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My MH Pc Grow case


Woot mid vacation updates are the best :) looookin gooood

Your definitely gonna have to let us know how that filter holds up with the flowers im forseeing :D

I just finished gutting my case :whee: and if all goes well it might end up looking a lot like this

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Looking awesome!!
I am dabbling in the idea of an hps in my pc...
LST or scrog are the only ways to go in a pc.
So we are at week 2 of flowering. a couple of leaves are yellowing but i think its cause they get no light. i could be wrong though. i did cut back on the earth juice grow a little. maybe to soon? sorry my camera ran out of batteries. so i had to use my cell phone camera. the one picture is with flash and other with it off. it seems to have a weird color when the light first comes on. but usually greens up after a few hours. it does get down to 66 to 68 in the case with lights off. i dont know if that is a problem or not?




a suggestion for your humidity problem... I had the same issue so I put a cold air humidifier in the room that my computers are sitting in. Brought the RH up quite a bit.. they are relatively cheap to buy as well.



I forget the brand name off the top of my head, but I picked it up at a grocery store for cheap. Just look for the cool mist humidifiers. I believe the one I picked up was made by the company that owns Vick's.

so i figured since i am up during light hours i would post some more pictures. its day 17 of flower. seems like the stretching has stopped. well enjoy!




Do you think you would get better scrog coverage if you were rotating the crop? or are you happier with the plant centering itself? just curious, looking good man very goood
its very possible i would of. i didn't get to crazy with training it. i just wanted to make sure the case did its job lol. but for next grow for sure i will. also will get a indica in there. even though im shocked how well the ak47 stayed bushy and short.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...

Lookin' great man! Love seeing an HID in a PC :tiphat:

And you'll be happy to know hurricane lamps scale well too, here are some cooling my 1kw :D :joint:



hahaha dude once again im high and back on your thread and have to say this is getting me stoked for a pc run

That should be some solid ak!! should end up with some good weight for the small amount of trainging.. ill be watchin :lurk:
Took some pictures before the lights went off. i have my timer set to go off at 1pm then on at 1am. im pretty sure its about day 20 since i flipped to 12/12. also so far no smells outside of the case. it does smell when you take it out though lol






theyre gonna turn out to be some very dence nuggets,

props man, amazing case,

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