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Lucas Formula Simplified


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Only wanting the best for my little girls(and me!), I just ordered a R.O. filter too. My question is, will the hard water micro be suitable still or will I need to buy the soft water version?
You'll want the soft water version once you start using RO water. Your plants will LOVE YOU! :D

I would order a bottle of FloraNovaBloom instead of picking up the regular micro. It may seem like a waste but you'll be glad you did. :D Even better would be to get a box of dry MaxiBloom and a bottle of FLoralicious+. I'll have to wait on that myself as the floralicious is like $40 a bottle LOL. :D


New member

i've always used GMB 3 part, and the standard addback formula:

((target - current) / target) * 8 ml per gallon * res gallons = Flora Micro (ml) double this figure to get Flora Bloom (ml)

based on that, i think it would be way easier to just use the FloraNova line, but wanted to verify that the addback formula is the same? So I guess with FNB it would be:

((target - current) / target) * 8 ml per gallon * res gallons * 3 = FNB (ml)


what does the 3 in your fnb formula represent?i use the exact same add back formula but without the 3.


Active member
well today first time using GH 3 part and lucas formula

for my 10g res
M 50ml
B 100ml

did not want full strenght for now that got to 700ppm -120tab water 580 ppm
Now that they've had that feed strength for a day.... up it to almost full strength now. 600w and above get full str.

Big V

Cal-mag is not needed with the Lucas formula, ever. No additives and nothing but RO water.
If you have a 'deficiency' then you need to up the pH to around 6.0-6.1 for a week or so (depending on your strain) to allow it more Mag availability. The Lucas formula has plenty of Mag and plenty of Calcium.

Try the new(ish) FloraNova line that Lucas has switched to, you'll really appreciate the ease.

Super simple. 5 to 7 ml of Flora Nova 'Grow' per gallon of RO during Veg.
8ml of Flora Nova 'Bloom' per gallon of RO during bloom.

The super super simple res maintenance method is to do a changout when you reach a 100% add-back.

To explain this we'll take a 10 gallon res as an example.

During Bloom:
First you mix your res.
10 Gallons of RO water.

If you're using General Hydroponics Flora 3-part you will add
80ml of Micro and mix it well.
160ml of Bloom and mix it well.

If you're using General Hydroponics FloraNova 1 part series you will add
80ml of Bloom.

Once you have your res filled, mark the solution level on the side of your tank somehow. Add pH up until you hit about 5.8. Keep track of how much you added.

Put in your plants and run it.

Every day, add RO water into the res until it comes back to that line. (This is called Topping Off)

Keep track of how much RO water you're adding back and when you've added back 10 gallons, dump the res and mix a new batch.

That's how simple the Lucas formula is.

During Veg you can follow any nute schedule your plants do best with. I use the same that Lucas uses and that's the FloraNova 'Grow' at between 5-7ml/gal.

I've never grown more beautiful plants than with the Nova series. The Lucas formula with the 3-part mix is fantastic but doesn't have the 5% organic content of fulvic/humic acids. The soft lush feel of the plants is really great. :)

Let me know if you're still confused. :)

OK Fuck It! I have a couple 16 oz sample bottles 1 Floro-Nova Grow and 1 Bloom that the lady at the hydro shop gave me to try out sometime last year and I have been meaning to give it a shot. I think this thread has inspired me to go ahead and take the plunge into the Floro Nova series. I just put 6 KO Kush cuttings into veg useing the Lucas formula with the Floro-Nova In recirculating DWC. I set the PH @ 6.0 and I am watching them closely. I think I will make it my first grow journel on ICMag.

One question. I notice some talk of molasses and other carb loads, is there any need or do they even fit into the plan with the Lucas Formula?


Active member
I set the PH @ 6.0 and I am watching them closely. I think I will make it my first grow journel on ICMag.

One question. I notice some talk of molasses and other carb loads, is there any need or do they even fit into the plan with the Lucas Formula?
If you have a float valve keeping your res topped off, drop your pH to 5.2. If you manually top off your res, set it at 5.4. Your plants will love you for it.

If you have a ppm meter, try to keep your ppm steady by adding nutes every 3-4 days. Once the pH doesn't go down far enough, use a bit of pH down to bring it back to 5.2-5.4.

