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Low in the city


Looking good Germ. Keep up the good work. I agree that your plants will start to revert in the next few weeks. Unless you take them inside for the remainder of their bud cycle. Your plants look like they are loving that house you made for them. Cant wait to see your grow progress. Good luck to the future man.



Thanks for the input guys. I don't see myself hauling them in for the next month and a half so I'll see if I can get a tarp over them once they start to revert. And once they do start to revert... its time to get the summer run out.

Cali - You read it wrong haha. It says 8-9 weeks I believe. 3-4 week flower, that would be something to behold though right? Bubba was tossed anyhow.


They only need to be covered until it is naturally dark, then the cover can be removed the same night so in the A.M. they get the normal sun. WIth this method I don't have to worry about them in the A.M. so I can sleep in.

THe entire unit is quite discreet, I am sure you will have no problems with such attention to detail.

Your garden plants look nice, a good environment to enjoy the tunes and smoke I am sure.

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Spring...done. I cut plant #'s... screwed up the bagging schedule one too many times, but I'll have something to show from it.

Had to chop earlier than I wanted due to personal reasons. Couldn't keep up the cover schedule so down they came. Hope everyone has a great season... till next time.

Germ :joint:
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just read the thread yo nice shit.too bad about the early chop,still loks like you came out ok and summers run is lookin pimp as hell too.im tagged up and watchin yo.peace.



pm is becoming too much of problem with the og... but can't afford to open up the ends to lower humidity because of the intense smell creeping out of the cracks of this thing. Might have to add that carbon scrubber for this one.



Looking very nice Germ, PM is trouble for me and has been keeping me busy all summer. I find that if I can spray them with a good dose of Potassium Bicarbonate & Surfactant in the first week or two of flowering it really helps keep it out of the flowers, that is if the Inline and scrubber don't solve it for ya.


Thanks for taking a look Expert, I haven't looked at my own thread in a while. The PM isn't such an issue now. I got my ass in gear and started watering in the early morning with the scrubber/fan on...airflow and a little lower P.M. temps have played a big role.

Been hitting the ladies with some different additives. Gravity/Floraliscious and the girls are looking great. I'll update this weekend.

Be easy,


Nice to see your still using the white house Germ. I thought you had pulled everything already. If you mis some baking soda and water in a squirt bottle you can get rid of the PM. I had to use it earlier in the year. It knocked it down pretty good and doesnt affect the taste of finished buds. You can always spray with plain water when you harvest to wash off any baking soda still on the plants. Good luck on your grow.


Active member
I third the baking soda tip. PM is bad for your health, this is a medical grow to help your health, mist that damn mildew now.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
tagged up yo!!!
wish i coulda made vegas bro...i shoulda went i missed my appointment like a dumbass anyways yo.peace


wow cant believe i havent seen this thread till now, great little setup you got, at first i thought it wouldnt work doesnt look like sun would get through but i guess it does

great work


moar picz pls thx :jump:

Thats a great setup there. Thanks for bumping this, Habibi.


Finish this up on a positive. I shut down my indoor and moved shop after this outdoor run. The White House was a success at the end of summer leaving me with enough medication to sit on while I am setting up something new.

I'd recommend anyone doing something like this in the future consider the huge humidity problems associated with sealing a space this small with that much flower in it. When you water your lawn (or your neighbor does) at night, it causes PM almost immediately. You HAVE to add a fan inside for circulation, coupled with an exhaust fan hooked up to a scrubber...passive intake was not enough, I would recommend active intake as well.

Oh also, hope and pray you don't have a rain storm at the end! I was fortunate that we had a extremely dry Summer...and avoided bud rot as a result.

Be easy,

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