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Matanuska Thundera ...who was Gary ?

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Now think about what I said . the 5 year old male NL was the only male in the room .. 4 females . he was using them like a 5 string guitar male the base and females the tones ... the Mexican dich weed looking plant was most likely a Acapulco Gold or Colombian gold X the only male in the room guess what ...

this guy Gary was going up and down the coast from Mexico to Alaska .. here is your real Grimm brother ,, look at his plants . NL from Vancouver area male 5 years old that's puts him in the 1974 with a hybrid NL . then take a closer look he dose not name it ,why ,,... simple its his father plant . he is making all the strains using the same father .... now look at the history of NL .. here is the breeder of the real northern lights ...

the point was not to discrete anyone it was to redirect the respect in the right direction ...
I got the impression of someone that had lost a brother like I did . I try to play to get him to answer if he is still out there .. this is someone I would like to talk to in my life time .,... not read about how other took his work and sold it ...

look what he did . he selected a new strain phenol in NL and used it as the base for all his strain bases m out right brilliant

keeping the selected mothers was all in the mix the hole breeding pool depended on the NL male ...he focused on the male ..father plant ... he could make seeds of any of the 4 strain bases anytime he wanted to or if he found another good phenol he already had 4 proven and tested mothers with him ...


no problem ..

you don't get it .. Gary was one of the best in the world I have seen his genetics , I can only judge them by the over 8700 strains I have grown and 29 Dutch flower strain bases ,so I do know what I am talking about ...

G`day Taz

I call Bullshit on that statement .
8729 strains . !???

Let`s see . 290 strains per year over 30 years = 8700

Maybe just half a prozac next time eh ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .

I started growing when I was 11 I am 53 . I grew 504 plant 27 strains at time by my self .. you need fix your bs meter


by the way . take a good look or go back to breeding 101

.. he makes 5 hybrid strains and one is NL ,another is Matanuska thundera ,another is a gold strain base , one is most likely was Apollo 11, he said and I will repeat it word for word , The NL male came from the Vancouver area , that most likely means its a landrace strain base ...

one of the greatest strains ever known ... he this guy was with a 5 year old breeder plant . no you can tell me I am full of it and say what ever you want .. but if you were smart you would take a good look this guy change the course of breeding cannabis for ever ,, if you want except those other guys as the real Grimm go head .. I wont ...I was there ... looking at the plants smelling them tasteing the Matanuska thunder , the real strains .. by the real breeder ....


Best shit ever I agree mate, best shit or strain I tried was reffermans pure KODIAK GOLD, this is a island in Alaska somewhere, refer has since lost this strain,

I made a cross with mine back in 2006 and posted it up here on site, be in the archives I reckon, was a heavy hitter with the notorious creeper like quality coming on in the cross stone also, high in cbd's and put folks to sleep with in 20 minutes sometimes,
Yeah it was the shit, the shit of all shit there was, the shit that's the shit in other words. - come on Gary or GAZ get this shit back online in seed form please, I dunno this gary guy by the way)
Acapulco Gold or Colombian gold X BC NL ......that should get you real close !


Active member
Kodiak gold is far from lost guys it was the first strains I ever worked with I got it years before I ever herd of "Thunderfuck" it was the first domestic Cannabis I ever saw grown .
On a fishing trip to Kodiak Alaska with my Father , we visited one of his friends he was in country with my dad was far from a toker but his friends had chosen different life styles post military than the long story short my dad's friend had a big triangular lean-to on the side of his house , facing south made of plastic and his dryer vent vented into lean-to he had tarps that rolled up and down to darken the plants , it was not until a few years later I understood what I was seeing I had no idea why they darkened the plants .

My dad allowed me to smoke for the first time on this trip with his friends , the guys gave me a half a film case full of seeds they called "Kodiak gold" told me they might finish where i live outside on a good year .
I shared these seeds with a uncle on the east coast who really got me into breeding those seeds opened up our communication between us he has been out west and lived with us a couple years before going back east .
That uncle gave the Kabul , afghani 77 , Cali grass and other seeds that became the first lines I ever sold aka mortgage buster , Split yellow , Pound plant , Bear cub , Afghani automatic , Moose Jaw Madness etc .
I was out of contact with him until a few years ago he gave me everything he had and I shared with him back to me he has grown in the same patches and greenhouse for 30 years + Kodiak gold is in fine form .
I have grown grimms MTF and many others they all have a citrus and orange bud type appeal , I also have MTF in my collection that came to me directly from the son of the gentleman who gave me Kodiak gold he has since past on his son and I have been in contact once a decade since I was 12 years old .
I have pulled them out of the deep stash and germinated them(with lots of stuff aging recently ) they have not been flowered yet much larger afghani type leaves than the Kodiak gold , I am told they are really heavy producers .

The Kodiak gold seems like a old school hash plant type to me I have grown out many of the kodiak gold's over the years in the later generations we began to see a higher number of lavender pheno types .
Kodiak is very very inbred its slowed down a little but its explosive in f-1 hybrids really great true breeding genetics


Kodiak gold is far from lost guys it was the first strains I ever worked with I got it years before I ever herd of "Thunderfuck" it was the first domestic Cannabis I ever saw grown .
On a fishing trip to Kodiak Alaska with my Father , we visited one of his friends he was in country with my dad was far from a toker but his friends had chosen different life styles post military than the long story short my dad's friend had a big triangular lean-to on the side of his house , facing south made of plastic and his dryer vent vented into lean-to he had tarps that rolled up and down to darken the plants , it was not until a few years later I understood what I was seeing I had no idea why they darkened the plants .

My dad allowed me to smoke for the first time on this trip with his friends , the guys gave me a half a film case full of seeds they called "Kodiak gold" told me they might finish where i live outside on a good year .
I shared these seeds with a uncle on the east coast who really got me into breeding those seeds opened up our communication between us he has been out west and lived with us a couple years before going back east .
That uncle gave the Kabul , afghani 77 , Cali grass and other seeds that became the first lines I ever sold aka mortgage buster , Split yellow , Pound plant , Bear cub , Afghani automatic , Moose Jaw Madness etc .
I was out of contact with him until a few years ago he gave me everything he had and I shared with him back to me he has grown in the same patches and greenhouse for 30 years + Kodiak gold is in fine form .
I have grown grimms MTF and many others they all have a citrus and orange bud type appeal , I also have MTF in my collection that came to me directly from the son of the gentleman who gave me Kodiak gold he has since past on his son and I have been in contact once a decade since I was 12 years old .
I have pulled them out of the deep stash and germinated them(with lots of stuff aging recently ) they have not been flowered yet much larger afghani type leaves than the Kodiak gold , I am told they are really heavy producers .

