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jade vine (Strongylodon Macrobotrys)


Active member

anyone know if these seeds are available for this vine !? or were i can get hold of a small plant..

:thank you:


Active member
^ nope..

the cuttings are really expensive as well, but i have not seen the seeds or the cutting for sale :(

someone mentioned on facebook that they bought a seedling and it was expensive...

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
That is an indigenous plant to my area right there.I don't remember having seen one yet,but will start looking.Supposedly it is becoming more and more rare.I do know a guy that has a little garden center.I'll have to ask him about it.


Active member
too be honest i dont find the flowers beautiful, i just like the weirdness of its claw like petals..

looks like a flower that would be in HALO 2 :)


Active member
internet is a wonderful thing............

i post on a vegetable forum and i mentioned the jade vine seeds,and out of the blue i got a PM from a guy in thailand, ( never chatted to him before) and he said he knows someone in the philipines and he will ask him .. a few months went by and last week he writes me a PM saying he got the jade vine seeds he did a plant exchange with a guy in the philipines, he has posted me the seeds still in the pod......

i have not received them yet so will post some pics when i do .............


Active member
here are the seeds , they look like dates ;) my friend he wrapped tissue paper around them to keep them moist i think that was a mistake.. one was mouldy had to get rid of it, so i am left with 3, i sowed them in seedling pots just now and keeping them in a warm room with temps above 15c at all times... its just a punt they are notoriously hard to germinate but ill give them ago see what happens....


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Active member
you can see from the first pic he wrapped them in tissue and put them in a plastic drinks bottle, so warm and humid which mould love..

anyway i am really grateful that he went out of his way and got me the seeds, really nice man !!

in the 2nd pic, the white stuff isnt mould thats just the tissue paper


Hi All,

I am a newcomer to this site. I've been searching for jade vine seeds for years! Does anyone know of a source? I would be extremely grateful if someone could help. I am writing from Malta and the climate here is excellent to grow this beautiful vine. Please help!


Active member
They look good, good luck with sprouting!
Are you able to keep them a bit warmer....say 20, rather than 15 degrees.
15 is pretty darn cold when your from the tropics.



they moulded man !!! all 4 of them, the person who sent them to me thought to wrap them in wet tissue paper so they dont dry out, but unfortunately they rotted instead, oh well it was a long shot !!


Do not throw the seeds away - you can still save them. Get a 2% hydrogen peroxide solution and put the seeds in it. Make sure all seeds are covered with the solution. Leave in a dark place for 24 hours. The container should be closed but not airtight. After that put the seeds in the soil immediately. When you water the soil to keep it damp, use the peroxide solution. Keep doing this until all seeds sprout.

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