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My seed whore adventures. Where bad idea's are born.


Well-known member
let's reflect on that a bit please!

I'm also hearing stories about legal recreational mainly being bunk and as someone outside of that realm and still fully emerged in the "traditional" market I'm fascinated by it.

Considering that I'm smoking fire every day, doe I'm not allowed to and there should be no source for it^^

I like that kind of talk, much has changed since, feels good to be back at the right time ;)
Yes sir, back in the saddle. Had enough of the bs so here we are growing some beans.

As for that soulless pos, I don't what else to tell ya except all this dispensary weed up here is mostly the same buzz. Weak ass cookie crosses. You can find the odd gem like house of the great gardeners Jean guy but still stuck with poor massive grow op quality.

Home grown is 100% where it's at.


Well-known member
In order.

LA Affie
Viper Cookies (shell rescue)



Well-known member
Well shit, I broke half the taproot on the Grape kush while trying to put into a rockwool plug.

Looks like the bugger still trying to pop tho.

This is a first for moi.

Damn Temps keep getting into the low 50s here. Shed growing a different ball game lol


Well-known member
Well shit, I broke half the taproot on the Grape kush while trying to put into a rockwool plug.

dude please kick that tissue method
just soak em for 24hrs in water and put em into the wet cubes, they will do the rest by themself.
no more fumbling around so much, just let em grow!

Damn Temps keep getting into the low 50s here. Shed growing a different ball game lol

wtf? why don't you just put em in the house then? they tiny!


Well-known member
dude please kick that tissue method
just soak em for 24hrs in water and put em into the wet cubes, they will do the rest by themself.
no more fumbling around so much, just let em grow!

wtf? why don't you just put em in the house then? they tiny!
Heh I told myself I wasn't going to do it anymore but damn it's been almost 2 years and I forgot.

As for the cold, It's kinda an experiment with the shed/light and seedlings. Pushing to see how extreme is too extreme for growing. -1C right now, will be interesting to see them in the morning.


Well-known member
that's what I thought, one always reverts to their most practiced methods, when starting after these breaks. Happens to me too, with all kinds of things and fucking up reminds me, that I had been there before^^

I see what u are going for and if they expendable, why not?
just don't expect much in terms of vigor later on, because the early stage does matter.
it's totally fine, to baby them the first 2-3 weeks and guarantee a good start.


Well-known member
that's what I thought, one always reverts to their most practiced methods, when starting after these breaks. Happens to me too, with all kinds of things and fucking up reminds me, that I had been there before^^

I see what u are going for and if they expendable, why not?
just don't expect much in terms of vigor later on, because the early stage does matter.
it's totally fine, to baby them the first 2-3 weeks and guarantee a good start.
I'd say they're expendable. Oldest seeds in the stash trying to use up aside from the cannaventure LA Affie, which surprisingly is doing the best out of the lot.

The Grape Kush, I thought it's probably a goner. Just for shits an giggles I stuck the pathetic thing in the window where the sun shines most. That damn thing is growing its first set of leaves and quite quickly. So even tho I took off 50% of the tap root, it's still possible to recover I guess. 😅

I'm hoping once they all land in the ground they'll do OK after withstanding some punishment in the cold. All just experimental for me. I could read and read and read all day long about other ppls experiences but I learn hands on.

So far the skankberry isn't liking the cold, the leaves are clawing pretty hard and turning fusia/purple on the undersides.

Going to be transplanting into some promix since I'm about 3 days behind (damn work) and roots were showing. Ugh

Poor things are punished.


Well-known member
Well well well. A fellow I work with, who lives just down the road... offered me his massive heated workshop space in exchange to teach him how to do a grow.
I think I may take that offer.


