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Hydro Hut Deluxe Replacement - More Yellow Growth? (Pics Inside)



What are you guys talking about?

I'm completing my 2nd grow in my HH mini. Got it last July. Plants have done fine and so have I. I haven't cleaned anything....and I'm not about to clean anything.


Do these SSH look "sick" at day 55 of flowering?

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Dr. Doolittle
Pedro, You had to of gotten ones that has still stocked up, because the people who have had theres for the past 6 months or a little more and bought it within that time frame has had the problems, so somewhere along the line they changed something, the manufacturer they get there stuff from has done something like not heating it up enough to help it off gas, or chemical changed something. You had to have one that was stocked up and made before this mess.
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New member
yea, i got a hh mini replacement, white poles.. havent washed it out, got a better vortex fan, the shit is still yellowing after 3 days...

i think it has to do with the vinyl smell that stings ur nose when u poke ur head in the hut...

wtf... im gonna try foliar feeding with cal-mag, maybe its a nutrient def caused by the gas being absorbed by the stomata, if not im going to use the old hut with the new poles, i got it months ago and it should be all gassed out right?

f*ck you HH


Dr. Doolittle
Do not try to folair feed them, it's not going to work, the enciroment in those huts is causing there stomas to shut down and the plant stops photosynthesis and does not matter how much you give it it will not fix it. The only remedy is to remove them from the huts.

Devan Delrey

New member
This Bites. Any skeptic willing to walk me through A HH grow it's brand new only two weeks old from the store. White painted poles. Organics all the way around. I use Fox Farm grow , Bio, and Pure blend, sensi cal mg, maxicrop, thrive alive, prozyme,and liquid karma. Had been using fox farm ocean but had some unwanted seedlings pop up so I switched to Royal Gold Basement mix, holds too much moisture for my area. takes over a week to dry out. Now using Roots organic soil with botanicare air formula. I added hydroton to my soil as I cannot find any large chunk pearlite in my area. The mix I have now seems to dry out in 3-5 days. I use RO water. 600 watt light.
I'll do anything anyone suggests I'll take photos etc. I'm up for a scientific evaluation of this "HUT" thing.


Those of you who are having a problem...would you please say:

1) What wattage light you are using in what size hut?

2) What blower(s) you have and what their CFM rating is?

As I said, I bought my mini H in July 07. I have unpainted poles. Not a hint of vinyl smell.

It's difficult for me to imagine any toxic outgassing buildup if you have 3+ air exchanges per minute. How could anything build up? And I simply don't buy that there is enough toxic gas from the vinyl to do that sort of damage to plants.

Who has a link to where HydroHut acknowledges this problem. What does HydroHut say about it?



Active member

in regards to your inquiry...

1)...I'm under roughly 200+ watts of cfl lighting in an 8'x4' deluxe...oh been tried 400watts mh, and up to 1200watts hps... same yellowing...

2) canfan 8"ho (roughly 700+ cfm) unfiltered sucking more air out of that tent than you could imagine...also ran it filter'd with a 4"ro/filter....
also tried active intake to no avail....

you mention your tent 'Not a hint of vinyl smell'

mine has reeked like a new car since day 1... I can say the smell has regressed...though, it still smells like new car, new plastic no doubt about it....

Hydro hut has emailed me personally.... I will not post that email as it is direct violation of tou.. but the jist of it said 'the poles weren't the problem upon more testing..' they don't know what the problem is.... they told me to heat the tent up to the max, get in it and wipe it out with alcohol, or to take it back....

I can assure you the problems with the tents are very real...and those of us experiencing them have been going through extreme growing stress, as nothing seems to work but to remove the tent...
pedro48 said:
Those of you who are having a problem...would you please say:

1) What wattage light you are using in what size hut?

2) What blower(s) you have and what their CFM rating is?

As I said, I bought my mini H in July 07. I have unpainted poles. Not a hint of vinyl smell.

It's difficult for me to imagine any toxic outgassing buildup if you have 3+ air exchanges per minute. How could anything build up? And I simply don't buy that there is enough toxic gas from the vinyl to do that sort of damage to plants.

Who has a link to where HydroHut acknowledges this problem. What does HydroHut say about it?



With all due respect, we have been through this thing 10 times up and down the last few months. There is no longer any question if the toxicity is coming from the hut. It definitely is. I would suggest you go back and read the hydrohut threads. All the answers are there. You're asking people to repeat the same questions they've answered ten times. People are starting to get impatient with the same questions and doubt. I'm sure you mean well, but believe us, the problem is real.


