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Leafy Trichless Wonder- any potential?


Please take this as help not trying to scold you or anything...

You seem very impatient which is something you can not be if you want to get all your plant's potential. Things like taking off the leaf because it looks too leafy, is inhibiting photosynthesis creating small buds. PATIENCE IS KEY.

Second I read.."All I have is 12-60-12 superbloom something" that is way too strong in my opinion and keeping Nitrogen locked in. Flush with plain water from here on out and you will be better off.

Good luck and keep reading up on here and you'll get it down in no time.

I quit fert's a month ago, even when I applied the fert I diluted it. I have read over and over how you should not remove leaves, I'm a noob but I'm going to disagree in this situation. I MAY BE WRONG, and I'm willing to except that. But, I base my opinion on how I grow tomato's, there's a certain ratio of leaf to fruit that should be kept. I believe my plants have too much leaf because of extreme heat and too much nitrogen(or maybe it's bad genes). Like I said I could be wrong, but the buds that are exposed to the sun are more resinous.


I respect your answer because it's probably based on experience but I'm still not completely convinced because I get similar results growing other things like roses and tomatoes. Every tomato grower knows that keeping the plant to a single vine produces tomatoes faster and larger but there's a reduction in yield. I also notice the same with my roses if I keep them to one bud per stalk they bloom faster and bigger. So why not cannabis?

btw I trimmed it like crazy a few weeks ago, there was too much leaf, the buds deep inside were white because they saw no sun. Now that the sun penetrates the colas there is resin forming deep inside and the buds are getting some color in there.


Active member
it can be done but not while in bloom , you should prepare your plant before she begins to flower

With prepare i mean cutting of leaf and stems which aren't needed or are too small

When flowering , just let her be

Tomatoes and roses don't flower the same way as cannabis.


Depends on strain, if it is a very leafy strain, nothing is wrong with removing a few fan leaves that may be blocking sunlight to lower budsites. Just don't go crazy with it, otherwise the plant will put more energy into growing new leaves instead of fatter buds. So take it easy with removing too many fan leaves.

Another thing to take note of, some strains don't have very long or huge trichromes, does not mean it is not potent, give it time. A lot of people breed for huge trichs or long trichs, does not mean the strain is potent. In other words excessive amount of trichs or the lack thereof is not a indication of potency.

Good luck with your grow. Looking forward to some bud porn.
I leave you with some words of wisdom.

1. Never judge a book by the cover.
2. Looks are deceiving.


Depends on strain, if it is a very leafy strain, nothing is wrong with removing a few fan leaves that may be blocking sunlight to lower budsites. Just don't go crazy with it, otherwise the plant will put more energy into growing new leaves instead of fatter buds. So take it easy with removing too many fan leaves.

Another thing to take note of, some strains don't have very long or huge trichromes, does not mean it is not potent, give it time. A lot of people breed for huge trichs or long trichs, does not mean the strain is potent. In other words excessive amount of trichs or the lack thereof is not a indication of potency.

Good luck with your grow. Looking forward to some bud porn.
I leave you with some words of wisdom.

1. Never judge a book by the cover.
2. Looks are deceiving.

I'm actually pretty happy and excited with this plant now. A month ago this plant was weak and nothing but lettuce, now it's getting sticky and it's got a real up high. I removed massive leaf, I mean tons the whole ground was green and I don't regret it because I've seen positive results, better surface to sun ratio.
I'm actually trippin on something I tried today, instead of using scissors I just pull the leaves off by hand with fingers, it works Freakin great. The end result is a very fluffy pile of buds with NO LEAF, well barely. :moon:LTW, Your now- Leafless-Trichy-Wonder Never give up on the btch , I hope to harvest dec. 1 @ 100 Days
Impatient my ass lol
that was a bagseed? like schwagg or something? there is a good chance you got a pheno that takes more weeks to finish than you got. everyone knows about those long flowering sativas, but not everyone knows those sativas often have phenotypes that never really finish. Your plants relatives may have grown in a far far different condition, in a very different way. think harvest windows, if that. Alot of modern hybrid strains come from sativas like that tho


that was a bagseed? like schwagg or something? there is a good chance you got a pheno that takes more weeks to finish than you got. everyone knows about those long flowering sativas, but not everyone knows those sativas often have phenotypes that never really finish. Your plants relatives may have grown in a far far different condition, in a very different way. think harvest windows, if that. Alot of modern hybrid strains come from sativas like that tho
Yes it was bagseed from unknown source and I totally agree with you. I wish I could better illustrate how I saw this plant grow through it's flowering. It basically grew-in on itself, it just mashed up on the inside of the buds, leaves were all scrunched together and buds were almost white looking because no sun could penetrate those newly formed buds inside. Eventually they do ripen and the buds have very tall trics. But it takes forever, yea you know. The final set of leaves that grew out of the tips was 3 blades, never went to 1 blade, so it was a leafy beech. Some parts of the plant have big leaves like indica(imo) and others were more sativa. The sativa parts were more airy allowing more light to penetrate and the buds were much more crystallized.
The buzz is sharp and strong and even though it takes more than one small hit there seems to be no ceiling. It's not very long lasting but at the end of day it's as if I hadn't smoked at all.

Season is finally over dec. 3,4 harvest. woohoo and they told me I couldn't do it. not my only :xmastree:

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