Well-known member
you have to do it yourself, that's for sure.

to help with the cold, you can use warmer water on them.
just keep that spring water bottle stored at room temperature and add some low dose of hydro nutrients, once the cubes need watering. just a tiny bit, so you have some EC
It's actually better to keep em in the cubes until the first 3 sets of true leaf, in that situation.
they wont be rooting as well into cold wet soil, if transplanted with that little root yet.

again, I would just take em all inside and put em at a window dress, until they like 5 inches.
that would save you the most effort & time

PS: great news with the workshop, you should take that opportunity and go there.
Take all your gear and spark up asap, start with what you have and after being successful you can expand according to your needs.


Well-known member
I'm gonna take your advice on the water and go a bit warmer. Unfortunately I can't take them inside and I think I may have done some root damage with the water already which is why I was gonna originally do the transplant. I got all my grow shit in storage bins and can't find some of my gear and soaking those roots flat on the plate is slowing down my growth with root death.

I'm gonna give just a lick of some food though as you said. I started letting the cubes dry a bit to pull some new roots out.

With transplants I don't water them much. I usually just get the cube wet and let the medium area leech the moisture around the cube as I try to get those roots outwards a bit.

As for the workshop, I work with the guy but don't really know em kinda thing. With both work stupid hours and I rotate night/day unlike him. I was just talking to him and he is almost begging to be shown how to do this stuff and does seem sincere, but really has zero clue about anything other than smoking it. I think I might start something with him around July as I'm tied up until then. Hope it works out, because damn... this guy is making some bud, hash and new crosses.


Well-known member
My abused skankberry.
Heh its a learning curve thing :)


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Well-known member
Hahaha so I think I wiped out Grape Kush. Took her outside finally and she flopped over first cold night and hot day...

I should of expected that. She wasn't born in these conditions like the other 3 were.


Well-known member
What a train wreck. I got no damn plant food. Not sure what to do other than top dress with soil with water release nutrients in it until I can get some. Ffs!

I stuck that grape kush in the sun and the bugger popped back up... idk, something about that ball in the sky that does wonders..


Well-known member
Hungry bastards. Grabbing food in 20 mins once local garden centre's open.

All I could find is all my bloom food.
I gotta get my shit together.

The grape kush is making a comeback from deaths door twice. 🤪

Edit: crisis averted. Grabbed some generic bs water soluble plant food with high N


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Well-known member
Wow ok so the baby Moxie grape kush just reeks. Skunky at that! Noticed a couple white spots that look like water droplets on the leaf. Fuck I hope that isn't PM.

The Cannaventure LA Affie (pictured) is taking off in growth 2x faster than everything else currently.

Another light feeding in the works tonight.



Well-known member
Ooo! Scored a couple packs of Cherry West BX4 and some Sensi Star BX2

Looking at those Appy f3's .... hide the wallet!


Well-known member
Group shot.

Honestly, I'm impressed as hell these started in huge temp swings and took a -1C beating and they still do alright. I'm learning a few things here, one, you can fuck a taproot 50% clean off and still germinate. Two, seedlings don't like going from inside to outside in big temp swings... hate it actually. Three, these plants are more resilient and amazing than I ever thought, even after dropping them on their heads a dozen times as babies.

I can tell root expansion is rapidly taking hold now so, yeah... happy.

Think I'll sprinkle some myco and give em a bit of silica as I usually do around this time.

Please don't ask me PPM, dates, how much nutes I'm using etc. Honestly guys, other than PH the input, I wing the rest in all my grows. The plant tells me if I'm being dumb with something.

Last two feedings idk what I even put in size/mix wise ... 😅

Growing under a 200w ish spider farmer LED light since they first cracked.

Yes i keep my light low, and intesnse as i can on seedlings.

Im also growing in almost 24 hour light currently.

(Yeah I know I break all the rules, an no ive never had a plant hermie)
That's mostly it.
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Well-known member
Small update. Girls been praying all day 🙏

I just gave em another light blast of food with some Pro Tekt silicon. Holding off on myco as they're going into the ground shortly. Just getting some good roots established first.


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