HenDokuYaku said:

With all due respect, we have been through this thing 10 times up and down the last few months. There is no longer any question if the toxicity is coming from the hut. It definitely is. I would suggest you go back and read the hydrohut threads. All the answers are there. You're asking people to repeat the same questions they've answered ten times. People are starting to get impatient with the same questions and doubt. I'm sure you mean well, but believe us, the problem is real.

I have read most , if not all of them. I haven't seen a link that tells me anything specific.

I'm not arguing with you now, nor am I going to. I'd like to give this some thought. None of you have a clue who I am, or may be. There are some pretty bright, knowledable people on here...although maybe not me However, my technical background is such that I might be able to help.

If you or the others don't like pointed direct questions, and get annoyed at having to repeat information..well then suffer with your problem.

I have a grow to attend to.




Berry_Coughin' said:

in regards to your inquiry...

1)...I'm under roughly 200+ watts of cfl lighting in an 8'x4' deluxe...oh been tried 400watts mh, and up to 1200watts hps... same yellowing...

2) canfan 8"ho (roughly 700+ cfm) unfiltered sucking more air out of that tent than you could imagine...also ran it filter'd with a 4"ro/filter....
also tried active intake to no avail....

you mention your tent 'Not a hint of vinyl smell'

mine has reeked like a new car since day 1... I can say the smell has regressed...though, it still smells like new car, new plastic no doubt about it....

Hydro hut has emailed me personally.... I will not post that email as it is direct violation of tou.. but the jist of it said 'the poles weren't the problem upon more testing..' they don't know what the problem is.... they told me to heat the tent up to the max, get in it and wipe it out with alcohol, or to take it back....

I can assure you the problems with the tents are very real...and those of us experiencing them have been going through extreme growing stress, as nothing seems to work but to remove the tent...

Hi Berry :)

If that is the case, then I'd advise you to simply get rid of your tent. Write off the cost however you want as a bad experience. Buy something that is safe ,etc.

Your time and health aren't worth struggling with all the problems some of these tents are making.

pedro48 said:
I have read most , if not all of them. I haven't seen a link that tells me anything specific.

I'm not arguing with you now, nor am I going to. I'd like to give this some thought. None of you have a clue who I am, or may be. There are some pretty bright, knowledable people on here...although maybe not me However, my technical background is such that I might be able to help.

If you or the others don't like pointed direct questions, and get annoyed at having to repeat information..well then suffer with your problem.

I have a grow to attend to.



That was hardly respectful. :)

Pedro, it's not the help people have an issue with. We're all open to helpful suggestions. It's accusations of poor grow techniques that gets people upset after they've been through this a bunch of times.

The truth is, you don't know anything about us or our experience either.



HenDokuYaku said:
That was hardly respectful. :)

Pedro, it's not the help people have an issue with. We're all open to helpful suggestions. It's accusations of poor grow techniques that gets people upset after they've been through this a bunch of times.

The truth is, you don't know anything about us or our experience either.


Did I accuse you, or anyone of poor growing techniques?

You say people don't need "help"?

What the hell do you want then?

I'll give you the same advice I gave berry:

Get rid of your hydrohut and get something that is "safe" you'll be happy with.

I'll unsubscribe to this thread and leave you to it.



In my professional opinion (past profession) if you have an affected hut, your best move is to get rid of it. You can scrub that vinyl till your fingers bleed. And even if you succeed in getting rid of the apparent smell, you'll never be sure it won't come back...will you? You'll always be thinking that if something goes wrong in your grow, it might be that vinyl. Why put yourself through that? A 3-4 month grow in the best of circumstances is stressful enough for most people. Why mess around with hydrohut. Get something else and go back to growing.
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pedro48 said:
Did I accuse you, or anyone of poor growing techniques?

You say people don't need "help"?

What the hell do you want then?

I'll give you the same advice I gave berry:

Get rid of your hydrohut and get something that is "safe" you'll be happy with.

I'll unsubscribe to this thread and leave you to it.



