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My new cab - Female seed NL

Did you clip a small piece of one of the buds? You need to actually clip into a bud to examine the trichs in the core of the bud rather than on the outside as they develop at different rates, depending on the lighting. I made the mistake of only examining the trichs on the little sugar trimm'd leaves and thought they were all cloudy. I still had a lot of clear trichs in the actual bud and the high wass strong, but short and wasnt as pleasant as I would have hoped.

I'd read similar things about clipping a leaf, but I found that with a bit of practice you can hold the microscope on the buds and get better images. I do take them out from under the HPS to examine. You can dial in the focus, then move it around and re-dial as necessary.


Active member
And the total is - - -

And the total is - - -

Hey guys - Well, 3 days after the chop, & with the small fan blowing on them (2 days of buds hanging), I've got the total yield - 58 grams. A little over 2 ounces - Meh!! But that's OK, though - these are really good looking, GREAT smelling budz, they are going to smoke the best so far, I know it!

(pictures taken yesterday)

Nicely done! Did they get amber this time?

Thanks, Red, before my 3-day dark period, I noticed probably 15-percent ambers, everything else was cloudy - no clear. I think I should get some relaxing smoke out of these buds - We'll see!

Great work man. Did you feel like the UV helped?
You know, I'm not sure. I did get ambers, but I'm not sure whether I didn't get ambers in the past, but just couldn't see them with the magnifier I had. I think certainly it didn't hurt. I'm going to add 2 "lizard lights" to my next grow, earlier into the flowering stage.

wow she looks great. buds look dense too.
Thanks, Cheesebuds - I didn't have the heaviest of yields, but the quality of the buds are probably my best - they're very frosty, and I'm a happy camper!

I'd read similar things about clipping a leaf, but I found that with a bit of practice you can hold the microscope on the buds and get better images. I do take them out from under the HPS to examine. You can dial in the focus, then move it around and re-dial as necessary.

I'm going to need more practice, personally - I needed to clip-off a piece.

You're a regular pro in two grows. Don't forget the smoke report. :yummy:

Well, certainly not a pro, but learning for sure. This is a great hobby because you never learn it all - it's interesting, rewarding and humbling all at the same time!


Active member
Thanks OMJebus & sneakinman13, yeah - between this 2 oz, and my last 3 oz NL grow & 2 oz of White Widow from grows past left, I've got lots of herb stashed! I decided to "retire" the NL's for now, I've got enough to hold me for a bit, for sure. Next project will likely be LUI, when the stash starts to run low.