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m or f ?


gets some
Ill chime in too since Ive had a bunch of sexing practice lately :)

That preflower looks male but as I also learned, WAIT and make sure. I nearly killed my biggest plant thinking it was male. It wasn't. Once you see two popping up right next to each other, thats your clue that its a male.


my friend can spot male and female from plants even before they actually show signs. He tells by behavior and he says he is usually about 90% accurate. He is also old as dirt and has grown hundreds of strains for longer than I have been alive (pretty long).

I wish I could do something like that...

Could be a female but doubtful... I am pretty sure its a male, but I would never say not to let it go to know for sure. Only when your confident its a male should you ditch it.


Active member
Once I see that little lobster claw formation I know its all

Once I see that little lobster claw formation I know its all

BALLS from there :badday:


Active member
im not seeing any hairs :( and you can just about make out more things grouping next to it.

starting more seeds now :\


my sure fire method of sexing works quite well.
if the calyx doesn't come to a tip at the end, its most def. a male
male preflowers tend to have more than 1 tip.
agree or disagree w/ me, ive had sucess with this for a while.


My little pony.. my little pony
Imo my money is on male. Most of the strains Ive seen will be poking a hair or two when the preflower gets that large.

h g

really? i could say 2 weeks + and no balls = a female....give it time


Active member
its been under a week, but you can make out a group of them. i'll just collect some pollen from them and hope that my next ones are females.


smokeymacpot said:
its been under a week, but you can make out a group of them. i'll just collect some pollen from them and hope that my next ones are females.

Yes, males show earlier on than females, some females will show this early but very few, if you don't see any hairs, and groups, it is male. A female only begins with one calyx when sex shows, but they have hairs protruding..they do not wait into they grow into clusters then show their hairs. better luck next time. All you really need is one good female to start off.


h g said:
a female....give it time

Have you ever taken a plant to full flower and harvest before? I don't believe so. It is ok to be a newbie. But alot of us growers out there don't just clone, we seed our plants, cross them, so we deal with males and females all the time, every plant is taken care of, and given individual attention. When you've flowered so many times, and gotten used to a strain.. you learn many of the subtle differences(in sexing also). When a plant is at under a week into flowering, and already showing sex, it is more than likely a male. Males do this so they can get an early start making pollen, so by the time they are ready, the females will be ready.

The males don't want to pollinate too early, as there won't be many calyx's to make seeds, and too late, the seeds won't be protected fully by the buds, since they will be seeded only on the outer areas (or miss the chance to pollinate females entirely). Minimum avg time for a female to begin showing is 10 days into flowering, some have shown earlier, but for the most part, this is unrealistic. But I would rather force flower and wait, rather than let a plant veg long enough to show pre-flowers naturally, since this could be a gross waste of time and space.

I see you have a strain going, and I am assuming it is your first. Good luck with it.

h g

Truth said:
Have you ever taken a plant to full flower and harvest before? I don't believe so. It is ok to be a newbie. But alot of us growers out there don't just clone, we seed our plants, cross them, so we deal with males and females all the time, every plant is taken care of, and given individual attention. When you've flowered so many times, and gotten used to a strain.. you learn many of the subtle differences(in sexing also). When a plant is at under a week into flowering, and already showing sex, it is more than likely a male. Males do this so they can get an early start making pollen, so by the time they are ready, the females will be ready.

The males don't want to pollinate too early, as there won't be many calyx's to make seeds, and too late, the seeds won't be protected fully by the buds, since they will be seeded only on the outer areas (or miss the chance to pollinate females entirely). Minimum avg time for a female to begin showing is 10 days into flowering, some have shown earlier, but for the most part, this is unrealistic. But I would rather force flower and wait, rather than let a plant veg long enough to show pre-flowers naturally, since this could be a gross waste of time and space.

I see you have a strain going, and I am assuming it is your first. Good luck with it.



in fact


when u have been a member here more than a couple of weeks i'll take ur advice into consideration

u dont even know what a female preflower looks like

many a newbie has thrown a female out thinking its a male.....that includes u....ur growing top 44 under a 400w HPS....lmao @ u

i agree with OG Bub..you're the truth that gave everyone shit on HG
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h g said:


in fact


when u have been a member here more than a couple of weeks i'll take ur advice into consideration

''u dont even know what a female preflower looks like

many a newbie has thrown a female out thinking its a male.....that includes u....ur growing top 44 under a 400w HPS....lmao @ u

i agree with OG Bub..you're the truth that gave everyone shit on HG

Don't be angry and make things up because you are incorrect :)

Whats wrong with top 44 (you saying nirvana sucks?)? I've got some great white shark clones going also...got a problem with that strain too?

"when u have been a member here more than a couple of weeks i'll take ur advice into consideration"

I posted nearly as much in less than one month, that you took 6 months to post. I guess there is always one of you angry types. My amount of posts reflects my knowledge? doubtful. Not everyone that is new to a forum is new to growing. I doubt you would take my advice into consideration no matter how many years I've been here, or thousand of posts I may have, because you are a shrewd person, that fires up with anger at the first site of someone saying something opposite of you. The point is, it doesn't matter who has the right answer to you, only if you can convince everyone that your answer is the right one, no matter how wrong.

''u dont even know what a female preflower looks like''

really? I thought I did when You incorrectly identified the sex of the plants in this thread.

"many a newbie has thrown a female out thinking its a male.....that includes u"

how does this include me? I have never thrown out a plant that wasn't male, unless it just wasn't a hardy female. I would really love for you to produce how you came to that conclusion. Unlike me, you are jumping the gun. Don't get offended, learn to take suggestions and blunt criticism, without resorting to an attack on another person. You might be surprised how far it gets you.

400w HPS....hahaha, shows how much you know :)

You agree with OG Bub huh? I don't think OG Bub was saying that I was the same person, just that IF I was, that I am not welcome, of which I am not. In fact, there is nothing to agree with, since he did not know IF I was or NOT.
Do not try to place all of this other persons misdeed onto me, take them out onto a punching bag or your mother, but not me kid.
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h g

ur growing top 44 under a 400w HPS...newbies use 400w's...have fun trollin these boards truth..i aint wasting no more time with you

top 44...pmsl...get some decent genetics in ur grow room :pointlaug
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