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Marley4Ever said:
A HH representative replied to my email yesterday and advised that they are finally on top of the issue and he will be sending a UPS tag to have only the cover shipped back to them. At that point there are going to do something to the cover(did not give any details about what exactly, whether cleaning it or something) and then ship it back to me. This is all I know at this point so it seems that they have identified it as the vinyl and not the poles.
There would be no way in hell I would ship something I used to grow bud in to anybody, especially a corporation. Sounds sketchy.


The biggest mistake I see people making in these huts is not using an oscillating fan to blow onto the tops of their plants while the their HID lights are on. Even if a person uses a cool tube, they HAVE to blow air onto the tops of their plants.
The only times you don't need to blow air onto the top of the plants are during the dark cycle or with fluorescents and LEDs.
My oscillating fan is on the same switch as my ballast. That way as long as that bulb is fired, the oscillating fan is blowing on the tops of my plants.
This of course is completely seperate of my ventilation fan which runs 23 hours a day.


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Kr@kEn said:
There would be no way in hell I would ship something I used to grow bud in to anybody, especially a corporation. Sounds sketchy.

You don't think they know what people are using them for? This is the indoor gardening industry. There is not one company in this industry that doesn't know who their buyers are and what they do with their products.

As for being a corporation, I wouldn't be surprised if there are only 3 or 4 people actually behind the hydrohut name, and either grow, used to grow, or know somebody that grows.

I would just make sure there are no leaves and or plant matter and ship it out. Just like a friend of mine did yesterday.

You can also fold you your material put it in a box, and take it to the shop that sold it to you. They will send the call tag there if you want.
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chepnut said:
You don't think they know what people are using them for? This is the indoor gardening industry. There is not one company in this industry that doesn't know who their buyers are and what they do with their products.

As for being a corporation, I wouldn't be surprised if there are only 3 or 4 people actually behind the hydrohut name, and either grow, used to grow, or know somebody that grows.

I would just make sure there are no leaves and or plant matter and ship it out. Just like a friend of mine did yesterday.

You can also fold you your material put it in a box, and take it to the shop that sold it to you. They will send the call tag there if you want.

Incorporation has nothing to do with how many employees they have. If it was a sole proprietor, than you could put your trust into ONE PERSON. Not a 'corporation' which deflect blame to the corporate name and where there is no individual accountability. If drug dogs show up at their factory do you think they will stop them? Hell no.
And when buds are rubbing the side of your hut, you probably want to do more than just make sure there is no plant matter. You have to CLEAN VERY THOUROUGHLY inside and out so you know you are safe. I'm not looking for an arguement chepnut, but this issue really concerns me. Especially when more than half the people that send their huts in, probably don't even need to.
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Power Armor rules
Kr@ken - I understand your concern, but think you are being slighly irrational. The company has made a wrong and is trying to make it right. Companies are in business to make money and thats it. If their product is faulty they must fix it. I am happy to know I will get a new hut at no expense, and I'm sure many other people are as well.

Great plants by the way, whats the strain?



The other issue i see, if your hut is working fine and you have nice stinky buds, why send it in to be fixed?

If all your hut ever did was kill plants, it probably doesn't smell much like pot.



New member
Hey Funk I ordered one of those Darkrooms and it should be here today. I decided I no longer wanted to take any chances with this HH crap and figured I would try a different company. These darkroom tents appear to be far better quality with some better features as well. They even advertise "non-toxic" and wont off gasses to kill plants. That makes me feel way more confident in their product over HH's. I still sent my HH cover in and if they truly do fix it then I'll test it out at a later time as a veg of flowering room.


Power Armor rules
Marley4ever - Let us know how the Darkroom works out. I want to get one of the smaller ones that's 2.6x2.6x5.25. If my new hut canvas works though no worries from me.

From my understanding about this whole issue with the HH is this. They figured out what the problem was. Now they are making new canvases. You send back your old bad canvas. They send you a new one that should not cause problems.
We'll see what happens.



Can you get this green cure stuff at any garden store like orchard? I think I might try this, I am having a similar issue in my hut even though it is older and I had a friend use it successfully before... Does this look like it's the hut? I was only passively venting before with a clip-fan and using nutrients without iron so I was hoping it was my fault, but I've been told it's the hut by a few people.. :badday: I don't have the receipt because I bought it from a friend, so I can't send it back :(


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
someone mentioned the Secret Jardin Dark room tents.... they are great, i just saw 2 running this week and they are excellent..... Im definately getting them now.....
I think these hydro huts r on sale in the uk on ebay now.... not named, just an unbranded growtent made in china.....
The new budboxes r nice too(2008 edition) with silver reflective inner like the dark room.


Well I went to the garden store to try and find some green cure, I guess they don't sell it there/here...so I tried simple green, but I doubt that will work. Do you think it's worth ordering some green cure to try it in my hut? I guess if it worked for you...I'm going to try foliar feeding and maybe order some of that stuff, maybe just ditch the hut.

:rant: God damn, there's nothing like spending $1200 so you can have a tent take up half your bedroom for no reason. :rant:

oh yeah, and the smallest size I can find is 8 oz.... know where I can get a smaller size, or will I need that much? It does kill powdery mildew, which I might get at some point I guess.. Argh I gotta smoke a bowl but I'm dry. What a bunch of :fsu:
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New member
ya i have given up after 2 weeks with the new hut ....same problem...so i have figured it's just to much work for something that should be ready to go,if you pay this kind of money..so going to home depot tommarow and building my own box.Figure why try to fix something if it keeps breaking just get something better.


Hydrohut hell, more crap made in China

Hydrohut hell, more crap made in China

My Hydrohut deluxe seemed fine at first...then the yellowing started after months of normal growth. When I saw this thread I immediately emailed the manufacturer only to be told to go to the person who sold it to me (no longer in business). My suggestion is to build your own out of pvc piping and use a good reflective material to cover it. I would not spend another DIME on these foreign made crap tents and I'm guessing most of them are made in China. remember, these are the folks that put GBH in my kids aquadots toy!!! They are not stupid and knew exactly what GBH was yet had no problem putting it in a childs toy where the little dots look like candy. Who knows what else is in these tents!!! I know I don't want to find out by ending up in an emergency room with some neurological illness . BUILD IT ... DON'T BUY IT!!!!
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Domesticator of Cannabis
phattybudz did you have an issue with no receipt or something. I think if you talk to HH they might help you out on getting a cleaned skin? Who keeps the bill for that. I know that's small consolation but could be worth the try.
just stopd by the local groshop and they have a thing called GROBOX. I couldnt find it online (or anywhere) but it looks like a HH except its got like a padded Mylar instead of white plastic... anyone seen or heard of em.


there are still people having trouble with their replacement canvas they send you, and I also dont want to wait for all that. I'd rather build my own or wait until I have enough cash until I can buy a jardin dark room. Its a little wider and shorter than the HH though which sucks...

I think that the HH company is being cool about it, but only because they dont want legal problems.
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Ive lost hella plants in mine. Thought it was heat, fuc#! I had a 400hps everything went yellow and eventually burnt up even though the temps were normal. I put in a t5 high output flouro and the plants are slowly greening up but way too slow.
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