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Micro Organic Budsicle Machine


HappyGuy, I guess that's why many people buy those pre-built wall cabinets. For folks with little to no carpentry experience it might be the best thing to do. At least the outer dimensions of the box will be consistent and strong as well as the doors. The fitting and joinery of the partition walls might be tricky as well as hole cutting but this (hobby?) requires some skill and if we don't have it we need to develop it out of necessity. Luckily the brothers and sisters on this website who have probably made all the same mistakes are willing to provide some guidance. That's why it takes me so long to do anything because I spend so much time studying the problem before I dive in. I call it studying...my wife calls it procrastination!


New Cab - First Grow!

New Cab - First Grow!

The grow

Here are nine plants I started in early October...I stuck them in the new cab on November 1st under 12/12 lighting.

Up close to the lights for a week or so.

A couple weeks later...no flowers yet.

A couple showing flowers...

Guard cat investigating.

Finally ended up with 5 females out of nine...
the two taller ones on the left are the park bench seeds.

Took some cuttings, trimmed them and applied rooting powder. Stuck them in a 2/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite medium. Sealed them up and put them in the clone room.

Ten days later...Success! I selected the best two rooted clones and potted them up. I'll keep them in the mother/clone room for a while.

Buds are starting to kick it up a bit!

Some pre-Christmas bud shots. I left for Florida for a week, watered them well, and kept about an inch of water in the Sterilite containers hoping the water would wick up to the plants.

Came back to this!

A couple of the girls...53 days in flower.

All the ladies lined up!

The clones are heading to the flower chamber today!

That’s it for now!


Pinching popcorn buds and waiting for the chop!

Pinching popcorn buds and waiting for the chop!

My bagseed and park bench buds are finishing up slowly. About 110 days from seed, 67 days since they began flowering. Picking off some of the lower buds and sticking them in the drying room. Nice daytime smoke so far. Really low humidity lately so they dry real fast. I guess I'll have to figure out ways to slow the drying so that they cure properly... after I discover what "properly" is. Gotta keep reading!
Anyway, here are some pics:

Five girls starting to fatten up a little bit.

First try for a bonsai mother, her four little babies vegging out.

Take Care!


Harvest time!

Harvest time!

Harvest time!

About 120 days, seed to chop. In that time I learned how to clone and started a bonsai mother. The drying room works great! Thanks to ANTI for the idea. I've got more or less a perpetual harvest going. Thanks to all the Dr. Bud style growers for their guidance! I still have a lot to learn about balancing and correcting nutes. Next, I may try to maintain a single plant scrog just for the experience. May through August is the timeframe.


The next wave!


Nice! How much did you pull out of there (weight dried)?

I think my next attempt will be a scrog too, maybe one or two plants. I'm playing around with cloning right now - direct to soil isn't working too well, so I'm trying the direct-to-water method and next up is the DrBud perlite container method (just as soon I finish this coke...)


Nice! How much did you pull out of there (weight dried)?

I think my next attempt will be a scrog too, maybe one or two plants. I'm playing around with cloning right now - direct to soil isn't working too well, so I'm trying the direct-to-water method and next up is the DrBud perlite container method (just as soon I finish this coke...)

Don't know about weight...no scales. I'll take a few more pictures after the buds cure for a few weeks.
I like 2/3 perlite 1/3 vermiculite cloning medium. Maybe the vermiculite fills in the gaps in the perlite for better contact with the stem. Anyway mine have always rooted in about 10-14 days.
I just plant the strongest looking ones and compost the rest. Good luck to you...


Well-known member
the buds and the new plants look very very nice.
Ill deff be watching the new grow.

I love a good perpetual grow.
also I have done a few scrog grow.


The smoke

Here are the buds curing up nicely:

I fucked up the bonsai mother thing and accidentally created a bonsai father!@?*! Labeling cuttings while stoned! This ever happen to anyone else? Had to have a mass execution. Very disappointing! :dunno: I have two remaining ladies in mid-flower and eight random bagseeds that have just germinated this week.
The smoke is quite enjoyable...not overpowering but nice.
Decent taste and not harsh. I burp the bud jar everyday and notice the improvements that occur after the first couple of weeks. Smoking up all the popcorn and letting the five colas stew in their own juices for a while.

Have fun!


TexMex McDirt

Active member
Another great inspiring setup. I am in a single micro cab now while figuring things out, but I want to jump into a perp setup soon. Really great work.



Starting Over!

Starting Over!

Well...since I grew a male bonsai mother (why do you think they call it dope?!?) I'm reduced to two puny girls in flower and eight germinated bagseeds. I've got to keep better records but wtf.

I started the eight in jiffy plugs.
Before I put the plugs in water to expand them I used a utility knife to slice the mesh nets that hold the plugs together. It always looks to me like the young roots are struggling to get through the mesh. After they threw a few roots out I carefully lifted them out of the mesh and put them in 3 oz. cups with my soil mix. Maybe next time I'll skip the plugs and plant them right in the little cups from the start.

:watchplant:I'll let them veg for a week and then pot them into 20oz. Gatorade bottles.

Hoping for late spring buds!


Eight unsexed seedlings in 20oz bottles. Maybe another week of veg before they go in the flowering room. I'll take a few "well-labeled" cuttings along the way.


mad librettist

Active member
beautiful setup. so elegant...

Hey, I had this glorious bagseed that just was solid, easy, and not sexually ambiguous. I did the exact same thing, and only realized my mistake once the mum was gone for good. Doh!

Luckily, I had given some rooted cuts to my neighbor, and told her to root some more, which she did. She had them flowering on her windowsill (no nanners, no balls!), and she gave me back a flowering cutting. I reveged it, and that's what I got going now. So now I am trying, whenever I stumble on good genetics, to give some away. That way, if I get too stoned while labeling cuttings, I have a possible fallback.


Gr8, gotta love yours design !!
I am also going for DrBud G´s perpet SOG, might even copy your cab !

1 little ? though, is your drying rack hanging between the lights and the plants in flower room ?


TaTz...between the mother/clone chamber and the flowering chamber are two hollow walls, each about 1 1/2" thick. The air enters the mother/clone room through two passive intakes at the back of the cab.A rectangular opening is cut into the hollow wall at the the top of this chamber and exits through the same-sized opening into the drying room at the bottom. Air then travels to the top of the second hollow wall and then out the bottom into the flowering room. The insides of the hollow walls are painted flat black to absorb light. The pictures show how dark it is between the two hollow walls. Works pretty good!



Yep, that much was clear, but I see two racks hanging, but none in the middle chamber...


Tatz, this is the center drying room with the rack (pulled out). The other ones are shelves for the mother/clone and flowering rooms.

Expand this picture and look closely in the center chamber.