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Im pulling my fcking hair out!!!



12 site ebb N grow
PH 5.4-6.2
PPM 1000-1160
starting PPMs 149
5 weeks into flowering

I thought this was starting to be a cal/mag problem. So added cal/mag and it got worse over 10 days.

Just going by the pics WTF is going on??? Ive run KFB, DWC, and dirt so im not new to growing.

Ive flushed the goddamn res until im blue in the face.

The leaves yellow, the edges curl down and in, while the tips curl up.

WTF is going on in this place!!!!!!!! :fsu:



burnt out og'er
Looks like a phosphorus deficiency or lock out. (arrgh edit)
What nutes are you running and how are you going about mixing the nutes ?
(meaning in what order do you add which items to your nute water)
What kind of water being used ?

Also, what is your reservoir maintenance method (how often changed and how is it maintained) ?
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So far Ive done GH 3 part and then switched to Floranova.

Im using city water, PPMs around 150 to start.

Ive changed the res every 2 weeks trying to figure out the prob.

Just flushed it again. Res is at 5.8, floranova nutes at 1100ppm.

Just dont know WTF is going on.


Looks ALOT like what I am battling in soil right now...I will be watching this thread to see if you find a resolution....Check my thread titled "heat" down a few post..Leaves brown and curl like a cal mag issue but that doesnt seem to be the problem as I too have flushed and fed cal mag...Goood Luckkk.

og dmc

I never go above 900 ppm , I think you had some lock out, then you flushed the res further compounding the nute problem. At 900 ppm I never flush during the grow , only in the final two weeks. One thing I think is certain is that is no MG def. best bet is just get on a balanced diet and stick with it. If you switched nutes mid grow that is probably what didi it.
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Dropping your nutes to 900 or less should stop any nute burn, if you believe this could be the issue. Im guessing the plants are needing more water than they did the weeks prior for what ever reason. The excess nutes left during evaporation (them sweating) could be leaving a slow toxic build up. Add carbo load often to help offset the lost of carbohydrates not being provided by the dead leaves. Going a week longer than their expected harvest date, because of the damage, may not always help with size but will give some added weight.
If you don't feel like nute burn is a possibility, for now, lift your lights to stop the fast rate of burn for the moment untill you figure it out.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
those baby's do look fryed to me...i also suggest lowering the nutes in the reservoir....asap....:2cents:


gets some
I agree, that looks like nute burn and it's causing other uptake problems. Eventhough Floranova has organic humic acids, the base nutrients are still chemicals (same as the GH Flora 3-part). I use FN Bloom and my res is rarely above 900ppm by the end of the grow and certainly not in the 1000s at week 5.

Id bet your res spends more time at 5.4 than it does at 6.2, which compounds the problem.


Thanks for the help guys. Im gonna bring the PPMs down to around 800 and see if that helps.
I think you should get rid of all those deteriorated leaves and ajust your ph and your humidity should be between 30 and 50% in bloom. RR


gets some
Redrooster said:
I think you should get rid of all those deteriorated leaves and ajust your ph and your humidity should be between 30 and 50% in bloom. RR

I disagree. Those plants need every bit of living, photosynthesizing leaf they can get to finish out flowering. Fix the issues and let the plants drop whatever leaves they don't want.


i had exactly that in one of my almost lost grows, its nute burn :S, hope you fix it soon or it will eat even your buds :S

gl ;)

oh and btw whatever you do dont you pull one single leaf out, the plant will eat those afected leafs first :p
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Ok, thanks again everybody!

My res is now at 750ppm and 6.0ph

We will see what happens. The strain is Erliquin's Jack Flash x Super Skunk for all you old OG members still floating around! Its going another 5 weeks at least. :bashhead:

Here is a pic of it in 3gallon soil buckets, 1 week veg on these clones...
