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Hi there fellow growers!

Let me introduce myself. I live in northern canada and this is my very first post. Ive been following this forum (and overgrow.com back in the days) for about 4 years now, and id like to take the opportunity to thank u all for the huge amount of knowledge that u guys shared- RESPECT!!!
I've been growing indoors for about 6 years now on and off, trying a couple different methods like ebb&flow and Screen of Green with horizontal lighting and Krusty Buckets and a home made Colliseum with vertical lighting.
I will post pics of each of these setups next week, i'm actually on my holidays right now, so i have a limited number of pics on me. But what i do have to show u right now is my 2009 Outdoor setup at 55N degrees. Its my first try at outdoor, i think im addicted to it already lol :laughing:
So here are a couple of pics, they were 4-5" tall clones when i planted them out on may 25 and i kept on tying the branches down, thats why theyre so bushy.
I started 6 strains from seed: Early Fatty, Mango, Purple Bud, KC 33, Cyber Cristal and Passion #1. They just started to flower about 1.5 weeks ago.
Oh yeah, and one more thing: I f*ckin hate deer :) theyre enjoying my plants its like candy for them lol


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The last 3 pics are the mothers that i took all the clones from. They r 8 months old right now and just started to flower as well.


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Active member
Get some predator urine and spray it on all the trees to discourage the deer!!

Welcome to IC, love to see a fellow Northern Canadian overgrowing it outdoors!


I tried bobcat and wolf urine it worked pretty good, but i ran out and my local hydro shop doesnt carry it. I tried my own piss i think they like that lol, cause i found animal hair on the dispenser bottle afterwards lol
I also tried the deer repellent blood that i found at the hydroshop, all it did was attract a couple of bears :fsu:
I lost over 20 motherplants due to these fuckers and about 300 of the ones from clone :ss
I'm trying the Irish Soap right now, see how that works if it doesnt I think im gonna have to brake down and try to order some of that predator piss over the internet or something.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Nice patch, especially for a first patch!

Spread out a box of moth balls around the perimeter of the patch. It will deter all animals from entering the area. Deer remember it....others (coons, etc...) need a fresh batch spread out once those disappear.

If you use an animal based deterrent...use the type that is coyote piss in sand (Skat is one brand comes to mind). You already found out the flaw in using deer based deterrents.


yea! good to see another northern canadain OD grower, 55n ,dude you are way up there< are your clones going to have enough time to finish? next year maybe try Emerald Wonder or Early wonder Skunk for an early flowering strain, I am very reluctant to use clones in the bush or outside as i find they never finish not like a seed.lucky me, have never had much deer problem, i see biggysmalls used scoot to keep pests away & there is a product called planntskyd that does the same.good luck & pray for good finishing weather


I tried plantskydd, all it did so far was attracting a couple of bears, but i'll defenetly try the mothballs. I will also start my own tread pretty soon posting a couple more pics.

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