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Im pissed!


High Grade Specialist
Thx guys lots of good info here.

Ive put the remaining stuff in jars now and will let it sit for a while and see. ILl also take this opportunity to cut down my smoking or take a small break alltogether. If the weed stays crappy ill just run it all through my bubble bags. Selling it is out of question (my buddy said he wouldnt mind taking it for free if i want to get rid of it lol).

On the next run ill try to dry slower and put it in jars right away. I have 10 sensi stars in jiffies right now! 48 hours and not one has popped so far ... wish me luck!


Registered Pothead
I am growing a sensi star x chronic cross right now. Lemon Stinky. You will love the sensi man.


Active member
ICMag Donor
No cure, other than a water cure, will take care of the nasty if you didn't flush the plant out properly. You are smoking/tasting N.


I set my dehumid to 50% when hanging plants I think anything too much lower will dry them out too fast.Anything higher than 50% can cause mold


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Good luck with your next gro Kush master....hope you get some great tasting weed next time...


sorry for your low quality harvest
growing good kind bud is not as easy as dropping some beans in the dirt and watering, as many on the forums seemingly believe. as you have found out.

sounds like you might need to look at your drying technique & environment. There are more than one way to dry your crop, but I get great results doing what i was taught:
clip off all the fan & secondary leaves you can EASILY remove (by clipping the stems)
cut branches off the main stem
hang the branches
the drying area should be dark, with temps 70-75f, rh 40-45, with no direct air being forced onto/around the buds
after 5-7 days the buds will snap off of the branches and they are good to go to the next step.... either down the road or into glass jars. NO BAGS

all that said, i did a strain (carmel kush) that, even though it shared grow space & food & drying area with sdxsb (which came killer, as usual), it came out like grass. the only time that has happened to me.... glad i only ran the 1 plant.

good luck