The Kodiak gold seems like a old school hash plant type to me I have grown out many of the kodiak gold's over the years in the later generations we began to see a higher number of lavender pheno types .
Kodiak is very very inbred its slowed down a little but its explosive in f-1 hybrids really great true breeding genetics

thanks for the info CHarles ,
"I have grown grimms MTF and many others they all have a citrus and orange bud type appeal "
I agree with what your saying here ,if I am correct the the cal sensimellia has phenol that do in fact have these traits ,and under different growing conditions those traits will come to the surface .. thank you for some good input ..stay safe stay free

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I started growing when I was 11 I am 53 . I grew 504 plant 27 strains at time by my self .. you need fix your bs meter

G`day Taz

I still think your a fibber bro .
42 years 20 strains a year still only equals 8400 strains . Still 327 short of your magic number .
My BS meter was calibrated last Friday by a certified inspector lol .

One question though ? Where were you accessing these 8700 different strains from pre seed banks ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .


To Have More ... Desire Less
this guy Gary was going up and down the coast from Mexico to Alaska .. here is your real Grimm brother ,, look at his plants . NL from Vancouver area male 5 years old that's puts him in the 1974 with a hybrid NL . then take a closer look he dose not name it ,why ,,... simple its his father plant . he is making all the strains using the same father .... now look at the history of NL .. here is the breeder of the real northern lights ...

.. he makes 5 hybrid strains and one is NL ,another is Matanuska thundera ,another is a gold strain base , one is most likely was Apollo 11, he said and I will repeat it word for word , The NL male came from the Vancouver area , that most likely means its a landrace strain base ...

BOTH these statement are not correct....

UNLESS gary was indian joe.... no way did he have a real NL in '74

the history of NL

Described as a “state of the art indoor indica”, Northern Lights became a house hold name after making its way from the Pacific North West to the Netherlands, where it arrived in the possession of Nevil Schoenmakers, owner of The Seed Bank, Holland’s first cannabis seed company and the original “King of Cannabis”. According to Jorge Cervantes, a long time writer for High Times magazine, Northern Lights was originally bred by a man known as “The Indian” on an Island near Seattle, Washington in the United States of America. In Jorge’s version of events detailing the history of Northern Lights there were a total of eleven seeds held by “The Indian” that were labeled Northern Lights #1 through Northern Lights # 11. Among the eleven Northern Lights plants, Northern Lights #5 is said to have been the best of the group with Northern Lights #8 and #1 said to have been of above average quality as well. Described as a 70 day variety indoors which finishes by October in the Northern Hemisphere outdoors, Cervantes’ description of Northern Lights states that its primarily an Afghani Indica which was hybridized with a Thai sativa. Described as very stable, with a piney taste and a THC percentage of over 15% this description has become synonymous with reports of Northern Lights the world over. With a very favorable flower to leaf ratio, it is described as having a purple tinge to the leaves late in the flowering cycle.

According to Sam the Skunk Man, Northern Lights originated near Seattle, Washington (with origins said to be ultimately out of California according to Sam) and arrived in the Netherlands in clone form only in 1985. Available exclusively from Nevil at The Seed Bank, it was quickly hybridized with many outstanding varieties in their own right and marketed to customers across the globe. Said to be the most resinated variety known at the time, by some accounts at least 70 varieties of cannabis were hybridized with Northern Lights or Northern Light derivatives by the mid 1990’s alone. Northern Light hybrids quickly dominated the High Times Cannabis Cup (HTCC) festivals, taking first place in the 2nd, 6th and 7th annual HTCC competitions respectively. With the pure Northern Lights #5 cut winning the 3rd annual HTCC competition. The Seed Banks 1987 catalogue listed several Northern Lights varieties, including (Northern Lights #1 x Big Bud) x Big Bud, Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1, G13 x Northern Lights #2 F-1 hybrid, Northern Lights #1, Haze x Northern Lights #1 F- 1 hybrid, (Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1) x Swazi, Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 F-1 hybrid and a wonderful photograph by ganja guru Ed Rosenthal of the original Northern Lights #5 cutting. The Northern Lights #1 variety is described as a “true breeding Afghani, with extreme indica characteristics. These are short, stocky plants, with leathery, dark green, extremely broad leaves. The stems are very strong, and it is easy to clone.” Indoors, the yield was approximated at 1000 grams per 100 days. Outdoors, two pounds was not out of the question. This variety is described as having an approximate finishing time of 55 days, while indoors reaching heights approaching 50 inches, outdoors one could expect five to seven feet by the end of the season. The description went on to state the Northern Lights #1 is “very vigorous and cold resistant,” being “resinous, potent, and sweet, not nasty and acrid like some Afghanis.” The very first Big Bud hybrids were also marketed in Nevils 1987 The Seed Bank catalog. A three fourths Big Bud variety, (Northern Lights #1 x Big Bud) x Big Bud, the hybridization with the Northern Lights line was expected to create “super plants” that increased both the yield and overall quality of the original Big Bud line. Interestingly, the mention of subsequent Big Bud hybrids to follow, including Big Bud x Northern Lights #2 (Hindu Kush) as well as “a 4-way hybrid of (Big Bud x NL#1) x (Skunk #1 x Early Girl) was mentioned as well. The G13 x Northern Lights #2 F-1 hybrid was described as a variety that “really fizzed, producing an excellent yield of fat, sweet buds. The pungent sweetness of the NL #2 really came through in this blend, adding a touch of Thai fruitiness to the full-bodied Indica aroma.” The Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1 F-1 hybrid was developed using “the best Northern Lights #1 males,” which was said to attribute to this varieties particular unique characteristics. Described as producing among the strongest narcotic effects known from cannabis varieties at the time, this variety finished remarkably fast in approximately 45 days. The Haze x Northern Lights #1 F-1 hybrid was described as, “the most reliable haze hybrid so far, and is our favorite smoke. It is a bit stretchy and difficult to grow, but well worth it.” The Haze is described as being a Sativa variety from the United States, which was quite popular and common in the 1970s. The Seed Bank is said to have “managed to salvage a few viable seeds from the last crop grown in America, and we have used them to produce some remarkable hybrids.” The (Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1) x Swazi is a three way hybrid in which, “the sweet, fresh, piney taste of Swazi” was combined with the powerful and high yielding Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1 variety. This variety is described as growing quite tall, at approximately seven to nine feet outdoors and yielding nearly two pounds come harvest time. The Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 variety is of course a legendary variety in its own right, a High Times Cannabis Cup winner described as being the plant recommended above all others. This variety has a “high-calyx-to-leaf ratio, (with) very little manicuring required.” This variety finished within a 55 day flowering period, with an estimated yield of one and a half to three pounds possible outdoors. In 1989, Nevil’s varieties found success in all five categories in route to putting on a truly dominant performance. The Seed Banks 1990 cannabis seed catalog is a treasure trove of information for the Northern Lights enthusiast.

