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This is also currently in a 3Gal bucket, wraped in aluminum tape, inside my veg cabinet
featured here http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31861

It started off yellowing really bad so I brought the ppm (@.5)up to 620-640) i think that was a bit to much and i droped it to 500 with distilled 0ppm water.

Well, hows it look?
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looks like some serious bondage man!!!! Oh and a bush in the making, say 2 weeks :D

You were definately starving the shit out of her before tho!


I could not help it. here are some more.
A different angle

& a root shot

Check out that bubbling action :bat:

2.5Gal distilled water ppm 0
10ml Silica Blast ppm 10
5ml of Cal-Mag (before the distilled, i was using my tap with an avg 178ppm)
10ml KL ppm total so far 197
20ml PBP Grow 523
10ml Hydroguard
10ml Senzizyme ppm of 550 (i did not think this would add any)
pH balanced &
I topped with water until i hit 500ppm.


I think this pheno of AK finishes at about 5-6 weeks. I will check my other grow. i will also be taking a clone or two from the 2 tallest untied tips & flowering this in about a week.
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two days & two clones later.

I took the two tallest untrained growth tips as clones. I also wanna add how well i think sensizyme is working for me. Check out the root growth.


Bright white, even with Liquid Karma, albeit 1/2 strength.
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Also, There is no gunk floating in the bottom of the bucket. I always thought this came from the Liquid Karma, and had read others talking about the same gunk, but now i don't have any, and the roots are white and growing insanely! I'
d say thats about 25% growth in 2 days.

my pre-sensizyme roots


3 days later

One is from the 'front' and the other is 180* opposite

I will flower it soon, but i have a question.

Can it be too dense? I was contimplating trying to FIM the top 10%. This would allow all the 'tied downs' to sprout there side shoots fully. But i think ive got close to 30 growth tips+sites on 'tie downs' right now.
3 gallon bucket now, but the lid is the same as a Five.

Well I had to take a overhead pic. This is 1 day later than above, and the lighting is bad. (its 3am here) whadda ya think

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Can it be too dense?
Pictures from 5 Minutes ago. I think the leaf discoloration is from light burn. I just changed the water, and tested some store bought water. The 'drinking water' is 0ppm I used and tested it first. The 'spring water' is 267ppm WOW, more than my Tap. Well, it makes sense that the 'spring water' has the higher ppm.

ANYWAY, I just added clearex and 1oz of LK, 5oz Sensizyme. and will flush for 1 or two days, then switch to flowering nutes with the 0ppm water. I figure the 267 is more than i want to start with, and the mini-flush will help lower the N which will also help with flowering.

Thoughs, Comments?

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Changing Res over as I type. Changing to Flowering Cycle, I figure this pheno is 56 days, give or take. Should be ready for cure by halloween

2.5 Gal 0ppm water pH 5.98
.13oz(wt) of Bud Blood (calculation from AN website) 130ppm
25ml Hydroguard
50ml Sensizym ppm 158
15ml Liquid Karma ppm 270
4ml Cal-Mag Plus ppm 338
20ml PBP Bloom ppm 611 pH of 5.12, a little low, but i'll check in a few hours, it normally rises for me.

Did you see the Bic Lighter?
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lookin good dude

i cant wait to see how she turns out...i'm probably about two weeks ahead of you with the same kinda setup, i tied my girl down alot too, almost thought it was too much, got like 25-30 tops all starting to bud...i broke my digi cam a couple weeks ago and havn't gotten around to buying a new one yet, but when i do, i'll post some shots of my girl...

good luck


Its new home . And I forgot to mention, that i just re-tyed most of the branches a little farther out on the growth tips. The last wierd colored picture, looks really wicked & twisted, just wanted to point out the continuing LST.
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Day 9 flowering

Picture from before i re-trained

Right after. I will stop training when i see the buds starting to form

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Jam Master Jaco

Nice man. Your setup reflects the size that I want to start out with . (250 watt light and just one big ass bushy plant). Keep it up man. I can't wait to see how huge that thing gets, not to mention how many buds you're gonna be pulling off of it. :lurk: :wave:


Hey ShroomDr will be watching this one through, I see alot of my white russian in your AK




How many days flowering you got there?

A close up of some nute burn i think. I would like some confermation, its only on these leaves. but the ppm is >600

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