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moonshine mix


Active member
Hows it going MSM? GLad to see you up and running again. I just wanted to say I went to a diff mix that is very similar but not like yours. I used the HappyFrog and 1 bag of light warrior in veg and HappyFrog and 1 cup peace of mind for flower. I noticed that when I went to flower I needed to add nutes. The only other thing Ive used is cal-mag and fish mix in veg. I also add sweet. Rom told me only to use it .......I think he said day 30 of flower. I think that you said to use it in veg so I was kinda confused. I have a new strain that is kicking ass. Its called BlackBubba. Motarebel crossed Blackwidow with Bubba and she is so frosty at day 20 of flower. Well again nice to here from you....
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Active member
Ok stopped by the store and picked up a bag of each and a 12l bag of perlite question is is that enough perlite and if i wanted to use tarantula and piranha also how would be the best way to administer these into soil?

sorry for the dumb questions just never did soil before :pointlaug


Active member
Moonshineman said:
Lookin good....the mix is super simple...you can use it from seed to flower it just doesnt need the dry ferts (peace of mind) early on.....Watering is the Key to this mix...overwater and youll see all sorts of weird "nute def" poppin up....let it dry completely and the probs disappear......the Current mix goes a lil sumthin like this...

(bag of each)
Ocean Forest
Planting Mix (guano/castings)
Light Warrior
Black Gold
Coco Brick(small brick)
1 cup peace of mind (for flower)
2- 5 gal buckets worth of perilite....

And the LARGE Chunky Perilite...RULES....small perilite packs down over time ...the large perilite creates huge air pockets for the roots to grow through....over the last 3 yrs anytime I have gone back to the small diameter perilite my plants SUFFER and yeilds diminish.....You have to try the stuff to understand and even then you may not comprehend (like me) the benefits the large core peri makes.....great stuff....

Romulator has been usin my mix for a couple of yrs now and he is like me always tinkering and tweakin the mix...but in the end its the core 3 bag fox farm mix that makes this shit work....

my only "additives" Id tell anyone to try would be "Fish Mix" from biobizz for a lil boost in veg and Advanced Nutes "Moter Earth Super Tea" for a lil boost on day 25-30 for LARGE plants ......But honestly the mix dont need nuthin....

Keep up the good work.....


picture is The "Wrigley's Huzh" its a BubbaKush x HAze/Skunk, it looks like a Bubba smokes like a HAze......

I would do exactly what MSM says to do. 2 5 gallon buckets or just put the whole bag in their and see how the drainage is.


Active member
cool dude i will just add another bag just to be safe i am sure one bag will only be about one 5 gal. bucket....

so as far as how big plants should be when put into the soil :chin:

is it to hot for rooted clones or its it fine?


Active member
I'm pretty sure your working with 13 hours of light outside so you'll be ok. I just threw out my bubba from clone and after 5 days she gots flowers!


hey i stumbled upon this thread and was mainly interested because of the ease of growing. Had a question tho. Would this soil mix work wonders outside also? it would be spectacular since gurilla growing takes so much effort and if it works, then all u need to do is haul water :chin: So i guess im just asking if it would work outdoors without transplanting them multiple times (i am assuming it would, but still skeptical) hopefully i can use this for the 07 grow :woohoo: :woohoo:


Active member
Its the same thing but stronger light :bow: ! I have a Bubba outside in this mix doing great. The only thing I would recommend is adding the peace of mind when you start to flower and not in veg. I added it in veg my first grow (page 1) and I had some deficiency early on :pointlaug . I think it had to do with the peace of mind. But you should be fine because the main thing is the 3 bag mix like MSM says. Keep us posted
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Drum Roll Please........

Moonshineman has Tweaked the mix.......with a very simple Fert schedule...and so far the results are lookin ASTONISHING.........

Information to follow soon.....



Active member
Oh yea just in time :yoinks: ......My harvest is due. I dont know how much more ASTONISHING it could be BUT... if you say it is I know its going to be the shit! :woohoo:
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Active member
Mysta I am germinating your next grow now.
5 Sour D's and 5 Choco D's.
Should be ready for soil in a day or 2.


Active member
Im ready bro I hope MSM posts a recipe soon so I can get this test underway. JD im also ging to put one bubba and one pink kush in the flower room. The rest are going to be outside hidden real good. Ill keep the keepers of the choco D and sour D. I hope I get a male and Ill throw that dick outside.


