautiful country! That is encouraging to hear that english is rather common. Might have to bump Nepal higher up the list of places to vacation!


Well-known member
Hey WillWork4Weed my friend,

don`t be "frightened" about going to Nepal. Just do it!
Yeah, sounds funny but it isn`t "that hard" everybody thinks ...
-Of course it is like India, a totally diffferent place on earth, where people behave/live in a different way.
But it is not -that- different; everything is so exciting and interesting, nearly all of the things you think you would miss there in daily live, become very unnecessary after 2 days in Nepal...
It is `back to the basics` i would say.

You don´t have to know someone there; of course it is hard to get the initial-start-moment to go on this journey, but once there, you will meet so much other travellers from all over the world, most of them smoking of course... so you can go there quite relaxed
...believe me!

i hope to meet you there one day :D

Hey WillWork4Weed my friend,

don`t be "frightened" about going to Nepal. Just do it!
Yeah, sounds funny but it isn`t "that hard" everybody thinks ...
-Of course it is like India, a totally diffferent place on earth, where people behave/live in a different way.
But it is not -that- different; everything is so exciting and interesting, nearly all of the things you think you would miss there in daily live, become very unnecessary after 2 days in Nepal...
It is `back to the basics` i would say.

You don´t have to know someone there; of course it is hard to get the initial-start-moment to go on this journey, but once there, you will meet so much other travellers from all over the world, most of them smoking of course... so you can go there quite relaxed
...believe me!

i hope to meet you there one day :D


Thanks Hazeo! You've sold me on the idea of going! I'm absolutely going to go within the next couple years or so for sure! :woohoo: With any luck, I hope to meet you there one day too. :tiphat:


Well-known member
Yeah brother i hope so, too!

Perhaps i will post some pictures in some days... :)



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Truely, thank you all for all the love spread in this thread, it's great to see that it gives some inspiration to go over there.

:thank you:

I haven't posted in that thread since I am back, it was two years ago that I left for my six months there.

This trip was certainly a life-changing experience, on my view of cannabis as well as on life in general. It still affects strongly my everyday life and will probably forever.

I was feeling that I should let this thread go since I had pretty much shared all the cannabis knowledge I found. But I also should come back with more thoughts, since Nepal will probably be again on my destination in a close future. And I have been lucky since my trip to smoke many more Nepalese hashish in Amsterdam, which helped me to have a broader perspective on what I scored and made there.

I would advise anybody who just have thought about Nepal to think of it even more, it's a very cheap country which can teach you much more than you could imagine in a short period.
Keep in mind that you can decently live there for 200-300 $ a month with all the smoke you need. So take some time to make sure you will feel and blend in the culture a bit and you will discover a lot on yourself.
On the ganja, so far my friends did not report any real change on the legal situation. If you are smart you will find what you are looking for, and many many hints on the way to go have been detailled here.
and yes the language can be a problem, so if you are truely motivated about your trip you can find some class online. Nepali is very easy when it comes to simple conversations and it will open a world of options there.

I have yet to grow my nepali seeds, they are very hard to pop that's for sure so I will have to try some techniques. I want to get back on growing first before I start breeding. I also have to collect more seriously seeds by travelling there and not only scoring pounds, even if I still had the chance to select some strains from small fields.

Keep up the thread alive; I hope I will be able to make it a second life in a near future, but that will probably have to start by a Papua new guinea thread...


:thank you:


Keep the informative, interesting and well written posts coming Titoon! I've never been to Nepal, but reading this thread has given me the itch to go there and now I'll be much more well prepared and informed. Big thanks.

For wild or bag seeds that are hard to germinate....here's what I do : place the seeds on wet/damp tissues inside a sealed (Tupperware type) container that is sitting on a warm surface..25 ~ 28 Celsius...Landrace, bag seed, wild and or tropical seeds usually need higher temps than Dutch hybrids to max out their germination potential. A modem or amp works well as a "warmth pad", if this is too hot then raise the container on a mag or book. The underside of the container should be warm, not hot.

Landrace, old, wild, bag, tropical etc seeds often take longer to germinate than fresh hybrid seeds from the Seed Boutique, and so mold can occur on the seeds inside the damp container after 4 or 5 days, so monitor this I usually plant the seeds in soil after 3 or 4 days, so this is not a concern)...if there is soil or other organic substances in there with the wet tissues and seeds then mold is more likely to occur, to try to be clean by rinsing out the container and using clean water, new tissues and do this with clean hands. I usually lay down 4 or 5 doubled up layers of tissues inside the container, carefully pour enough water to fully wet the tissues, then carefully tilt the container and pour off the excess water leaving very damp tissues, then simply drop the seeds on the tissue and close the lid.

With this simple germination technique you will have some begin to germinate in 2 ~ 4 days, most of those will become seedlings, for those that do not split open after 5 days I'd suggest you plant these in soil and some of these will become seedlings.

Also, have the attitude that some, half or most will never germinate, so if you want 5 mature female plants, try to germinate 20 or 30 or even 40 seeds.

The biggest killer of seedlings around here are fungus gnat larvae.....so plant the seeds in a fresh seedling soil mix that is light, airy contains sand but zero manure or other organic ferts. Also try to keep any fruit peels out of the house and maintain a good air flow over the soil surface.

Happy germinations!
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I have yet to grow my nepali seeds, they are very hard to pop that's for sure so I will have to try some techniques. I want to get back on growing first before I start breeding. I also have to collect more seriously seeds by travelling there and not only scoring pounds, even if I still had the chance to select some strains from small fields.

You can try 1% solution of H2O2 which seems to increase the germination of seeds.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


good read

and good to drop into nepals wonderful world

thx for this report k+

eric stoner

Phantastic pictures from the land of all Hash dreams :blowbubbles::ying:

i really enjoyed the pics and report
:thank you:


good read on last pages, but i will read your thread from the beginning, because in autumn-winter i want to go in nepal for 1-2 years, after that to come back in Romania, say goodbye to all friends, because i am serious decided to move there for ever.
Namaste !
Yo great info and awesome read... What the Himalayas have to offer. Backbone of the world! Actually going to Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh , INDIA in next week. Next time I will go to Nepal for expedition. Thanks for educating.. Namaste