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Medical Marijuana Hearings Scheduled in Pennsylvania


Active member
It looks like it's finally time for Pennsylvania to get into the medical marijuana act. Good luck PA!

Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana (PA4MMJ) is pleased to announce that the PA House of Representatives Health and Human Services Committee will have hearings on HB 1393, The Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act.

Scheduled in Harrisburg on December 2, 2009 these will be the first public hearings on medical cannabis in the history of the Commonwealth.

Patients with debilitating medical conditions, families and medical professionals willing to testify are being sought by Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana.



Active member
I've read over the bill and it's a one ounce/six plants (total) deal.

It imposes a sales tax on medical marijuana. This is completely wrong to tax medicine!

All mmj providers must maintain records of all marijuana it grows, processes or distributes for medical treatment and shall make its records available for inspection by the department of Health. While that seems to be pretty invasive, at least it's only the dept. of Health and not the Sheriff who does the inspecting.

It seems to me this is a small step in the right direction, but it would prove itself still a hassle for medical patients who have to pay tax, can only grow six plants total and possess only one ounce? Many medical patients need more than that, and there is no provision in this bill for that.

Looks like PA is several years behind the curve in meeting the needs of Medical Marijuana patients, even with this bill...


Active member
why is the west so advanced and the east/south more traditional/slower to progress


Active member
skip your completely correct PA is far behind the curve... im not sure what to think about this now hmmmmm

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I've read over the bill and it's a one ounce/six plants (total) deal.

It imposes a sales tax on medical marijuana. This is completely wrong to tax medicine!

All mmj providers must maintain records of all marijuana it grows, processes or distributes for medical treatment and shall make its records available for inspection by the department of Health. While that seems to be pretty invasive, at least it's only the dept. of Health and not the Sheriff who does the inspecting.

It seems to me this is a small step in the right direction, but it would prove itself still a hassle for medical patients who have to pay tax, can only grow six plants total and possess only one ounce? Many medical patients need more than that, and there is no provision in this bill for that.

Looks like PA is several years behind the curve in meeting the needs of Medical Marijuana patients, even with this bill...

It is a start, it is far better than a miniscule amount and that results in charges


Pa will find a way to screw this up, it's in their nature. I grew up there and learned commonwealths aren't in my best interest. They'll raise the taxes again and again and again (probably to pay the port authority drivers $120k a year or some other bs) until people go back to doing it illegally. Then they'll come out and say how much of a failure MMJ is because people won't want to pay $150 an ounce tax for pot they've grown themselves.

It's a step in the right direction, but there really should be a standardized system for the whole U.S., not this state by state garbage, too much red tape and too many greedy politicians to make anything work smoothly.


OMG I LIVE IN PA.... Does this include persons with bipolar or schizoaffective or schizophrenia disorders or anxiety disorders?

Toughgirl - you are right it needs to happen nationwide, not this state by state garbage...


while PA definitely is not setting any trends here I don't think it's behind the curve seeing as MJ is still Schedule 1 despite the opinion of the AMA...I also think 1 oz/6 plants is nothing special and taxation of a medical product is hypocritical so if I lobby my congress person...vote against it.
tax it as a vice
or style something off of prop 215
i live in PA and I vote in PA
where I am at nobody gets locked up for simple possession if its clearly personal use anyway
and i don't live in the woods
get real or leave it alone.
any changes this starts will wind up detrimental in the end because of the precedents of taxation and restriction that this type of action set.


Start calling your PA reps and raise hell about the issue---tell them to get with the program. Don't be the last state to legalize!

I wonder which state will be last? My guess would be South Carolina and Mississippi.

3rd base

When the east coast states introduce an MMJ bill it's always very restrictive and so impractical it's almost useless.
Groups like NORML and other activists always seem to feel it's better to get the bill passed and then work on making it more usable.
As Dr Dog said, it's a start...
Pennsylvania must be taking notes from Illinois. Essentially the same unrealistic restrictions put forth by slick politicians who will then say they are doing their best and blame med users for wanting more.

Respect bass

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
...puts on Penn State cheerleading outfit, starts jumping up and down for PA!!!!!! Go Pennsylvania!!! Miss B. wishes you luck:)


Active member
UPDATE: Conservative Rabbi backs Medical Marijuana in PA!

And well he should! Cannabis and Judaism go way back to Moses and the burning bush! The cannabis based holy anointing oil used by Jesus was familiar to Jews and there are ancient manuscripts from the period with the recipe for it.

It would really help if everyone knew the history of cannabis. Then they would cease to fear it.


I saw a news article that said it was likely to pass because another hearing is scheduled soon, and 2 hearings within a 6 month period means it is likely to pass someone said... also i wrote a letter to philly NORML saying pot is very beneficial for schizophrenia and bipolar becuase it just is, trust me i know haha.. but i dont know if they will add that to the bill...


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i watched it on tv that night, it was a very awesome show, until the Elk Lodge got up and started spouting off lies, and some Republican started spouting off "facts" that were made by "scientists" during the "nixon era" lol... some of the committee seemed genuinely open to the idea, but most had that twisted face like my mom gets when i talk about anything "offensive".... like weed!


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