Northern Lights #1 F3 is described as “one of the purest, most potent, most extreme Indica varieties in the world.” Described as a 40-45 variety with very broad, dark green leaves and an extremely resinated appearance, Northern Lights #1 F3 is a must for the amateur breeder and hobbyist. Northern Lights #2 F3 is a Hindu Kush dominant variety being “wonderfully potent but not devastating” with a pungency and sweetness found to be very intoxicating. Northern Lights #2 of course also being known as Oasis, a variety today offered by the Dutch Passion seed company, said to originally consist of a union between Northern Lights #1 and Hindu Kush. A description which would seem to match up with The Seed Banks 1990 description of their Northern Lights #2 F3. Said to be “surprisingly vigorous” despite its inbred status, also a 40-45 day variety, they weren’t kidding when they mentioned this was an absolute must for the connoisseur or collector. Northern Lights #5 x 2 was a hybrid made between the now infamous Northern Lights #5 cut and Northern Lights #2 (Northern Lights #1 x Hindu Kush). Said to be a variety ready in approximately 50 days, with a “juniper berry taste” and favorable resin production. Hashplant x Northern Lights #1 is said to have been one of the most powerful varieties ever encountered, with the Hashplant itself having origins in the Pacific North West of the United States. Coming in at around 45 days itself, this variety is said to have challenged even the most experienced smokers in Holland at the time at finishing a joint. G13 x Northern Lights #2 was also offered in The Seed Banks 1990 cannabis seed catalog and was described as carrying the pungency and sweetness of the Northern Lights #2 variety, with a typically higher yield with commercial potential. The potency was described and superb with equal resin production with a flowering time right around 50-55 days. Perhaps among the most famous of all Northern Lights hybrids, is the world renowned Northern Lights #5 x Haze. Quite possible the first variety with a warning label attached to the breeders’ description, “side effects may include nausea, dizziness, fainting, and loss of bowel and bladder control.” Whether through pranksters who wanted to humiliate their friends or hardcore stoners whose tolerance had reached epic proportions, Northern Lights #5 x Haze quickly became the talk of the town and won Cannabis Cups and praise from all corners of the globe.

The Haze in Northern Lights # 5 x haze was actually said to have been salvaged from the last Haze crop grown in the United States, and according to Sam the Skunk Man the general vicinity of which was Santa Cruz, California to be exact. The actual pedigree of Haze is somewhat of a debate, with Sam the Skunk Man claiming the Original Haze was a Mexican x Columbian variety, with Thai and south indian lines added later in the Hazes development and the Mr. Nice Camp, who possess the earliest known examples of Haze in the world, which are said to be Columbian x Thai primarily in origin dating back to 1969. Where even in the ideal conditions of the Californian climate the Haze was said to require green houses to finish, and in some cases never truly finished at all. Northern Lights x Haze is described as being at least a 75 day variety that usually translated into a 9-10 week flowering schedule roughly. Northern Lights #5 x Skunk # 1, also known as Shiva Skunk is said to have been one of the most reliable indoor hybrids possessed by Nevil’s The Seed Bank. Touted as a variety that is “a snap to grow” and one of the first varieties the novice grower should consider, scissors were said to not be required with this variety come harvest time with an expected flowering time right around 55 days. A more obscure Northern Lights variety listed in the 1990 The Seed Bank catalog was the Hash plant/Northern Lights #1 x Swazi, described as an indoor/outdoor cultivar that which was originally intended to be an outdoor strain only. This multiple hybrid variety is described as yielding sweet and chunky flowers, with a harvest time right around mid September. The Northern Lights #5 pedigree actually consists of Northern Lights #1 x Northern Lights #1 and efforts are already underway to revive this Queen of Queens by Shantibaba of Mr. Nice seeds (MNS) with seed stock from 1988 where the #5 cutting originated. By last report, a germination rate of approximately 50% was obtained (55 out of 80 seeds) after only two days. Contrary to previously published reports, there is no Thai lineage in the Mr. Nice Northern Lights lines which are the exact lines Neville was marketing in the mid to late 1980’s in The Seed Bank cannabis catalogs. The existence of Northern Lights # 9 x 5 has been speculated on for a number of years now, ultimately said to have went off the market upon The Seed Banks stock retailing by Ben Dronkers at Sensi Seeds.The Sagarmatha seed company “has engineered a superior version of the Northern Lights legend” with their version of the Northern Lights # 9, which is a back cross between “Northern Lights X” and the old Sagarmatha Slyder.

Shortly after dominating the High Times Cannabis Cup in 1989, Nevil is said to have been visiting family back home in Perth, Australia in 1990 when he was apprehended by the authorities after making an appearance on the television show, "America’s Most Wanted." At the same time Operation Green Merchant is said to have been in full swing, with particular interest aimed at High Times magazine itself. It is said that Hightimes editor in chief Steven Hagar was subpoenaed to testify at Nevil’s trial, luckily however that never came to fruition. After spending some time incarcerated in a Western Australia jail, Nevil is said to have successfully defended his extradition to the United States with grounds for appeal being his dual citizenship status in both the Netherlands and Australia. Interestingly enough, it is also speculated Nevil escaped imprisonment and vanished, ultimately making his way back to Holland while remaining underground for quite sometime before re-emerging in the 21st century as a breeder and consultant with Mr. Nice Seeds, along side legendary hash smuggler Howard Marks and the honorable Shantibaba. Quite possibly the finest collection of Cannabis minds ever assembled, Mr. Nice seeds offers’ possibly the finest selection of cannabis genetics in the world today. With a great deal of the original The Seed Bank lines and many more recently crowned lines of divine and royal descent, such as the world famous original White Widow (now known as Black Widow), as well as the Great White Shark aka Peace Maker (now known as Shark Shock) and Medicine Man(formally known as White Rhino).

Consistencies in the Northern Lights oral history are that it originated from the Pacific North West region of the United States, quite possibly in the Seattle region of the state of Washington. From there the variety made its way to Nevil Schoenmakers at The Seed Bank in the Netherlands, where it was promptly bred with numerous hybrids and marketed the world over. From there the varieties reputation spread globally, with little question as to the validity of these parts of the story. Among the consumers best options on the market today are the Sensi Seeds Northern Lights variety and the Dutch Passion Oasis (Northern Lights #2). With news that the Northern Lights #5 line has resurfaced on Shantibaba’s agenda at Mr. Nice seeds, and the release of the MNS Northern Lights #5 x Haze x Skunk in early 2009 hope has been instilled into the hearts of thousands of Northern Lights enthusiast the world over. Shortly before Nevil’s incarceration in Perth, Australia it was published that, “After 8 generations of selective breeding we are able to reproduce our Northern Lights #5 from seed. This is the breakthrough indoor and outdoor growers have been waiting for, for a long time. This current outdoor season will be devoted to mass-producing Northern Lights #5 seeds for the 1991 season. As a breeder I consider this to be my greatest achievement yet. Look for this one, it will change the world.” It is these very same Northern Lights varieties that were released all those years ago, which literally became famous world wide that Shantibaba at Mr. Nice seeds has exclusive access too, with the Northern Lights 5a still being in possession of the MNS team and future Northern Light releases looming in the future. There for my friends, there is truly hope in the world after all for Northern Lights enthusiast the world over. With Northern Lights being among the most prolific varieties of cannabis used in the modern breeding today, its little wonder why Northern Lights remains one of the most intriguing varieties of cannabis in modern times.

