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I find strange things and post them here - feel free to join in


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guy i went to high school with pulled that move in grass. forks stuck in the ground, and he broke both wrists, had casts up to his elbows. not sure HOW he managed to wipe his ass... :shucks: :ROFLMAO:
I told him it was not easy to do, but he did not listen to me. Then I told him how to wipe his ass with casts up to his elbows. He finally got it.


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I am a bit of a coffee freak and I have always salted my basket before making a pot of coffee. It definitely takes out the bitter but I never knew why until now. :)


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Women pinned cougar during ‘hand-to-hand combat’ to save friend trapped in its jaws​



Well-known member

Women engage in ‘hand-to-hand combat’ with cougar after it attacks friend​

ADDITIONAL COVERAGE "Can't say enough positive about these women !!"" Gry



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New member
Exploring the weird and wonderful is totally my jam too! It's like uncovering hidden treasures in the digital world. Speaking of discoveries, stumbled upon https://moretarot.com while on one of my online escapades. It was like stumbling upon a mystical oasis! Reminds me of the time I found this quirky little antique shop tucked away in a back alley.
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