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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot


I'm not a real goat.™
Rock on Core!

I got a feeling this thread is gonna be a monster in no time.....:smile:

Much respect dude.



Registered Medical Patient
Shit bro, ur threads move so fast!!!I ghot u tagged now!!!..After seein that AH girl, I can really see some of the traits she gave to the CT!!!I really like my CT's bro, very hazy & potent and smooth...best yielders outta all of them too!!!See ya around...Oh, and what are the X's in 008??

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
people people .gladd to have ya'll.....but damyum my :friends: so much repley's ....lol
i think you guys are gonne give me lots of repley work this year :smile:

hehehe sorry mate thats the only way for now.....and the remaining packs i have are accounted for....close friends come first ..But i'm shure you iunderstand that :smile:...Nway i'm happy to have ya aboard :D

heya Tyler
Good to see you again mate !and i think it woz't you that woz slow ,i believeit woz IC mag ...:wink: hehehe
well then ....i hope you 'll recieve them...and i hope the won't let you down ether.
the dominatrix i have high hope for...good luck getting them !

aaaha my mate Bear....
another regular face :D great to have you visiting my garden
i'm always in for another lurker ey hehehe
Smoke a bowl and take a load of :joint:

hello Wedflash
there's plenty of room my friend....hope you gonne like the show....
but if i fuck up you gotte forgive me ey ...:wink:
gladd to have ya !!

heya Dog
yea mate there's some nice pheno's between them.....Zeus 's grease pheno woz one like that.....such a nice plant...
Nway i might make a pure sativa this run ...But for my own purpeses....if it happens you 'll read it :smile:
that could take a small while though.....

Sleepy !!!
another VIP ....long time fan of yours....and i just love your Reservoir strainlist !! gotte hand it to ya :smile:
mi case su case !!

hey mate seems you are getting a regular yourself?
great to have you onboard....and i will look up your thread and come around to take a peek....these thing work best both ways :wink:
thanks for joining in my friend !

omfg this gets better and better :D
gladd to see you around the boards again....i also woz a lurker of ya theads....Nway, you are more then welcome here...and i'm shure i can learna few tricks from ya....take seat and any comments,help is always appreciated !

Zeus :D
yea man i think i may have unleased a memeber avalanche lol....no serious...I don't mind if i have the time :smile:
and the crosses in 008 is a Green pheno Peewee crossed to a unknown early finishing plant wich i called 007 X Bogglegum f2 makes the name 008
maybe you remember that i woz running a sideproject a few months ago ..
007 woz that project ..I names her like coz she finished in 7 weeks !!
i name this cross 008 becouse i hope it will finish in 8 weeks...i hope i woz not to presumtious...lol
Yooo Coreman I Finally made it over :biglaugh:
Got ya tagged now bro!!


Wow would ya look at the frost on those leaves!! :respect:
Me thinks I might need to switch my nutes..:chin:
anywayz, i'll be :lurk: in the back.
:wave: Low


natural medicator
well.....it looks like i'm a little late for a front row seat..........so I'm gonna smoke out the second row instead :joint:

Core: I'm sure this is going to be a fun show to watch. It looks like you'll be working with a nice selection in some nice conditions. Those various haze plants look tasty!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sup core,i cant wait to see what ya throw on the boards for 09!
i couldnt be more impressed with ur work ethic bro.you always have somethin boiling in the pot. :joint:
it all starts from the seeds you guys bring us...big respect to all the breeders out here yo,its inspirational as hell what you guys do, and to understand the plants...to know what would compliment what when the final product is ready,just genius bro.peace-T-

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
glad i found this, dying to see how that martian haze finishes!
is that the mean martian haze from dna?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Super-ultra-hyper-tagged: extreme edition!!!!!!!

Just outta curiosity, how come this thread isn't called "Hard-Core"....or something of that nature? You'd think it'd be a shoe-in!!!

Nonetheless, I got a whole couch pulled up for this one.


Active member
i smelled something coming out of this thread from 2 blocks away...

what's going on in here...?!?!




Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Thanks and Welcome onboard badugi :smile:

yo Highlow :D
great to have ya lurk along....and its not only the nutes my friend lol...if it where that simple...
gosh, i would grow a single resinhead hehehe j/k now...
Nway glaad that you joined in on the fun !

heya Firsttracks :D
hehehe the ISO man :smile: nice to see you inhere mate....and there's no second rows here my friend...this is a Circle ...so everybody has the same view :wink:
and you might be right on the showpart...i've had some of these sativas for a couple of runs now so she's proven in my book :smile

thanks Tonatiuh ...
i'll try and do my best ...but don't put to much pressure on me bro...if i fuck up then i'm a laughing stock....LOL...FUCKEM i say ....hehehe.
No,serious ...fuck up's are shown here to !!
but i'm shure i will bring something new to play with :smile:

High Frank !
gladd you found the time to come in my friend! its not the martian mean greens i'm running;..Its a cross of the mmg x G13 haze....i askt A what he wanted to call them and he said martian haze....they are actually a gift of him....cool bloke ...and a cool shop he has

heya UBER !!!
omg so many familiar faces inhere..... gladd you joined my friend!.....i know i still ow u a PM but i need to sort a few things first...i'm shure you understand...But its tagged :wink:
Nway,wait till these baby's fill in...well most of'm nway....hehehe then the show will get on the road :smile:

acces :D
hehehe don't kno realy....thats maybe a good idea for next years thread ...lol....and the one that say's we stonerbrains have no imagination must be shot hahahahaha
gladd you pulled up a couch bro...you more then welcome

its getting better and better ....hehehe
yea mate all these blokes sitting in a G-spot....thats gotte stink ey ...roflolmao...not even thinking about smoke now....hahahaha hope there no -16 here lmao :fsu:
no serious....its the new moongathering of the FUCKEM crew ....
Gladd you joined in xOOx :D
Last edited:


East Coast Grower
Damn Core, you got the masses behind you over here lol. Im still a bit of a newbie here... Glad I got here when I did, can't wait to see the Neville xMango and the Amnesia Haze. I guess I'm moving up to the balcony for a better seat :lurk:


Voluptuous Trichomes
XXX--Core goes Hardcoir!!

XXX--Core goes Hardcoir!!

Beautiful plants, stellar lineup--'um all up in the C-spot



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thanks Rob and -VT- :smile: !!

i wanted to update 2day ...but i think i'm gonne skip it ....coz the site is slow as fuck again....geeesh and just now i started a thread on her G-Spot ...LMAO....
maybe she has spasms from that....roflolmao....i'm used to uploading 10 resized pics in 2,3 minutes max! and now she does't even let me upload in a decent way....it takes more then 10 minutes to upload 1 or 2 :fsu:

just wanted to let people know that from now on the thread can be followed becoz of the freebies i send in....

i started 10 of each :joint:

Crash test II
Pollen chuck revised
......and also some PeeWee's...

1/2 of them sprouted a tail within 14 hours...no Shit...
will take a few pics next time ....first need to sqeeuze a update in ..
and i'm still waiting on the upload so no pics for today....mmmh mmmh wait...2de screen came up.....damn still need to upload the bulkloadpage lol..... it won't be for this evening foks ...laters all :D

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I know what your talking about, I tried the other night for 30 minutes then gave up. Makes it hard to get your fill of bud porn when no body can upload eh.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Did I read PeeWee's? :rasta:

Man, sure the other stuff even got an article in TY mag, and this revized stuff should be a thc bomb, but I must reckon I have a soft spot for anything related to the PB.

Don't know if it's the purple, the flava or the effect, but she's got something I like :D

I do remember trying someting that also had some fruity flava and a serious bang... was it the crash test? It's been a long time.

Take care bro!


Core said:
thanks Rob and -VT- :smile: !!

i wanted to update 2day ...but i think i'm gonne skip it ....coz the site is slow as fuck again....geeesh and just now i started a thread on her G-Spot ...LMAO....
maybe she has spasms from that....roflolmao....i'm used to uploading 10 resized pics in 2,3 minutes max! and now she does't even let me upload in a decent way....it takes more then 10 minutes to upload 1 or 2 :fsu:

just wanted to let people know that from now on the thread can be followed becoz of the freebies i send in....

i started 10 of each :joint:

Crash test II
Pollen chuck revised
......and also some PeeWee's...

1/2 of them sprouted a tail within 14 hours...no Shit...
will take a few pics next time ....first need to sqeeuze a update in ..
and i'm still waiting on the upload so no pics for today....mmmh mmmh wait...2de screen came up.....damn still need to upload the bulkloadpage lol..... it won't be for this evening foks ...laters all :D

Woo-hoo recieved some seeds that santa dropped off......hehehehe


pollen chuck revised



and one more pack can't remember what it was.......lol.. :bashhead:

MUch luv to Hard Core for making these ladies......fooking awesome... :respect:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
The C Spot - looks great in here buddy! FAB shots of your ladies! Tagged...

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Core again."

Nice to see these fine sativas growing out - I'm a sucker for tall skinny ladies... hey who am I kidding - I'm a sucker for short chubby ladies too :laughing:

Happy Holidays to you and yours Core! :wave: