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Is this clone rooted enough to move into soil?

ice minus

Hi all!! Newbie here

My Island Sweet Skunk x Barbara Bud FINALLY has roots after what seems like forever!

Is this enough to move into moist soil yet?

Or if not, what's considered best practice?

Much appreciated guys

Oh and will it need a dome once transplanted? It's never been domed yet from start to finish but I'm not sure if it will react once oxygenated water isn't splashing on it 24/7

THANK you!


ice minus

It's hot sadly :(

It's this soil:

But I've never had issues with anything in it before, seedlings do great!

Thank you for responding! Can I bug you to check my other post as well, big thanks again!

ice minus

I moved it into moistened soil, and it wilted a short time later. It is wilted in it's pot right now. I am hopeful it will recover with time, I'm guessing I needed to acclimate it more or harden it off somehow?

Should I be doming this thing after moving into soil next time, then slowly weaning it on and off maybe?

Thanks again


I moved it into moistened soil, and it wilted a short time later. It is wilted in it's pot right now. I am hopeful it will recover with time, I'm guessing I needed to acclimate it more or harden it off somehow?

Should I be doming this thing after moving into soil next time, then slowly weaning it on and off maybe?

Thanks again
I’d transplant it into soil, preferably low nute. But I also think plants can acclimate much better to high ec if they are started in it.
What ec is the water?

Also the important part you missed is to keep treating it like a clone, at least environmentally.
Creating the conditions it’s used to will give it the best chance.
A cheap cover is fine.
Sometimes I use overturned clear cup with hole on top, or a sandwich bag with corners cut.


Well-known member
I moved it into moistened soil, and it wilted a short time later. It is wilted in it's pot right now. I am hopeful it will recover with time, I'm guessing I needed to acclimate it more or harden it off somehow?

Should I be doming this thing after moving into soil next time, then slowly weaning it on and off maybe?

Thanks again
Mist it and put a plastic bag over it,it may revive it,keep it out of direct light

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