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Mr.Wags Goes Buckets But What About Bob?


New member
mrwags said:
Blueprint you will be VERY VERY happy you asked this question. The first time I tokk EVERY last freakin ball and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed only to find out from one of our ICM Master Growers that all ya gotta do is get out the bulk of the roots and whats left will be turned into sugar's to help feed the next round of girls. So my friend I just saved ya about 12 hours of your life SO use it wisely.


sweet! :woohoo:

thanks :respect:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Well finally I can put the Kleenex away. I thought we had so much fun at the Prom. :pointlaug T Just let me say this


Had it not been for those shots of your Redwoods last year I might not have ever made the jump to buckets. Water Leaks bah My room is completely sealed top to bottom the water would simply pool around the buckets and force me to get out the Shop Vac, now there T will be the next gift. Man's gift to grow room cleanup THE SHOP VAC. One of the best things I've ever bought.

But seriously I just wanted to make sure you read my pm regarding the packing paper b4 well you know. They wanted a fortune for that stuff and I said to myself This stuff is free and maybe we could do a community service because I bet atleast one or two of them is up around your neck of the woods somewhere. :pointlaug

Do you think I over vegged this time T? First time with this Ice stuff but what do ya think 24 buckets this spring is going to look like?

Sorry for the rib shot sweetie. :bat: No I'm Not :sasmokin: It's funny as hell



Tree Grower
mrwags said:

Do you think I over vegged this time T? First time with this Ice stuff but what do ya think 24 buckets this spring is going to look like?

Sorry for the rib shot sweetie. :bat: No I'm Not :sasmokin: It's funny as hell


You flatter me sweetie and will dedicate the next so called Redwood grow to you 3 G-13 and 3 S.A.G.E.
:redface: . :chin: shop vac huh now why did i know that!!!What duct tape is to the handy man the shop vac is to the hydro grower :biglaugh: :tongue:.As for packaging no worry's had a good chuckle some real scarey dudes :yoinks: .

Now the question did you veg to long :chin: we'll see shortly :biglaugh:.But really can't say as i usually do the same thing myself just don't know when to say enough is enough !!!I myself usually veg till they get to my

but with bra on so as there not on the floor :redface: .Your garden is looking terrific as alway's handsome and think it time to try these strain's myself someday as your doing a bang up job for Female Seed's.They sure picked the right tester in my humble opinion :bow: :respect: :friends: :wink: .


hey there wags........ :joint:

Good to see you not missing a beat with them buckets. Hope everything thing else is going well! :bongsmi:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Hello T how the hell are ya? And the late great SmokeIndica "Rosebud" to you my friend. :bat: :pointlaug

I hope all is well for everyone,I've been a little busy with a new job but things should be settling down very soon so that I may as I always say Share The Love:

Has anyone every met one of those lady's that no matter what ya did she well how can I say Oh yeah a "Bitch"? Well meet my bitch:

As you can see she's head and shoulders above the rest. It's not the bucket she's been moved,she's just a mean Bitch that WILL do whatever SHE wants,so I stuck her in the corner and let her think about it for a while.

Bob is doing well to:

And since I'll have no room for any mom's the next run I put my skunky mommy in the flower room:

Running at 1500 ppm and all is well. Hope every one has a great weekend because it's finally here. :woohoo:



I didn't realize that you got it all fired back up again :pointlaug Looks great Wags. You really have this set up dialed and your plants can't look any happier. About how tall were the Ice when ya flipped em?


truly a sight for sore eyes mr wags:)
i wish my garden look so good.

you really have a green thumb.
keep up the good fight



Can't wait to see those ice beauties budding...I plan to pick your brain about buckets sometime down the line once I get into my own place.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Be Nice Be Respectful and Have A Nice Day

Be Nice Be Respectful and Have A Nice Day

Now On With The Show:

Last edited:


Tree Grower
Very well put Mr.Wag's and i totally agree with each and every word.I also came to learn from the best without the childish behavour.That's why i came HERE and not elsewhere.

Lot's of frosty goodness going on :yoinks:.Thinking these will fill into some HUGE bud's forsure.I said it befor and will again Female Seed's picked the RIGHT test grower to show off there strain's.Hope all is well with you and your's take care my :friends: :wink: .

I for 1 am glad you decided to VENT instead of keeping your update to yourself.As i along with many other's who have followed your thread FAITHFULL would have had a :badday: :badday: without your weekly dose of eye candy :yummy: :wave: .


Plant Manager
nice Room of Bud you got there...how many phenos are you seeing? Or can you even get to the back of the room? and no...getting on your hands and knees and crawling to the back doesnt count :) Carry on MasterWags...


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Sorry I'm late there Sunny. :bat: Hard Night :yummy: For those of you who are new this is the weekly update of the Bob and Rob show. I see the tide is subsiding and our group has gained a lot of knowledge Well Done for us all. Sleepy my digi has a nice big viewfinder so that I may hold it up I'm a scrawny cuss but I'm mean as hell :sasmokin: but have a good heart and that is what most counts. :yummy: Jenna dear where have ya been? your love is golden and much needed in the garden and T dam it T I'm gonna miss TK. My mentor of 2 years has moved on. :badday: Sad day indeed and the best to the Texas Gentleman.

Love ya all and post what ya want because we need the love. :woohoo:

Oh Bob is kickin out some nice clones as well:

Be Safe All



Tree Grower
mrwags said:
T dam it T I'm gonna miss TK. My mentor of 2 years has moved on. :badday: Sad day indeed and the best to the Texas Gentleman.


Was a black eye to us all and like you said a very
:badday: :badday: it was.I will miss his wisdom, knowledge ,humour and above all friendship on this site :badday: .Couldnt ask for a better GENTLEMAN!!He was the first of many friend's i met here.

:yoinks: Those are going to be some huge colas fattening up nicely.A real frosty strain indeed another winner from Female Seed's it look's like :yummy: .I see Bob's treating the lady's well :woohoo: .Another killer grow Mr.Wag's i :chin: you should get my parcel this week my :friends: :wink: .


Active member
:rasta: :rasta: :rasta:

lookin' good, wags!!!

"Sleepy my digi has a nice big viewfinder so that I may hold it up I'm a scrawny cuss but I'm mean as hell but have a good heart and that is what most counts."

hehehe...you old softee! :pointlaug


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
whats up w/texas kid.i'm n ew round here @ have read @ learned lots from t.k.

Sad to say but Texas Kid saddled up and mossied off in to the sunset for a trip. I hope it's not forever but time will tell. Bonzo the clones were at that time running about 1200 I flood very seldom since I use the Ready Grow at it works nicely as you can see:

Here is the Sour Diesel I got for a X-mas present:

And the Ice Oh man the Ice they are filling up nicely:

I hope all is well for everyone and wish Good Karma to all.