Can anyone tell me if Happy Frog is a good alternative to any one of the three bags? My hydro shop doenst carry anything but OF and Happy Frog. I can get Light Warrior elsewhere, but no Planting Mix...


Active member
I did my last grow with HappyFrog and light warrior. The mix was great BUT.......the 3 bag mix is better. I used a bag of hp with a bag of light warrior and added peace of mind in flower. The happyfrog bag mix basically has all 3 of the mixes in it. It just dosent have enough nutes so youll have to add.


Active member
I used straight happy frog for this last grow.
It was killer. Big fat stinky sappy buds like we all love to see everyday.
Just needs a little food added until the last 3-4 weeks.
And I'm going to add some perlite to it this time.
Thats all it's really missing.
Itr doesn't have to have the perlite.
BUt I want more in it.
I'm gonna go with about 30-40 % perlite this time.
The big chunky kind.
I feed very light with Big Bloom,Liquid Karma and sweet.
Sometimes silicate and Tiger Bloom if they need N in flower.
And one dose of Tiger in the first couple weeks.
I tryed a new thing though.
I added Big Bloom and a little Grow Big in the first week of my Bubba Bush.
Because the lower leaves were all ready yellowing.
So I might cut the Tiger Bloom out completely unless needed in the last month or so as an emergency N feeding.

Did you habg onto one of each of those clones?
The Bubba and PInk Kush?
I'm out of clones on those for a while.
And you don't want to bring them in from outside...bugs!
The mothers were just started over so there are no clones to take.
I smoked some Pink kush today.
It's more potent then the Bubba.Tasty too.
But Bubba tastes better I think.
We'll see what happens with a cure.
The Pinks Coming down tonight I think.
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20kw dreams

What's up guys:wave: Long time no see.

Well, after 2 losing bouts with the narliest strain of pythium I've ever heard of in my NFT system, I'm back to soil. You should hear the shit I learned about pythium, and especially this strain I got. It was this certain strain that thrives in low temperatures, like the ones usually used to deter pythium...gnarly stuff...

Anyways, I did an assload of research into beneficials and what not, and it eventually lead me to some kind of soilless mix with a host of beneficials, which I am trying to create.

I'm not however using the MSM mix, due to my being too cheap, or poor rather. Instead I'm using a worm castings, perlite, composted steer manure, and coco mix with alfalfa meal, kelp meal, leonardite ore, and bone meal as ferts. I would have used a high P bird or bat quano instead of the bone meal, but once again, 2 ruined crops can ruin a man.:sad:

Here's a funny little piece of info for you guys. Did you know: something like 98% of all the beneficial bacteria, mychrohiza, and trichoderma die within minutes of being innoculated into the soil? That's right, they get eaten up by other fungi, bacteria, etc. The surviving ones then establish themselves if you have the right conditions in your soil.

Anyways, I am basing my fert levels on the F&F...if that means anything..lol...

So MSM! you caved in to feeding the gals eh! lets see what these gals can do!

Mysta - Did I ever write back to you? I remember you sent me a pm, but I don't remember if I ever got back to you. I've been working full time, going to school full time, and have a wife, kid, and another little man due in 5 days. Maybe that'll let me off for not writing back to you:)

I have a couple little bonus tricks I've learned though that I'm going to tell you about, and ya'll should listen well...you too MSM...

Some of you might have heard of this before, but indulge me. If you are way against chemicals period, then ignore me. There is an excellent way to increase your yields substantially, withough adding anything to your mix, but making your rootball bigger. Check this out: it's copper paint! sounds wierd, I know, but find some kind of copper powder, like copper hydroxide, copper oxide, etc...something that is not a wierd far out copper chemical, and mix it with a non toxic latex paint. Now, paint the inside of your pots with the stuff. When the roots hit this stuff, they get a nice chemical root pruning and laterally branch back inside the pot.

The second thing is "root shield". It's Trichoderma StrainT-22 This shit is a vicious colonizer of the roots for our side. This stuff has been in commercial use for a while, and is just now coming out in the retail market. It is the only thing that has fought an uphill battle against my pythium. In fact, I'm finally seeing new bright white root hairs after 2 weeks of this stuff in a pythium drenched system. It is probably the single best innoculant you could ever buy for your rootzone, and is even sold on advanced nutrients site because the strain is patented and they can't jack it like they have everybody elses shit

All rigtht, nuff ramblin...later

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