If you don't have a ppm meter, use the simple change out method. If your res is 10 gallons, mix it up, set the pH to 5.2-5.4 and then top it off with RO water. Once you've topped off with 10 gallons of RO, dump it and re-mix a new res. Uses a couple dollars in extra nutes but the results are definitely worth it. :D

As for carb loading and all that? Do yourself a favor and run 4-6 runs with plain nutes before you start messing with that stuff. :D At least at that point you'll have a comparison to see if it's worth it for you. :D

Big V

If you have a float valve keeping your res topped off, drop your pH to 5.2. If you manually top off your res, set it at 5.4. Your plants will love you for it.

If you have a ppm meter, try to keep your ppm steady by adding nutes every 3-4 days. Once the pH doesn't go down far enough, use a bit of pH down to bring it back to 5.2-5.4.

If you don't have a ppm meter, use the simple change out method. If your res is 10 gallons, mix it up, set the pH to 5.2-5.4 and then top it off with RO water. Once you've topped off with 10 gallons of RO, dump it and re-mix a new res. Uses a couple dollars in extra nutes but the results are definitely worth it. :D

As for carb loading and all that? Do yourself a favor and run 4-6 runs with plain nutes before you start messing with that stuff. :D At least at that point you'll have a comparison to see if it's worth it for you. :D

I have a ppm meter with a .5 conversion ratio. It was at 722ppm. I will adjust my ph to 5.4 because I am manually topping it off right now but I may have a float valve in the res before bloom. I just have them in a mini bubler right now until they are big enough to go into the tubs. This saves me water and nutes.

On the left are romulan cuttings and on the right are the KO Kush. The KO cuts were put into the Mini Bubler units just 3 days ago and I just switched them over to the Lucas "Floro-Nova" formula today.


Next they will go into a set up like these 6 Romulan Ladies below that are almost ready to flower now. One more week and these ladies will be flipped to 12/12. This pic was taken 2 weeks ago they are at 19 inches now. These are just on the regular GH 3 part keep it simple feeding regemine. Do you think it would be ok to switch them to the Lucas formula with a week before flower? Or would it be stressful?




Devil's Advocate
Big V, nice system you've got there.

I'm going to be doing a mostly controlled (slightly different medium volume/plant count) side-by-side with Lucas formula using PBP and FloraNova. We'll see how it turns out. I'm curious, for sure.


Would just like to say I just started using Lucas Formula on my first grow, using FNG and FNB. I did 100ml for a 20gal res, and will replace the res when I add back another 20gal.


Active member
I thought that I read that with the FloraNova you only use the Bloom not the Grow for the whole thing.
In a micro-grow environment I wouldn't recommend the 'Grow' Formula.... too much stretch.

Personally I use FNB for every stage for mine. Seedlings - Mature plants.


Well fuck I will just have to watch it and if they really take off I will switch... I'm growing blue dream and blueberry, and I've heard BD stretches heavily


Active member
How long do you keep your ph that low? Might be strain specific, but NL nor Grapefruit liked it that low when they were starting off from seed. Bumped it up towards the 5.8 range and seemed to like that area better. When you start from seed, what is your feeding strength? Love FNB, just do not like the thickness.

Big V,
Make sure your ph tester is accurate, because setting it near 5.2 is the lowest you should ever go, trust me. If it goes below 5, u will get lock outs possibly. FN is buffered, but just keep an eye on the ph. Good luck


Active member
How long do you keep your ph that low? Might be strain specific, but NL nor Grapefruit liked it that low when they were starting off from seed. Bumped it up towards the 5.8 range and seemed to like that area better.
I let it drift up to 6.0-6.1 before I drop it back down. I try to keep my ppm's adjusted for the light level I'm using but I definitely recommend the pH drift. You'll see much better results. :D

When you start from seed, what is your feeding strength?
I just use the nutes from my veg tray so it depends. No real 'hard' pH setting.
I just mix it with a bit of RO water to dilute it the first 2 waterings. By the 4th watering I'm usually at full strength with my seedlings. Your mileage will definitely vary here. I sprout my seeds and have them in full strength hydro within 2 weeks.
(Use an inch of soil on top of a 7oz cup half full of hydroton. :D)

Love FNB, just do not like the thickness.
Mix 1:1 with warm RO water and shake for a good ten minutes, more if you hear crystals on the bottom of the jug. Only takes a quick 10 second shake after that before measuring out for a new res. :D


Active member
Only thing used for a medium is a pool noodle from start to finish, exept a paper towel to germ. So have done no nutes, very light nutes, and just Thrive Alive Red with RO water. Thrive alive is prolly the best way for a few days, then a light feeding, no nutes seem to stunt them sometimes. With no medium or soil in your case, they do not have any food. Pool noodles work good, just hard to find without holes in them already. But if you tried it you might like it! Easy clean up, and nothing to restrict growth at all.