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Mob Boss (Chem D X Tang Tang Males) overview


Active member
Re: Mob Boss (Chem D X Tang Tang Males) overview

I need some mobb boss ...looks mean! Any future releases coming?

xoom xoom xoom !!!

Ultra Current

Seriously, put me down for 10 packs when this comes. Please release enough packs so we don't have to fight it out.


the wait will be worth it

the wait will be worth it

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untitled (1 of 1)-3.jpg

About 1/2 way into flower...this one will go 2 lbs, I'll betcha.


about a week and a half to go

about a week and a half to go





She completes me. The combo of yield and quality is pretty special.


Beautiful and bountiful winter, eh, YoSam? Certainly been a buncha snow in yr neighborhood. So, how long has your MB been under 12/12.


We take her 10 wks time after time and she delivers.

Having said that we will probably take one 75 days to 11 weeks based on what Steele said in your thread.

I actually have 4 of them in the room, all surrounded by 4 vert 1000s. I will honestly be surprised if I don't get 8 lbs from that.


Insane genetics is what it is. the luckiest thing I did was order these...from there it ain't exactly been difficult.


Quick Question

Quick Question

Hey all, quick question...I'm growing out another Mob Boss cloned from the same mother as the one I just harvested. This one developed a bit longer. She is currently in her 2nd week of 12/12 and I'm noticing that she is shooting branches out from her branches. Didn't happen with the first clone. So - in other words, where there would normally be a bud site, there's a small branch developing. She has not started flowering in earnest yet although she's crazy with bud-sites forming.

In terms of plant husbandry, are these branches from branches considered to be good things? Ya know - "Wow even more buds!!" OR - are these considered to be interior suckers that will result in popcorn and should be snipped? I should add that the plant has not been trained at all and is a lovely Xmas shape and that there are bud-sites forming like mad all over.

Thanks so much for your thoughts/experiences.

Guest 88950

was the clone taken from a plant in 12/12?

when i do this i get a more branchy plant.....LST her and let all the branches fill with bud sites.


Hi, SSH...thanks for responding. No, the clone was taken from a mature vegging plant. I think she just developed more than my first (and recently harvested) clone because I vegged her longer than the first clone. The secondary branches showed up after 12/12.


Mayan, that's a plant that could benefit from either lst/bending/training or pruning to a more "classic" style bush or tree. Myself, I'd probably bend and break branches...



Hi Steele - thanks! Hi all - here's a couple of pics showing the situation...This first pic is a lower branch...as you can see, the branch has developing by-branches that appear to be trying to grow through the canopy. Upon looking more closely I"m seeing that most of the bud sites on the plants are developing their own branches...similar to what's in this picture. I have rarely seen a plant do this in my limited career. Normally, I would cull the by-branches on the lowest branches as they would be suckers but I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to just let 'em do their thing.


Here's a pic of the whole plant. She's a beaut. She's going into her third week of stretch...so, if I'm going to do any snipping, I would like to do it soon. As you can see, not a whole lot of vertical stretch but the lateral stretch has been impressive. I will probably start upping her P/K very shortly. May be difficult to tell from the photo (depth perception) but she's very well proportioned and the cola is not much taller than many of the surrounding branches. Squat but voluptuous. I can feel the kinetic energy crankin' up in the bud sites.


She's under a 1000wt light. The first clone from the same mother demonstrated that the light penetrated very well so that even the lower branches yielded beefy buds that were rock-solid.


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