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Is ICmag on Facebook?



I cant stop watching that video starring the gypsy posted on that facebook page. its hilarious, one minute he's prancing around in a snuggie, the next minute he's going ape shit. Is that supposed to be a funny youtube vid or something?
you could posts links to all your grows on your wall too

Funny, my wife and I were just discussing this.

So, my Uncle brews his own beer from his own home grown hops. He's always posting these great pics of his 'buds' and everyone is fawning over them and great facebook conversations ensue from family and friends.

Why the fuck cant I do that? If I posted pics of my grow, a good portion of my family would think I'm some kind of drug addict. And my Uncle drinks WAY more beer than I smoke buds. Yet, I'm the one with the problem. Frustrating.

note: It's not about showing off, its about sharing things in my life with my family and friends.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
:thinking: Ummmm, no.

CIA Gets in Your Face(book)

Ozer says that there's no way we can be sure what the CIA is up to online.

"It seems if they would go to the trouble to infiltrate peace groups that they are also online looking at information."

Facebook - the CIA conspiracy

Facebook's first round of venture capital funding ($US500,000) came from former Paypal CEO Peter Thiel. Author of anti-multicultural tome 'The Diversity Myth', he is also on the board of radical conservative group VanguardPAC.

The second round of funding into Facebook ($US12.7 million) came from venture capital firm Accel Partners. Its manager James Breyer was formerly chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, and served on the board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm established by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1999. One of the company's key areas of expertise are in "data mining technologies".

CIA, FBI push 'Facebook for spies'

CNN- But that's not the case at the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency, where bosses are encouraging their staff members to use a new social-networking site designed for the super-secret world of spying.

You'd have better luck sticking your head in a blender.

Follow the money trail and use your head on these social networking sites. I do have a Facebook page BTW. Keep it simple would be my advice.


Someone I know was arrested because she said she would be at her mom's home for her birthday on facebook (She had an active warrant). Cops read facebook and myspace to track people that are wanted.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
The Facebook page is a fake and while not readily capturing your information, it is available for poor suckers to really screw up by posting anything. The account has no administration, and I have reported it for copyright infringment to Facebook.

Please be warned and do not visit the Facebook site...as of this time we have no plans to create an official Facebook page.

The only other authorized off-site page for the Cannagraphic is the youtube site found at this link...it is the official video site for ICMag creations, and is personally managed by myself.