The Origins of Northern Lights

Sensi Seeds Northern LightsNo other indica plant besides the legendary G-13 has accumulated such widespread recognition and fame as the Northern Lights Afghani. The original Northern Lights plants were pure indicas but later hybrids were released with a bit of Thai Sativa in their pedigree. This probably accounts for the fruity taste and great, almost psychedelic, high that this plant is known for today. Although most of the subsequent plants were bred towards an indica expression, there are still sativa phenotypes popping up now and then as a reminder of the genetic history of the plant.

Making its way from the Pacific North West to the Netherlands in 1985, the Northern Lights arrived in the possession of Neville Schoenmaker. Neville was the owner of Holland's first cannabis Seed Company known as The Seed Bank, which later was renamed Sensi Seeds under new ownership. According to the most credible source; Northern Lights was originally bred by a man known as “The Indian” on an Island near Seattle Washington in the United States. Some also claim that the plant originated in California before ending up in the hand of this mysterious man from Seattle but there is no conclusive evidence to support this. Apparently there were a total of eleven plants that were labeled Northern Lights #1 through Northern Lights #11. Northern Lights #5 was said to have been the best of the bunch, with Northern Lights #1 coming in at a close second. The original Northern Lights plants were described to be true breeding Afghanis with extreme indica characteristics. They were dark green in color and very stable, with a high flower to leaf ratio while sporting a piney taste and purple hues in flowering. They were also known to be highly resinous with a THC percentage over 15%, sometimes higher.

Original Northern Lights #5 CuttingThe story goes that all the various Northern Lights plants that were given to Neville Schoenmaker at the Seed Bank were female clones. Soon after, many new plants showed up on the Seed Bank list, including several different Northern Lights strains. This is where the history begins to get a bit hazy. How exactly these new seeds came to be is unclear but apparently Neville Schoenmaker used the plants that he got from the Indian to create new hybrids by further crossing them to some males of Afghani origin. He might have acquired them from the same source as the females but the Northern Lights males were never labeled, so their history remains unclear. The best guess is that Neville Schoenmaker created the new seeds by further hybridizing and inbreeding the plants that he acquired from the Indian to his old stock. Northern Lights #1 was described as a true breeding Afghani IBL (inbred line), suggesting that it contained none of the Thai Sativa that was later incorporated into some of the Northern Lights strains. At what point the Thai Sativa was infused into the genetic lineage is however unclear. Most likely it was bred into the Northern Lights #2 hybrid at some point. Regardless of their origin or genetic makeup, two particular males labeled Northern Lights #1 and Northern Lights #2 are clearly mentioned as the fathers of many new plants in a Seed Bank catalogue from the 1980’s. Northern Lights #2, a wonderfully potent Northern Lights #1-Hindu Kush hybrid, is still offered by Dutch Passion under the name Oasis. There is also some Northern Lights #2 in Aurora B from The Flying Dutchmen.

Dutch Passion Oasis - Northern Lights #2The two Northern Lights males fathered several potent and exotic hybrids that included the notoriously potent G-13 female as well as Big Bud, Skunk #1, Hash Plant, Haze and Swazi, among others. One of the more noteworthy unions from this time was the Northern Lights #5 x Northern Lights #2 hybrid, which now no longer exists. The only strains from this collection that are still available at Sensi Seeds today are Hash Plant, which is made up of one quarter Northern Lights #1, as well as G-13 x Hash Plant, Black Domina and Big Bud with a slightly smaller portion of the same Northern Lights genes. Four-Way is also one quarter Northern Lights although it does contain some Cannabis Ruderalis, so it might not be the best choice for everyone. It might however appeal to the outdoor grower looking for auto-flowering or fast flowering varieties. The original Lowryder was also partly made up of Northern Lights #2 for those interested in the history of auto-flowering outdoor cannabis strains.

Sensi Seeds Hash PlantThe genetic lineage of the various Northern Lights plants quickly becomes confusing since the entire line is diverse but also closely related and inbred. However, the Northern Lights #5 clone, which was considered the most superior plant of the bunch, was apparently never sold in seed form and must therefore have been the only unaltered version of the original plants. The pure Northern Lights #5 Afghani indica was used to create several outstanding and potent hybrids in combination with many of the strains that The Seed Bank had to offer at the time. Although many of these Cannabis Cup winners are now extinct, some are still available in seed form today at Sensi Seeds. These plants are also the closest relatives to the glorious Northern Lights #5 mother that Sensi Seeds has to offer. Most notable of these strains are the Northern Lights #5 x Haze, Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 or Shiva Skunk, Silver Pearl and last but not least; Jack Herer, the main ingredient in the now legendary Cinderella99. The glorious Jack Herer is a superior plant that forms a union between the three most important building blocks of modern cannabis strains; Northern Lights, Skunk and Haze.

Some of the strains mentioned above were also sold under the flag of the Super Sativa Seeds Company carrying different names. Some might remember the M39, which was made up of a strain called Basic 5 and Skunk #1. The Basic 5 was apparently Northern Lights #5, which means that this hybrid was similar to the Shiva Skunk offered at the Seed Bank, now known as Sensi Seeds. The Brothers Grimm also offered their version of the Aurora Borealis but it has since disappeared from the market.

The current, unnumbered version of the Northern Lights that Sensi Seeds offers today is according to their description a mix of the three pure variants of Northern Lights that were at their disposal in the past. Since the plant is a result of years of selection and back-breeding, it is difficult to say what the exact lineage is but an educated guess would be that they perhaps combined their Northern Lights #1 male to either the original Northern Lights #5 mother or the Northern Lights #5 x Northern Lights #2 hybrid in order to create this current version.

There are a few other breeders that offer high quality Northern Lights plants and hybrids. One of the most highly regarded versions of modern Northern Lights #5 comes from the British Columbia Seed Company. Their plant possibly derives from the original Northern Lights #5 x Northern Lights #2 hybrid created at the Seed Bank by Neville himself. Dr. Atomic, Joey Weed, Reeferman as well as many others also offer select versions of Northern Lights, some more highly regarded than others. The Sweet Pink Grapefruit that Breeder Steve used to create his Sweet Tooth seed line is also allegedly an old school Northern Lights #1 cutting from British Colombia. Federation Seeds Mikado is also thought to be a reworked version of the Spice of Life Sweet Pink Grapefruit. The Sagarmatha Seed Bank in turn offers a plant that they call Northern Lights #9, which is made up of Northern Lights #5, White Widow and Durban. Slyder from Sagarmatha contains the same Northern Lights #5 and can be considered a forerunner to the Northern Lights #9.

Some of the strains from Serious Seeds also contain some old school Northern Lights, mainly Chronic, which is made up of 50% Northern Lights with a touch of Skunk #1 and the notorious "one-hit-wonder" AK-47. The origin of the Northern Lights used in both the Serious Seeds and Sagarmatha hybrids can be traced back to the original plants, since the owners of both seeds companies apparently worked at Sensi Seeds at one point of their careers and thereby obtained their plants directly from the source. Likewise, some of the strains from The Mr Nice Seedbank contain pure, authentic old school Northern Lights #5 genes, including their Super Silver Haze. Apparently Neville and Shantibaba are also reviving the original Northern Lights #5 from a Haze hybrid from old stock. It might resurface in the near future. Exile from Magus Genetics is also made up of one quarter Northern Lights with some White Widow thrown into the mix but the strain is still highly propelled by the potent and always popular Warlock Super Skunk. Double Dutch from the same company is an early version of Chronic from Serious Seeds coupled up with the same potent father, making it a true Northern Lights hybrid. Both plants have accumulated several awards and are of uttermost high quality.

