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Mr GreenJeans - Something old something new, something sour and something blue...

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Dude I am not sure if you want to even smoke it if was made into oil, that is sulphur. I may only be a pretend internet doctor, but I can tell ya, that ain't good for ya

man it must be nice not to care how big your plants get.

Good luck with your youngins bro


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh nice genes you are playing with.....i also have some DC started a few days ago....they where f's from tom hill's gear....only 5 out of 7 came up, but i'm sbout them
Nway you girls look lovely....and i can't anwser your sulpher Q...don't know notthing bout that :confused:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, great looking harvest on the C13. I have some of those ecsd x strawd's going, one of my favorite plants right now to grow... nice smoke too. Making f2's soon along with some cross's... found a nice male in the batch.... keep up the great work man...I tried to rep ya but there's something up with the site.



West Coast ICer
Whats up Mr GreenJeans? :wave:

How's life treating you my friend? Well I hope. :chin:

What's going on with the sulfer? Is that for powdery mildew or is it used for other things too? :1help:

I too have been having cloning troubles. Clones have been taking way more time to root than normal. I think it is the warmer temps but i dunno for sure. :confused:

Was wondering the origin of CrippleCreek x Sputnik. Sounds something like I would find back east in my younger days. Shit would take you to the moon. :whip:



Active member
wow...bummer about the sulpher... :badday:

this sure is one resilient plant!!

sounds like a fabulous line up for the next cycle.

take another victory lap, sir!

beep beep! :jump:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey MGJ...shame bout the sulfur, but cant u just spray her down good with water??Maybe that'll help!!!!IDK, but keep on keepin on bro..Peace

- Z


Active member
hey bro :rasta:

hope all is well with ya, sorry to here about the sulfer burner accident.

gonna be starting back up in a few days, it;s been a long wait for me but i wait no more :jump:

cant wait to here those awsome smoke reports your gonna have, i'll be in the recliner lookin for those snickerdoodles, i think sleepy ate em all lol.

take care my friend, will be talkin to ya soon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya FiveLeggedGoat :wave:
Welcome my friend, thanks for visiting with fine comments!

Bom Dia RealSupreme :wave:
Muito obrigado buddy - what a tree hedge that one was!!!

Hiya Dr D :wave:
Thanks much my friend! Yeah, I think you're right - still I harvested her and letting her dry, just in case I can rescue the trichs later. BTW, you are a pretend internet doctor with great bedside manner! :yes:

The plants look big in the pictures, but they are not trees in the same category as our lovely Theresa grows - total height I can have under the lights is 44 inches. That's big enough to let me run fewer plants though. I think what happened this summer is I crowded the place with thick bushy plants and got mildew even with fans blowing ait around.

Thanks for the good wishes on the young ins too - they're looking happy so far - one of two DCs popped, 5/5 mongrul and 5/6 ECDxSTD - should keep me busy this fall :woohoo:

Hiya Core :wave:
Thanks very much for the props buddy :wink: Nice score on the filial DCs - I think the couple I received were old - one of them is up, I'm thinking of keeping it wether male or female... Yeah, bummer on turning on the sulfur vape, shouldn't leave it hanging plugged in and ready to go :pointlaug I'm going to try revegging her - keepin my fingers crossed...

Hiya Black Ra1n :wave:
Thanks buddy! I hope I can reveg her! :yes: on the tasty deez - I'll be keepin my eyes open for your f2 project... Good luck my friend!

Hiya damakkus :wave:
I'm doin ok - hope U R too! I had a mildew problem this summer, serenade / SM90 / fans / dehumidifier couldn't control it so I tried a sulfur burner. Worked very well, cleared out the mold, salvaged the plants, but I left it plugged in on a switch - hit the switch by accident and didn't realise until the next day. Too late in flower for the CCxSP... :asskick: I'm trying another area for cuts, sprayed it down with lysol / bleach, hope we both can clone this fall when the molds fade away.

The CC x Sputnik - I don't think it was around when we were younger - it's CrippleCreek by Tom Hill crossed with Sputnik by Subcool. Hope the reveg takers on her - she has a nice skunky aroma... Be well buddy! :wave:

Hiya Sleepy :wave:
Thanks much buddy! Frankly I'm surprised she didn't hermie on me, she was very stressed between the lock out and the mildew. Yup, hoping for some nice buddage the next couple cycles. Wanna join me and Barbie for a lap around the track? :laughing:

Hiya Zeus :wave:
Thanks for the suggestion my friend - I had a fan blowing hard on her the past week - I think she's too sticky to let go of the sulfur particles... I ahven't given up hope though - gotta research into the sulfur, see if there is some physical or solvent way to separate. Thanks for your support bro!

Hiya dwtc!! :wave:
Brosef - how UB??? Good to cya... :friends: Glad to hear you'll be starting up again soon - looking forward to checking out your garden!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Weekend update:

Weekend update:

Jarred the bogglegum this weekend - 120 grams after 1 week hanging and 1 week in a paper bag. Grape flavor with a hint of bubblegum taste - nice mixed high, not couchlock at all... I'll have the weight on the C13 next weekend.

