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Marijuana declassified from a Schedule 1 in Oakland County Michigan



Oakland County Michigan Reclassifies Marijuana from a Schedule 1 Narcotic In a recently published court decision from Oakland County Judge Kirsten Neilson-Hartig, marijuana was declared to have medical value as stated by Michigan voters with the passage of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. The Judge's ruling stated, "This Court also finds that the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act’s explicit language finding that marijuana has accepted medical uses is explicitly inconsistent with the definition of a Schedule 1 substance found in MCL 333.7211 and the classification of marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance. Therefore, this Court also finds that MCL 333.7212 as it relates to marijuana, is repealed by implication by the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act."
This decision involved a case where a medical marijuana patient was driving with marijuana in his blood system, however at the time of arrest had not used the drug the day he was driving. Prosecutors asserted that the presence of drugs in the system violated State law. The defendants attorney, Neil Rockind, a Marijuana Patients Organization board member, argued the Operating with the Presence of Drugs (OWPD) statute, as it pertains to Marijuana, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution and as a result is unconstitutional.
This decision has already influenced other cases and marks a sign the county is beginning to accept the passage of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act and easing its hard line stance against the voter enacted statute. Prosecutors are taking order from County judges that this abuse of power will not continue and that the directions and attitudes of the court will change. This decision could result in the dismissal of hundred's of medical marijuana related cases presently in the Oakland County court system.


Well-known member
THANK FUCKING GOD. Cops have been all kinds of crazy in Oakland county, this is really gonna burn Schuette's cookies.


Active member
The Feds will respect his decision. (57)

(The 57 indicates on a scale of 1-10 how sarcastic I am being.)


Schedule 1 in Podunk, MI ≠ Schedule 1 to the Federal Govt.

That is a very misleading headline.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Yeah it would be nice if a federal judge saw things the same way..still a small step forward I suppose. I wonder what ol Bill Milliken would think about mmj?


Registered User
not a lawyer over here, but read the ruling w it came out & they didn't 'reclassify' anything. what they did was say that prosecuting a medical marijuana patient & an illegal marijuana user under dui laws is a violation of the equal protection clause of the constitution. in their reasoning, the judge pointed out that clearly the mi mmj legislation is in direct conflict w the csa & sched 1 classification... they are mutually exclusive in that they can't both be true... that mmj has no medical value yet it simultaneously does. but the ruling was specifically about the equal protection violation... that one standard is used for one set of mj users & another is for the 'legal' users. that doesn't reclassify anything, though does give the reasoning for why it cannot be a sched 1 w no medicinal value.

don't know what the actual implications will be, except that you can drive with mj in your system legally now... and that they must show impairment to charge you w a dui... assuming you are a registered patient. otherwise, you're fucked like usual.

here's the court ruling...


equal protections violation is on page 14-15

nice to hear a judge say it though.

"In conclusion, to treat these two classes of similarly situated individuals (legal and illegal marijuana users) differently is completely arbitrary and wholly unrelated in any rational way to the objective of the statute. The objective of the statute is to ensure the safety of drivers on the roadways. The zero-tolerance law, MCL 275.625(8), when taken in tandem with the Medical Marihuana Act, works to frustrate and completely circumvent that objective. Therefore, it is unreasonable, discriminatory and not rationally related to the objective. Further, there is no conceivable set of facts, either known or that can reasonably be assumed, even if debatable, that might support the position that people who drive with marijuana in their bodies and possess medical marijuana cards are any safer than those who drive with marijuana in their bodies and yet do not possess medical marijuana cards."


Any chance this leads to a Federal court showdown?


The (first) Civil War was fought over 'states rights', seems like a few of these 'rouge' states are defying Federal law. I say send in the troops. -Newt 2013!


Yeah it would be nice if a federal judge saw things the same way..still a small step forward I suppose. I wonder what ol Bill Milliken would think about mmj?

Ole Bill was no Stranger to it..his kids sure were fans at one time ;)


Lammen Gorthaur
Great. Now we will have to put up with the police getting stoned and not being able to answer call outs, leaving us all exposed to the ire of the criminal set. How long do you people think it will be before we see One Adam Twelve parked on the median strip of the main esplanade, while the two numbskulls inside try to drive?

Pass a law that requires police to grow their own!

Guest 88950

Any chance this leads to a Federal court showdown?

lets hope so..........i love fireworks and this has the makings of a good show.

at the very least i hope that other med states see a legal way to strat chippin away at the hypocrisy between Fed scheduling of Cannabis as a schedule I.......no accepted medicinal value.......and the overwhelming evidence of the medicinal attributes of cannabis.

further PROOF of the Accepted Medical Benefits of Cannabis are the multiple patents issued by the USPTO granting Patents in which accepted medicinal properties of cannabinoids IS/ARE the proprietary elements of the patents......patents issued to billion dollar pharmaceutical companies.

let the fireworks begin


Keep fighting, Oakland county isn't going to give us anything this easy!

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