There is also some mentioning of a private Northern Lights cutting that is said to be the real thing. It is known as P91, which stand for Poway Class of '91. This version of the plant, which originates from Poway San Diego, is supposedly an inbred or cubed version of Northern Lights #5 but this was impossible to confirm. It is considered to be one of the few, true and pure Northern Lights plants left in the world.

The strains containing Northern Lights are simply too many to mention. Northern Lights has over the years become a very important line in modern cannabis genetics. Today, most seed companies offer their version of Northern Lights. Some of the plants are more closely related to the original plants than others, and descriptions by breeders are often lacking in detail. One thing is for certain and that is that there is more than one version of Northern Lights in circulation, ranging from indica to sativa in expression.


G`day Taz

I still think your a fibber bro .
42 years 20 strains a year still only equals 8400 strains . Still 327 short of your magic number .
My BS meter was calibrated last Friday by a certified inspector lol .

One question though ? Where were you accessing these 8700 different strains from pre seed banks ??

Thanks for sharin

EB .

I am the founder of American seeds and the C.C.O.P. the cannabis co op ...lol I thought I was slacking off ...lol I mailed over 1300 clones all over the world .... most of you kids were not here in 2000 when the edge servers were raided , most were not here in the 90's 80's or 70's ...I got a hippie friend that's been growing longer then I have by 20 years ...lol back when I was was breeding the main thing was to grow out as many strains as posable to find phenol types . we would kill off hole grows if there were none in the strains .., sorry I am a breeder not a pothead or a dealer...lol


I can tell you one thing . once we tried to plant seeds in the flowering plants bags . bad idea ,,, real bad idea ....


this guy Gary was going up and down the coast from Mexico to Alaska .. here is your real Grimm brother ,, look at his plants . NL from Vancouver area male 5 years old that's puts him in the 1974 with a hybrid NL . then take a closer look he dose not name it ,why ,,... simple its his father plant . he is making all the strains using the same father .... now look at the history of NL .. here is the breeder of the real northern lights ...

.. he makes 5 hybrid strains and one is NL ,another is Matanuska thundera ,another is a gold strain base , one is most likely was Apollo 11, he said and I will repeat it word for word , The NL male came from the Vancouver area , that most likely means its a landrace strain base ...

BOTH these statement are not correct....

UNLESS gary was indian joe.... no way did he have a real NL in '74

the history of NL

Described as a “state of the art indoor indica”, Northern Lights became a house hold name after making its way from the Pacific North West to the Netherlands, where it arrived in the possession of Nevil Schoenmakers, owner of The Seed Bank, Holland’s first cannabis seed company and the original “King of Cannabis”. According to Jorge Cervantes, a long time writer for High Times magazine, Northern Lights was originally bred by a man known as “The Indian” on an Island near Seattle, Washington in the United States of America. In Jorge’s version of events detailing the history of Northern Lights there were a total of eleven seeds held by “The Indian” that were labeled Northern Lights #1 through Northern Lights # 11. Among the eleven Northern Lights plants, Northern Lights #5 is said to have been the best of the group with Northern Lights #8 and #1 said to have been of above average quality as well. Described as a 70 day variety indoors which finishes by October in the Northern Hemisphere outdoors, Cervantes’ description of Northern Lights states that its primarily an Afghani Indica which was hybridized with a Thai sativa. Described as very stable, with a piney taste and a THC percentage of over 15% this description has become synonymous with reports of Northern Lights the world over. With a very favorable flower to leaf ratio, it is described as having a purple tinge to the leaves late in the flowering cycle.

According to Sam the Skunk Man, Northern Lights originated near Seattle, Washington (with origins said to be ultimately out of California according to Sam) and arrived in the Netherlands in clone form only in 1985. Available exclusively from Nevil at The Seed Bank, it was quickly hybridized with many outstanding varieties in their own right and marketed to customers across the globe. Said to be the most resinated variety known at the time, by some accounts at least 70 varieties of cannabis were hybridized with Northern Lights or Northern Light derivatives by the mid 1990’s alone. Northern Light hybrids quickly dominated the High Times Cannabis Cup (HTCC) festivals, taking first place in the 2nd, 6th and 7th annual HTCC competitions respectively. With the pure Northern Lights #5 cut winning the 3rd annual HTCC competition. The Seed Banks 1987 catalogue listed several Northern Lights varieties, including (Northern Lights #1 x Big Bud) x Big Bud, Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1, G13 x Northern Lights #2 F-1 hybrid, Northern Lights #1, Haze x Northern Lights #1 F- 1 hybrid, (Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1) x Swazi, Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 F-1 hybrid and a wonderful photograph by ganja guru Ed Rosenthal of the original Northern Lights #5 cutting. The Northern Lights #1 variety is described as a “true breeding Afghani, with extreme indica characteristics. These are short, stocky plants, with leathery, dark green, extremely broad leaves. The stems are very strong, and it is easy to clone.” Indoors, the yield was approximated at 1000 grams per 100 days. Outdoors, two pounds was not out of the question. This variety is described as having an approximate finishing time of 55 days, while indoors reaching heights approaching 50 inches, outdoors one could expect five to seven feet by the end of the season. The description went on to state the Northern Lights #1 is “very vigorous and cold resistant,” being “resinous, potent, and sweet, not nasty and acrid like some Afghanis.” The very first Big Bud hybrids were also marketed in Nevils 1987 The Seed Bank catalog. A three fourths Big Bud variety, (Northern Lights #1 x Big Bud) x Big Bud, the hybridization with the Northern Lights line was expected to create “super plants” that increased both the yield and overall quality of the original Big Bud line. Interestingly, the mention of subsequent Big Bud hybrids to follow, including Big Bud x Northern Lights #2 (Hindu Kush) as well as “a 4-way hybrid of (Big Bud x NL#1) x (Skunk #1 x Early Girl) was mentioned as well. The G13 x Northern Lights #2 F-1 hybrid was described as a variety that “really fizzed, producing an excellent yield of fat, sweet buds. The pungent sweetness of the NL #2 really came through in this blend, adding a touch of Thai fruitiness to the full-bodied Indica aroma.” The Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1 F-1 hybrid was developed using “the best Northern Lights #1 males,” which was said to attribute to this varieties particular unique characteristics. Described as producing among the strongest narcotic effects known from cannabis varieties at the time, this variety finished remarkably fast in approximately 45 days. The Haze x Northern Lights #1 F-1 hybrid was described as, “the most reliable haze hybrid so far, and is our favorite smoke. It is a bit stretchy and difficult to grow, but well worth it.” The Haze is described as being a Sativa variety from the United States, which was quite popular and common in the 1970s. The Seed Bank is said to have “managed to salvage a few viable seeds from the last crop grown in America, and we have used them to produce some remarkable hybrids.” The (Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1) x Swazi is a three way hybrid in which, “the sweet, fresh, piney taste of Swazi” was combined with the powerful and high yielding Hash Plant x Northern Lights #1 variety. This variety is described as growing quite tall, at approximately seven to nine feet outdoors and yielding nearly two pounds come harvest time. The Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 variety is of course a legendary variety in its own right, a High Times Cannabis Cup winner described as being the plant recommended above all others. This variety has a “high-calyx-to-leaf ratio, (with) very little manicuring required.” This variety finished within a 55 day flowering period, with an estimated yield of one and a half to three pounds possible outdoors. In 1989, Nevil’s varieties found success in all five categories in route to putting on a truly dominant performance. The Seed Banks 1990 cannabis seed catalog is a treasure trove of information for the Northern Lights enthusiast.

Northern Lights #1 F3 is described as “one of the purest, most potent, most extreme Indica varieties in the world.” Described as a 40-45 variety with very broad, dark green leaves and an extremely resinated appearance, Northern Lights #1 F3 is a must for the amateur breeder and hobbyist. Northern Lights #2 F3 is a Hindu Kush dominant variety being “wonderfully potent but not devastating” with a pungency and sweetness found to be very intoxicating. Northern Lights #2 of course also being known as Oasis, a variety today offered by the Dutch Passion seed company, said to originally consist of a union between Northern Lights #1 and Hindu Kush. A description which would seem to match up with The Seed Banks 1990 description of their Northern Lights #2 F3. Said to be “surprisingly vigorous” despite its inbred status, also a 40-45 day variety, they weren’t kidding when they mentioned this was an absolute must for the connoisseur or collector. Northern Lights #5 x 2 was a hybrid made between the now infamous Northern Lights #5 cut and Northern Lights #2 (Northern Lights #1 x Hindu Kush). Said to be a variety ready in approximately 50 days, with a “juniper berry taste” and favorable resin production. Hashplant x Northern Lights #1 is said to have been one of the most powerful varieties ever encountered, with the Hashplant itself having origins in the Pacific North West of the United States. Coming in at around 45 days itself, this variety is said to have challenged even the most experienced smokers in Holland at the time at finishing a joint. G13 x Northern Lights #2 was also offered in The Seed Banks 1990 cannabis seed catalog and was described as carrying the pungency and sweetness of the Northern Lights #2 variety, with a typically higher yield with commercial potential. The potency was described and superb with equal resin production with a flowering time right around 50-55 days. Perhaps among the most famous of all Northern Lights hybrids, is the world renowned Northern Lights #5 x Haze. Quite possible the first variety with a warning label attached to the breeders’ description, “side effects may include nausea, dizziness, fainting, and loss of bowel and bladder control.” Whether through pranksters who wanted to humiliate their friends or hardcore stoners whose tolerance had reached epic proportions, Northern Lights #5 x Haze quickly became the talk of the town and won Cannabis Cups and praise from all corners of the globe.

The Haze in Northern Lights # 5 x haze was actually said to have been salvaged from the last Haze crop grown in the United States, and according to Sam the Skunk Man the general vicinity of which was Santa Cruz, California to be exact. The actual pedigree of Haze is somewhat of a debate, with Sam the Skunk Man claiming the Original Haze was a Mexican x Columbian variety, with Thai and south indian lines added later in the Hazes development and the Mr. Nice Camp, who possess the earliest known examples of Haze in the world, which are said to be Columbian x Thai primarily in origin dating back to 1969. Where even in the ideal conditions of the Californian climate the Haze was said to require green houses to finish, and in some cases never truly finished at all. Northern Lights x Haze is described as being at least a 75 day variety that usually translated into a 9-10 week flowering schedule roughly. Northern Lights #5 x Skunk # 1, also known as Shiva Skunk is said to have been one of the most reliable indoor hybrids possessed by Nevil’s The Seed Bank. Touted as a variety that is “a snap to grow” and one of the first varieties the novice grower should consider, scissors were said to not be required with this variety come harvest time with an expected flowering time right around 55 days. A more obscure Northern Lights variety listed in the 1990 The Seed Bank catalog was the Hash plant/Northern Lights #1 x Swazi, described as an indoor/outdoor cultivar that which was originally intended to be an outdoor strain only. This multiple hybrid variety is described as yielding sweet and chunky flowers, with a harvest time right around mid September. The Northern Lights #5 pedigree actually consists of Northern Lights #1 x Northern Lights #1 and efforts are already underway to revive this Queen of Queens by Shantibaba of Mr. Nice seeds (MNS) with seed stock from 1988 where the #5 cutting originated. By last report, a germination rate of approximately 50% was obtained (55 out of 80 seeds) after only two days. Contrary to previously published reports, there is no Thai lineage in the Mr. Nice Northern Lights lines which are the exact lines Neville was marketing in the mid to late 1980’s in The Seed Bank cannabis catalogs. The existence of Northern Lights # 9 x 5 has been speculated on for a number of years now, ultimately said to have went off the market upon The Seed Banks stock retailing by Ben Dronkers at Sensi Seeds.The Sagarmatha seed company “has engineered a superior version of the Northern Lights legend” with their version of the Northern Lights # 9, which is a back cross between “Northern Lights X” and the old Sagarmatha Slyder.

Shortly after dominating the High Times Cannabis Cup in 1989, Nevil is said to have been visiting family back home in Perth, Australia in 1990 when he was apprehended by the authorities after making an appearance on the television show, "America’s Most Wanted." At the same time Operation Green Merchant is said to have been in full swing, with particular interest aimed at High Times magazine itself. It is said that Hightimes editor in chief Steven Hagar was subpoenaed to testify at Nevil’s trial, luckily however that never came to fruition. After spending some time incarcerated in a Western Australia jail, Nevil is said to have successfully defended his extradition to the United States with grounds for appeal being his dual citizenship status in both the Netherlands and Australia. Interestingly enough, it is also speculated Nevil escaped imprisonment and vanished, ultimately making his way back to Holland while remaining underground for quite sometime before re-emerging in the 21st century as a breeder and consultant with Mr. Nice Seeds, along side legendary hash smuggler Howard Marks and the honorable Shantibaba. Quite possibly the finest collection of Cannabis minds ever assembled, Mr. Nice seeds offers’ possibly the finest selection of cannabis genetics in the world today. With a great deal of the original The Seed Bank lines and many more recently crowned lines of divine and royal descent, such as the world famous original White Widow (now known as Black Widow), as well as the Great White Shark aka Peace Maker (now known as Shark Shock) and Medicine Man(formally known as White Rhino).