Took the CCxSP this weekend - here's her pics at day 60...

Bud's don't smell of sulfur unburned - but there is a rotten egg smell when burned. After trimming I put her up for a reveg, if I can salvage her I'll run her again...

Blockhead day 5 flower

Giant leaves bigger than my hand - gorgeous girl - gonna let her go untopped, she's a few inches shy of 3 feet now....

GDP day 11 flower

After I took this shot, I gave her a trim, kept only stocky stems - I'll have an after trim shot up this week. 44 inches tall, looks like she's stopped stretching.

Here's a shot at what happens to the leaves if they get a bit too much sulfur in the vape - easy to do in a small closet...

B back l8r :wave:
Hey Mr GJ
Oooh 120 grams of Bogglegum, NICE!!!
That CCXSP looks good too, :yummy:


ouch!, are they gonna be fine when ya give em some more time?? Good luck with getting rid of the sulphur-particles
:wave:, Low

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya High Lowlander :wave:
Thanks buddy! Yes, those girls are very nice. No worries on the GDP - it's early enough that she will recover fine - tonight's pics show her growing strong. I had to do the same to that bogglegum I just harvested and she turned out ok. No later than 2-3rd week flower.

Hiya buzzed day :wave:
Thanks brosef! Be safe be happy!


Blockhead Day 8 flower

This girl is stretchy, 3 feet tall now! Gave her a second tipping tonight.

GDP day 15 flower

I trimmed a lot of slender stems, doesn't come across in the pics... Shouldn't have mold problems now, good open space between branches. The closeup shows good recovery from the sulfur, new growth is fine, nodes staying very tight, she's getting hairy 'pits :laughing: :muahaha:

Had some vegging pics but can't get them uploaded...:cuss: The other gdp is overgrown, I want to trim it up this weekend. I got 1/5 female Golden Skush, but that girl is a cutie. Compact with very tight node spacing - the males ranged from 1.5-2 x larger with generous space between nodes.

The ecsdxstd and mongrul seeds are great growers out of the gate. One of the 2 DC seeds molded, the other is showing root tip, a bit slow but she still has a chance. Put her in 100% Light Warrior until she stands up and parked her on my warm cable box.

My latest cloning experiment - I took the Blockhead cuts, dipped them in full strenght Serenade, leaving them overnight in Dyna Gro KLN and SM90. Tomorrow I'll put them in the bubbler. With xed fingers :bashhead:

This weekend I'll jar the C13 and post the dry weight. Cya l8r :wave:


Hey bro.
The C13 cuts are getting moldy, big bummer.
The bogglegum, all have roots.
Thanks again.


West Coast ICer
Hiya MrGJ, :wave: glad your doing well my friend.

Looks like your giving the ladies an endless amount of TLC :canabis:

I hope you have better luck with the cloning this go around. :chin:


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya rule :wave:
Glad the bogglegum rooted! :woohoo: I know you'll love her. Enjoy!

Hiya damakkus :wave:
Thanks very much buddy! Props on your garden too my friend - looks like the domain of the Jolly Green Giant - HO HO HO :yes::canabis:

Here come the pics...

Blockhead fan leaf...

Love the look of this leaf!

GDP day 17 flower

You can see that this girl has recovered from the sulfur burn, buds are fattening up.

Now the veg area.

Mongrul Seedlings

ECSD x STD Seedlings

Golden Skush

She's just under 2 feet tall now, I'd like to get her bigger before I flip her.

Amnesia99 and C99 moms

About ready for a clip and a repot.


She's big, would really like to get a rooted clone before I flower her out.

GDP vegging

This girl gets a trim this weekend. She's waiting for some room in the cabinet.

That all for now - thanks for looking!:wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, nice haul on the bogglegum. When you paper bag your buds do you put them in a box or just leave them out?



Active member
wow...quite a smorgasbord of bud! :muahaha:

i got Paul Of Dune the other day...i can't wait!! :jump:

enjoy your weekend, MGJ!


Active member
Hiya MGJ :wave:
Man you do the growing thing --like a hurricane does its blowin thing!!!--
Just stoppin by to show some grow-love
peace and kindness


Bodhisattva of the Earth
MGJ, it sure is "good" to see you out plowing the love & kindness rows, row after row of heavenly delight! You inspire the best out of everything bro!
Blessings & Joy..........Desi!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Sorry been away for a while folks - appointments and such...

Hiya Black Ra1n :wave:
Thanks much buddy! I have one of those UHaul cardboard closets - I hang them in their for a week, then I put them in a paper bag inside the closet for a week, then I jar and burp for a few.... I keep them in the box to keep them out of the light.

Hiya Sleepy :wave:
Thanks for the kind words broseph! Making up for lost flower time :laughing: Whoops - thanks for the reminder about Paul of Dune - gotta order a copy!

Hiya Anima :wave:
Thanks for dropping by buddy! I gotta get WAY out there and visit your growthread!

Hiya Desiderata :wave:
Thanks for stopping by with kind words Des :yes: Peace and Happiness!

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