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IC 600 watt club.

stikky budz

Active member
I'll keep it goin' wiv a few pics from day 34.

Stretching has stopped,, buds are starting to fill in,,,now the good bit starts :D

The only problem i've got at the mo is i dropped me dam ph pen in a bucket of nutes and it died. I'm gonna try and finish this grow off without knowing my ph's ~ should be fun :D
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
It starts to look like the Stikky I know. Running hydro without ph meter is a bit like taking a leak and trying to hit the toilet bowl with your eyes closed. You may get away with it, if you know your routine and the water is of good quality with little fluctuations. Here's a few pics to keep the club going. These Sour Diesels are growing out of proportions so I decided to flip right after taking clones (day 26). A bit early but I'm running out of space. I stopped using rockwool for cloning when I got the fogger, it keeps humidity at 80% and the fog is warm so it's perfect for clones and seedlings. I don't need to trim the clone leaves either. I know you're into Breeder Steve genetics Stikky, what's your take on Blockhead in hydro? Easy to grow, well worth it? And how does LUI stand up as a smoke compared?


stikky budz

Active member
G' mornin' Rosy ;)

Luckily, the water round this way is excellant.....best in the UK i.m.o.....straight out the tap at ph7.0...ppm less than the first reading on the 'ol truncheon......and it's constant at that. If i add half strength nutes it drops to bang on ph5.8 ~ perfect! The only problem is adding PK 13/14,,,which takes it up to 6.3 / 6.4. I've a good idea of how much ph down to add to bring that level down,,,,, but if i do,,, as they start taking up the P 'n K,,the levels drop off to much ( below ph5 ).
I should be able to get away with it ok,,,,, it just means i have to do a full res change every other day instead of my usual "top ups".

Blockhead in Hydro (scrog) is excellant! I found it relatively easy to grow and it never failed to produce good yields with a lot of big heavy buds. The only problem i had it with it was it had a tendency to mold unless i kept the humidity as low as possible during the last few weeks. I've a couple of young blockhead growing at the moment,,, just starting to show sex,,,,so hopefully i'll be scroggin' blockhead again next grow :D
I cant compare it to the L.U.I yet as my last grow with the L.U.I was a bit of a balls up. I think i had a root problem because although the plants looked healthy enough they just weren't taking up nutes properly ~ the ph levels and ppm's never changed and the res levels were dropping off very very slowly. On top of that i harvested early.
The Blockhead has been my favorite strain so far,,, the L.U.I is going to have to go some to beat it.



Just cleaned my cab and hydro system out. Put new scrog net in. This time all sd ibl frm clones.The temps are soo high now. Oh well good thing im in veg and not in bloom during the heat wave.

I just put them in there the other day..


Active member
Hey IC 600 watt club.

Hey IC 600 watt club.

Thought I'd post some shots of my first 600w grow. It's my second DWC grow and I'm still not where I want to be with this setup so I guess I'm still learning..

These don't do much justice to the 600, but I figured why not give the club a bump.

Nirvana AK48is large bud in the back. Almost as big as a 12 oz can :yummy:

4 plants total. Can't really see all of them.

Still learning to use my camera..Some closer shots..

It's snowing, but this goose isn't getting very fat :pointlaug

This is all great, but honestly, I don't have a clue as to what happened on this grow..

The buds started out doing fine then they kind of stalled out on the growth and started getting pretty frosty (which I'm fine with) but they just arent filling in an packing on the weight like they should.

I have some ideas as to why this happened just not sure where to start. :wave: CF
Alright, hows about 2-600's? :D

Or I could just shut off one light for the pics :tongue:

Strain is Serious AK-47, a clone thats almost 10 years old from the original seed.

The bulbs are Osram Plantastars, one core and coil ballast, one digital (the core and coil causes "stripes" in the first pic), reflectors are a Cooltube with external reflector and a Cool Sun. I'll never use 1000 watters ever again! :pimp3:


Grinding extra.
Hello everyone. I have found my new home. I knew there would be a 600w Club somewhere...

Let me tell you a little about myself. I consider myself an experienced grower in soil, I have never grown in hydro, yet. Currently, I have in my possesion some Kali Mist, Neviles' Haze, Stardust 13, DJ Short Blueberry F2's, Skunk #1, and Golden Skush (seedsdirect freebie). These are all in seed form.