Consistencies in the Northern Lights oral history are that it originated from the Pacific North West region of the United States, quite possibly in the Seattle region of the state of Washington. From there the variety made its way to Nevil Schoenmakers at The Seed Bank in the Netherlands, where it was promptly bred with numerous hybrids and marketed the world over. From there the varieties reputation spread globally, with little question as to the validity of these parts of the story. Among the consumers best options on the market today are the Sensi Seeds Northern Lights variety and the Dutch Passion Oasis (Northern Lights #2). With news that the Northern Lights #5 line has resurfaced on Shantibaba’s agenda at Mr. Nice seeds, and the release of the MNS Northern Lights #5 x Haze x Skunk in early 2009 hope has been instilled into the hearts of thousands of Northern Lights enthusiast the world over. Shortly before Nevil’s incarceration in Perth, Australia it was published that, “After 8 generations of selective breeding we are able to reproduce our Northern Lights #5 from seed. This is the breakthrough indoor and outdoor growers have been waiting for, for a long time. This current outdoor season will be devoted to mass-producing Northern Lights #5 seeds for the 1991 season. As a breeder I consider this to be my greatest achievement yet. Look for this one, it will change the world.” It is these very same Northern Lights varieties that were released all those years ago, which literally became famous world wide that Shantibaba at Mr. Nice seeds has exclusive access too, with the Northern Lights 5a still being in possession of the MNS team and future Northern Light releases looming in the future. There for my friends, there is truly hope in the world after all for Northern Lights enthusiast the world over. With Northern Lights being among the most prolific varieties of cannabis used in the modern breeding today, its little wonder why Northern Lights remains one of the most intriguing varieties of cannabis in modern times.

The Origins of Northern Lights

Sensi Seeds Northern LightsNo other indica plant besides the legendary G-13 has accumulated such widespread recognition and fame as the Northern Lights Afghani. The original Northern Lights plants were pure indicas but later hybrids were released with a bit of Thai Sativa in their pedigree. This probably accounts for the fruity taste and great, almost psychedelic, high that this plant is known for today. Although most of the subsequent plants were bred towards an indica expression, there are still sativa phenotypes popping up now and then as a reminder of the genetic history of the plant.

Making its way from the Pacific North West to the Netherlands in 1985, the Northern Lights arrived in the possession of Neville Schoenmaker. Neville was the owner of Holland's first cannabis Seed Company known as The Seed Bank, which later was renamed Sensi Seeds under new ownership. According to the most credible source; Northern Lights was originally bred by a man known as “The Indian” on an Island near Seattle Washington in the United States. Some also claim that the plant originated in California before ending up in the hand of this mysterious man from Seattle but there is no conclusive evidence to support this. Apparently there were a total of eleven plants that were labeled Northern Lights #1 through Northern Lights #11. Northern Lights #5 was said to have been the best of the bunch, with Northern Lights #1 coming in at a close second. The original Northern Lights plants were described to be true breeding Afghanis with extreme indica characteristics. They were dark green in color and very stable, with a high flower to leaf ratio while sporting a piney taste and purple hues in flowering. They were also known to be highly resinous with a THC percentage over 15%, sometimes higher.

Original Northern Lights #5 CuttingThe story goes that all the various Northern Lights plants that were given to Neville Schoenmaker at the Seed Bank were female clones. Soon after, many new plants showed up on the Seed Bank list, including several different Northern Lights strains. This is where the history begins to get a bit hazy. How exactly these new seeds came to be is unclear but apparently Neville Schoenmaker used the plants that he got from the Indian to create new hybrids by further crossing them to some males of Afghani origin. He might have acquired them from the same source as the females but the Northern Lights males were never labeled, so their history remains unclear. The best guess is that Neville Schoenmaker created the new seeds by further hybridizing and inbreeding the plants that he acquired from the Indian to his old stock. Northern Lights #1 was described as a true breeding Afghani IBL (inbred line), suggesting that it contained none of the Thai Sativa that was later incorporated into some of the Northern Lights strains. At what point the Thai Sativa was infused into the genetic lineage is however unclear. Most likely it was bred into the Northern Lights #2 hybrid at some point. Regardless of their origin or genetic makeup, two particular males labeled Northern Lights #1 and Northern Lights #2 are clearly mentioned as the fathers of many new plants in a Seed Bank catalogue from the 1980’s. Northern Lights #2, a wonderfully potent Northern Lights #1-Hindu Kush hybrid, is still offered by Dutch Passion under the name Oasis. There is also some Northern Lights #2 in Aurora B from The Flying Dutchmen.

Dutch Passion Oasis - Northern Lights #2The two Northern Lights males fathered several potent and exotic hybrids that included the notoriously potent G-13 female as well as Big Bud, Skunk #1, Hash Plant, Haze and Swazi, among others. One of the more noteworthy unions from this time was the Northern Lights #5 x Northern Lights #2 hybrid, which now no longer exists. The only strains from this collection that are still available at Sensi Seeds today are Hash Plant, which is made up of one quarter Northern Lights #1, as well as G-13 x Hash Plant, Black Domina and Big Bud with a slightly smaller portion of the same Northern Lights genes. Four-Way is also one quarter Northern Lights although it does contain some Cannabis Ruderalis, so it might not be the best choice for everyone. It might however appeal to the outdoor grower looking for auto-flowering or fast flowering varieties. The original Lowryder was also partly made up of Northern Lights #2 for those interested in the history of auto-flowering outdoor cannabis strains.

Sensi Seeds Hash PlantThe genetic lineage of the various Northern Lights plants quickly becomes confusing since the entire line is diverse but also closely related and inbred. However, the Northern Lights #5 clone, which was considered the most superior plant of the bunch, was apparently never sold in seed form and must therefore have been the only unaltered version of the original plants. The pure Northern Lights #5 Afghani indica was used to create several outstanding and potent hybrids in combination with many of the strains that The Seed Bank had to offer at the time. Although many of these Cannabis Cup winners are now extinct, some are still available in seed form today at Sensi Seeds. These plants are also the closest relatives to the glorious Northern Lights #5 mother that Sensi Seeds has to offer. Most notable of these strains are the Northern Lights #5 x Haze, Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 or Shiva Skunk, Silver Pearl and last but not least; Jack Herer, the main ingredient in the now legendary Cinderella99. The glorious Jack Herer is a superior plant that forms a union between the three most important building blocks of modern cannabis strains; Northern Lights, Skunk and Haze.

Some of the strains mentioned above were also sold under the flag of the Super Sativa Seeds Company carrying different names. Some might remember the M39, which was made up of a strain called Basic 5 and Skunk #1. The Basic 5 was apparently Northern Lights #5, which means that this hybrid was similar to the Shiva Skunk offered at the Seed Bank, now known as Sensi Seeds. The Brothers Grimm also offered their version of the Aurora Borealis but it has since disappeared from the market.

The current, unnumbered version of the Northern Lights that Sensi Seeds offers today is according to their description a mix of the three pure variants of Northern Lights that were at their disposal in the past. Since the plant is a result of years of selection and back-breeding, it is difficult to say what the exact lineage is but an educated guess would be that they perhaps combined their Northern Lights #1 male to either the original Northern Lights #5 mother or the Northern Lights #5 x Northern Lights #2 hybrid in order to create this current version.

