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monkeys' juice drips on coco just b'cuzz


Active member
As some of ya may already know I'm one of the few the proud doing the new Monkey Juice for a test run and since that title was taken (good thread check it out)....there ya go. I use B'cuzz coco cuz it's already expanded/rinsed etc...and after years of soak...rinse...drain...rinse...I feel lazy lol. The only time I did try to rinse it, the runoff was crystal clear. Negative: the fibers are too fine. Next run I'm thinkin of the coarser sunleaves block as it has a nice mix of chunks and longer fibers. Chunks were trialed and by themselves do not seem well suited to handwatering but probably great for drip, a mix would be perfect IMO.

I got the Monkey Juice Veg A+B and the Bloom A+B, along with carboload, B-52, and already have Rhizotonic, PK 13-14, LK, and Sweet -a few of which may or may not be used.

First time starting seed in coco...

As a rule i tend to start seed in either soil or rockwool, but this time decided to give it a go in coir from the start. So far there are slight signs of salt toxicity. Hopefully these will go away as the medium is rinsed with further waterings and the seedlings get larger. Strains are: F13, Calio (DP), THS Purps, and a test run for Steel Savage's BKxBS (check out his awesome blockhead thread for more detail).

So far the clones seem to like it

a week later:

Running 1050 ppm. Concentration/strength is roughly equivalent to Canna.

Clones are: V3 deez, BM pebbles, and Swazi sat and 50/50
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Active member
Awesome SEEDY I'm real excited about the F13. I got one of those crinkle types so far, as expected...

The most vigorous so far are the BKBS, with F13 a close second, F13 germed first though (a matter of 12-24 hr difference). Purps have quite a few freaks, took the longest to germ, already clearly mostly Sat. dom. and Calio is stretchy, with a couple shorter ones.
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Voluptuous Trichomes
Good to see ya back in action...
Lookin' forward to seeing the DP Cali-O...I'm gonna run Hemcy's soon
Good start.....gonna tagalag


Hey aeric,

like VT said, good to see you back in action. looks like a large selection, it's gonna be fun:yes:

i hear you on the seed popping, coco isn't ideal for sprouting beans, i know it works for some, but i find RW cubes easier to start up seeds in.


Active member
Thanks VT and Gauis. That Hemcy Calio sounds good...I'll be watchin for that. Gauis this is probably going to be the only time I do lings in coir. I knew it wouldn't be the best but had to prove it to me own eyes. Nonetheless they do look ite. (edit: sorry to confuse, they were sprouted in rockwool then put immediately in coir, by "starting seeds in soil or rw" [stated above] i really meant for the first 4-6 weeks until they can be cloned )

Those purps are just freaky....but i don't rule them out yet huh uh. With only 3-4 nodes they have started sidebranching, ya gotta love wall to wall reflectix! This little box is the best for seeds and clones. By the way if you noticed the numbers don't add up it's cuz some of the lings are in the mother box.
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Active member
As an aside I'm liking the idea of traditional Bonsai soil more and more for bonsai moms....

It wont break down into an inpenetrable, oxy starved, salty brick after 12-18 months like peat mixes do, but you get what u pay for, it's expensive.


Active member
One of the Purps started alternating at the 3rd node, so it looks more like a clone than a seedling, you can clearly see the cotyledons still hanging on at the bottom.

Toward the top one of the fans grew above the lateral branch instead of below.


Active member
They still seem to like their Monkey Juice

Not the best pic but u get the idea...still at 1100 ppm, gonna bump it up next res. Just the A+B and a little LK brings em to pH 5.9, they are nicely buffered, no other additives yet.



Voluptuous Trichomes
Lookin' good....LK is indispensable far as I'm concerned....that stuff is like rocket fuel for the plants seems like....

This coco is amazing....so many different nutes work well in the stuff seems like

Edit: I see you answered my question in an earlier post (thanks)...nevermind :)

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The warlock i am growing has that double serration. What others strains have that?
Your plants seem to be liking the monkey juice. I didn't think that stuff was good just because of what i read on the net :pointlaug stupid me.


Active member
I was referring to the AE77 Calio, which actually has more serrations than the above example, thought it was kinda cool though. I don't know of any others so we can add Warlock to the list! Is it just one of them or several? Maybe you found something rare.

I probably read alot of the same things about M.J. you did Jim, the real test is yet to come at the peak of flo. Thanks for stoppin in.


I would of never even noticed but the guy that i got the clones from has been growing this strain for years and he pointed it out. It seems to get more double serrations as you veg it out longer.


Active member
60% fems from the f13, 1st to identify. The crinkles were all males. A few fems from Calio and BKBS too, the rest need a few more days. An amazing cinnamon bubblegum frava from the Calio fems,one looks indy dom which I hoped to find, the rest 5050 but stretchy, prob my fault on the stretch. Caramel coffee and ammonia-pine from BKBS, one smells like it's in the blue family with that metallic-purple smell. They are very obviously f1s, with Bub seeming dominant in overall appearance. Large affy looking leaves and that droopy look that bubba, master and pk can get. Da Purps is the most extreme looking sat yet to grace the stage, and there have been a few...like swazi and landrace mexi. It's no problem on it's own but with a certain reputation preceding it (supposed to be a cross of the mendo purps and an afghani? LOOOOLL!) it is a big surprise, but don't count it out till it's done.....Pics in a few.


Active member
haha sounds cool aeric!

i dunno about these th seeds hybrids.. they are all over the place it seems..

lets see those f13's!


Can't wait to see the pics, was considering switching from AN Sensi A/B to AN Monkey Juice in the near future. I'll stay tuned, and best of luck (skill) to ya... :wave:

... S R... :joint:


Active member
Thanks u guys...pics in a minute, but.....


Little webs on one of them....I'm really hoping it's a baby spider and not that other thing whose terrible name I shall not mention! On the top of 2 plants, in a windy spot....spideys have been coming in the abode the last week with the weather change. I'm freaking out. Too late to spray....not enough $ for predators....all I can do is wait to see more obvious signs....I wear a uniform everytime I go in there, everything is clean, all intakes are filtered.

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