I plan to purchase a 600 watt HPS and use that as my flowering room's sun. I would appreciate any advice on maximizing the effeciency of this light. Meaning: I want to yield as much as possible as often as possible. So, I plan to flower clones (after my initial grow to test potency of each plant) in the shortest cycle possible. I know that this would mean a hydroponic setup as well, but I want to continue organic soil at leat for the time being. However, I understand this also increases yield so I am open to this idea.

One of my questions to someone who flowers clones under a 600w HPS would be how many you can fit under one of these lamps? I am mostly concerned with pulling at least 1gram/watt.

Can anyone offer any advice?
I also would like to possible do this in a cabinet. Is this possible?


Active member
Hey making fire,

Hey making fire,

Welcome to the ICC,

I have read here of one from OG who was somewhat of a pioneer in using high wattage lights (600+)? to grow in cabinets.

They said his name was Art of making fire. Is this you?

-Just noticed the sig :bat:

<<<<<The Rest of This Post May Contain No Useful Information>>>>>​

Nice looking flower shot there, Can't wait to see what you make with the 600 watter.

Ive heard a vertical bulb can be the way to go, but thats for growing larger plants I believe. Sounds like your going to grow SOG style maybe.

A light mover might help. I have a 600 in a closet a little under 4x5. I have considered getting either a light mover or another 600.

If I get a light mover I think I will have it moving about 20" total, or less.

As a legal med user I abide by my state laws so I can only have a few flowering plants, but the "perpetual SOG"? your planning sounds excellent. I'll have to get a chair for that of course. :wave: CF
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Critical Mass 600w

Critical Mass 600w

600w Hortilux
GH Drip

Here are some CM shots 45 days! (one of the plants has 2 13" colas :yoinks: ).

The smaller one on the left is ready to come down at 45 days, that's pretty sweet. The monster on the right will take another 10 days or so.



Grinding extra.
Goddamit, it's really looking like it's time to switch techniques...
You just can't do things in soil that you can do hydroponically.
NICE southern Candy.
Yeah, I grew strictly in Fox Farm Ocean for a couple of years. Then I switched to the hydro drip system from GH. I got really frustrated for 2 grows but thanks to all the posts and pms I got, I am back in business and won't be going back to soil anytime soon. Turns out it was my fuckup, not the system.

These plants are just nasty...

Next question is:

Do I grow my favorite strain next (White Rhino), or do I go for the SSH? Decisions decisions...It's a good place to be I suppose.

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I'm leaning towards the SSH...however...

I grow for some med users here as well, so that does have some influence (read: "White Rhino").

B.T.W. : In my experience, White Rhino is a much better med plant (pain relief) than AK47 or Black Domina. Just a side note of my opinion.



Heady Connoisseur
very nice guys.... i started off with a 600... then bought a 1kw... the 1kw is completely destroyed thanks to some assholes(long story)(to sum it up sent it back as it wasn't what i ordered and the company i sent to returned it back to me and in the mail it was completely mauled). but im now upgrading to a couple 600's... if the electric bill is out of hand i might be joining the club again...

Jam Master Jaco

Nice thread. :wave:

What size of fans do you guys use to keep your light/room cool?


Active member
Jam Master Jaco- I use an EEEEEEconocool hood, 6" vortex and 12K BTU AC. The AC is more than I need, so it gets the job done easily and I like that. I could get the 600 hps within maybe 6 inches (way to close IMO) of the plants without burning them. It will turn the leaves yellow if moved too close. With good air cooling and the higher wattage HPS lights it is possible to get them too close. Not sure what happens exactly, just too much light.

I linked to a good informational site on the page before the one I have linked to below. Here I have quoted part of that site explaining how some lights can be to close and damage plants even though it's not burning them.


Southern_Candy and mastermagic - Those colas seem rather large :chin: . You guys using CO2 ? Hoping I can grow em like that someday.
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stikky budz

Active member
I'm using a 6" RVK somenumber or other 420m3/hr in a 4.5ft x 4.5 ft x 5.5 ft room which keeps the ambient room temp 1f degree higher than the intake air temp.

I could get the 600 hps within maybe 6 inches (way to close IMO) of the plants without burning them. It will turn the leaves yellow if moved too close

Besides,,, i cant see the point in getting them too close,, it just cuts down the "footprint" too much.
12" - 18" is ideal i.m.o
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