There are a few other breeders that offer high quality Northern Lights plants and hybrids. One of the most highly regarded versions of modern Northern Lights #5 comes from the British Columbia Seed Company. Their plant possibly derives from the original Northern Lights #5 x Northern Lights #2 hybrid created at the Seed Bank by Neville himself. Dr. Atomic, Joey Weed, Reeferman as well as many others also offer select versions of Northern Lights, some more highly regarded than others. The Sweet Pink Grapefruit that Breeder Steve used to create his Sweet Tooth seed line is also allegedly an old school Northern Lights #1 cutting from British Colombia. Federation Seeds Mikado is also thought to be a reworked version of the Spice of Life Sweet Pink Grapefruit. The Sagarmatha Seed Bank in turn offers a plant that they call Northern Lights #9, which is made up of Northern Lights #5, White Widow and Durban. Slyder from Sagarmatha contains the same Northern Lights #5 and can be considered a forerunner to the Northern Lights #9.

Some of the strains from Serious Seeds also contain some old school Northern Lights, mainly Chronic, which is made up of 50% Northern Lights with a touch of Skunk #1 and the notorious "one-hit-wonder" AK-47. The origin of the Northern Lights used in both the Serious Seeds and Sagarmatha hybrids can be traced back to the original plants, since the owners of both seeds companies apparently worked at Sensi Seeds at one point of their careers and thereby obtained their plants directly from the source. Likewise, some of the strains from The Mr Nice Seedbank contain pure, authentic old school Northern Lights #5 genes, including their Super Silver Haze. Apparently Neville and Shantibaba are also reviving the original Northern Lights #5 from a Haze hybrid from old stock. It might resurface in the near future. Exile from Magus Genetics is also made up of one quarter Northern Lights with some White Widow thrown into the mix but the strain is still highly propelled by the potent and always popular Warlock Super Skunk. Double Dutch from the same company is an early version of Chronic from Serious Seeds coupled up with the same potent father, making it a true Northern Lights hybrid. Both plants have accumulated several awards and are of uttermost high quality.

There is also some mentioning of a private Northern Lights cutting that is said to be the real thing. It is known as P91, which stand for Poway Class of '91. This version of the plant, which originates from Poway San Diego, is supposedly an inbred or cubed version of Northern Lights #5 but this was impossible to confirm. It is considered to be one of the few, true and pure Northern Lights plants left in the world.

The strains containing Northern Lights are simply too many to mention. Northern Lights has over the years become a very important line in modern cannabis genetics. Today, most seed companies offer their version of Northern Lights. Some of the plants are more closely related to the original plants than others, and descriptions by breeders are often lacking in detail. One thing is for certain and that is that there is more than one version of Northern Lights in circulation, ranging from indica to sativa in expression.

dude I out right agree I think what your posting in these details of Northern Lights are very interesting . I don't know if this Gary knew this Indian , but I was there in February of 1979 my ships movements can prove that to the day ...I believe it was the 4th ... but the fact is when I ask him what was in the bag , he said . its a 5 year old male .a NL from the Vancouver area , that's all he said . he did not say anything about this Indain dude .. if you do the math take 5 years off 1979 , that's 1974 dude . I can not change the details I can only try to under stand what they mean ..

and don't get me wrong I agree this Gary dude had to have gotten the seeds or plant from somewhere or someone .. he knew what the strain was ....this Gary was a perfectionist don't think he was wrong about how old that male was ...it look somewhat like the BC seeds NL strain ,to me it did not look that special other then have a big ass stalk ...lol about 3 1/2 ft high ...it was out right the oldest plant there ,he said the MT was 3 1/2 years old
and the other male looked to be about 5 years out by the stalk size .. I never cared till I posted the post . I don't care now . but I just wanted someone else to know about these details . I have nothing to prove here . I just told the story the way it happened .. if you figer it out let me know . but I will stand by the details I was there and I saw these plants and talk with Gary my self so it is what it is dude ...I can say we both LOL when he said the biker he got the MT mother plant from was this biker named Jack .. ,jack had this old chromed out shovelhead all chrome . but I guess he hurt his back and the bike was chain to a railing in front of his house and it was getting rusty ..lol a lot of people knew jack ....I had a new 1300 full dress Goldwing and I rode up the coast a few dozen times looking to see what strains I could find ..I was shocked he knew jack ..jack lived in side the edge of the town ..in a hotel .. I guess he had live there for a long time .. 8-10 years . I met him when I stop to ask if the Harley was for sale ...not at $50,000 ..lol a little pricey for my wallet ..back then ..you ever ride the coastal on bike . its beautiful ...one of the nicest place on earth ..there are some of the best strains on earth there .. I like the fact some strain came up the coast and you seen strains like PR a AG and CG .. the real strains not crosses or want a bees ... I mis those days .. to many trying to find a buck now days ... you take care .. I told you what I know I can not change what he told me ...


Huh??? just when i thought this thread couldn't get any more bizarre..
dude I just read your sig line , I was in the navy and went to Hawaii 3 times , once we went beach parting . and I got a hug bud of Kona bud ,the real strain . that was heaven dude .. the bud was the size of 3/4 of a oz .. it was bad ** weed dude ...I never forgot that strain .. I gave about 3rd of that bud to a hot hooker chick both almost got me busted ...lol but that was some kick weed ,if you want a good Hawaiian strain look for that . it was kick ...just great weed ...


Convicted for turning dreams into reality

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
bi-polar is no joke..

bi-polar is no joke..

Elmer said:
...lol back when I was was breeding the main thing was to grow out as many strains as posable to find phenol types . we would kill off hole grows if there were none in the strains .., sorry I am a breeder not a pothead or a dealer...lol


Your not a breeder...
Or a pothead...

Or dealer.

Your a straight nut job.

Do you not realize nothing your saying makes sense?
If I had the time I could go back and tear your story apart piece by piece, but whats the point. You obviously wouldnt get it.

Good luck with your mental issues though. :wave:

Just to summarize, you would kill off entire grows if there were no "phenols" present??
Wow. And im not refering to you not knowing the correct word.


you talk like that to someone you don't even know ... fools do that ...lol


look nobody knows the truth.

From what I heard from some old timers was back in the day they didn't grow sinsemilla and people would come back home from their travels and plant the seeds they brought with them and It would affect the gene pool. Back in the day Im guessing most growers were breeding and just picking seeds from their favt plants that year and next years growing seeds from various years of their favorite plants. All the while mixing in genetics from the good seeded bud from down the road to the stash they scored along the silk route and the bomb bud imported from the tropical countries. Some people may have been ahead of the curve when it came to cloning and growing sensi. Im not an old timer and I don't know timelines.

gary was probably one of many breeders using strains bred by other ppl that will go unnamed and forgotten to history. Probably back in the day every neighbor on the block had their own version of NL, that was mixed with their own genetic stock. Just like every grower in Matanuska valley probably had their own version. A lot of them were probably related and their might have been one plant one year that everyone used to mix into their stock which became the prototype. Over time the plant probably changed based on new additions to the gene pool.
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