In my professional opinion (past profession) if you have an affected hut, your best move is to get rid of it. You can scrub that vinyl till your fingers bleed. And even if you succeed in getting rid of the apparent smell, you'll never be sure it won't come back...will you? You'll always be thinking that if something goes wrong in your grow, it might be that vinyl. Why put yourself through that? A 3-4 month grow in the best of circumstances is stressful enough for most people. Why mess around with hydrohut. Get something else and go back to growing.

Pedro, if you reread my message you will see I never said we don't need help. In fact, I said I am open to helpful suggestions. If you have some helpful and professional suggestions that are different than we have heard before, that would be great. There is no need to get personally offended and create negativity. I am not attacking you.

I've already replaced my hut, thanks for the suggestion. I wish you much success with your grow.


Outgassing in a closed environment

Outgassing can be significant if it collects in a closed environment where air is stagnant or recirculated. This is, for example, the origin of new car smell. Even a nearly odourless material such as wood may build up a strong smell if kept in a closed box for months. There is some concern that softeners and solvents that are released from many industrial products, especially plastics, may be harmful to human health. For example, the European Commission has banned the use of DEHP (di-2-ethyl hexyl phthalate) in PVC manufacturing due to such concerns. {emphasis mine...You think the PRC gives a shit about this issue?..pedro} Some types of RTV sealants outgas the poison cyanide for weeks after application. These outgassing poisons are of great concern in the design of submarines and space stations.

Hi again:

The above is from Wikopedia and is the easiest explanation for what could be a complex issue. I can't say a lot for certain because I don't have a "bad" hut to look at.

In my professional opinion this, or something like this, is at the heart of the issue. And therefore there is nothing which the consumer can do that will reliably fix the problem. Those of you who got the affected huts aren't going to get much satisfaction from anyone except maybe a kindly hydro shop...maybe. Ultimately this is part of the broader issue of unsafe products being made in the PRC....another recent example are the toys with lead paint. The PRC doesn't give a shit....plain and simple. They use whatever manufcturing process they believe they can get away with. They change when they get caught....sometimes.

I got lucky with my hut. Others, like those on this and other threads, did not get lucky. That's what it boils down to.

I don't want to sound like the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas" but there is no solution to this problem. There is no practical help for the affected owners. I would advise those with tents that make them or their plants sick: Get rid of that hut now. $400-500 is not worth your health and/or a ruined grow. I figure my hut saves me(and my g/f) a minimum of $5000 a year. I don't grow for profit.

The best outcome is that the importers of Hydrohuts put enough pressure on the manufacturers and the PRC to make safe Hydrohuts...and that may not be easy. I have not read the most recent reports. The ones I did read led me to beleive they either didn't know what the problem was , or wouldn't acknowledge it.



Dr. Doolittle
Who has control over wikipedia? Oh ya thats right, YOU do and anyone else, so again I would take information from that site like a grain of salt.


MynameStitch said:
Who has control over wikipedia? Oh ya thats right, YOU do and anyone else, so again I would take information from that site like a grain of salt.

While I respect your advice on sick plants, again, you don't know who I am, what my background is, or anything about me.

Wikopedia is sometimes inaccurate. That is true. I believe the paragraph I quoted above is accurate based on my previous 30+ year career. So...

With respect, you believe what you want. Poly vinyl chlorides and related compunds(poly-urethanes, the hut is made of) are extraordinarily complex compounds. The manufacturing process uses a variety of toxic chemicals and can produce all sorts of toxic byproducts, especially if done in a place like the PRC where regulations and safety are at best--afterthoughts.

If the manufacturers of the affected Hydrohuts used, or made, a bad batch of vinyl...or improperly bonded the poly-urethane plastic to the canvass, OUTGASSING as described above could easily occur.

And it is my opinion that if something like that is the cause, you are NOT going to get rid of it easily, if at all.

I doubt scrubbing with alcohol, etc. will help, and could possibly make things worse. Generally speaking alcohol and other "solvents" are not recommended for use on plastics. And I would not use solvents on my hut. I clean my huts interior with a little dish soap and water. I disinfect with a little H2O2 in water.

So again...if I had an affected hut and it was killing my plants and making me sick...I would get rid of it. What other option do you have?

Do you really want to make a big issue of it with say the Consumer Product Safety Commission (in the USA)? Yeah I know they are used for legal growing, but I really doubt a high % of buyers are legal growers :joint: It's not worth the hassle. As I said. get rid of the offending huts and buy something different.

Frankly, IMO I think this thread is a waste of time OTHER than warning users of the potential problem.

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Anyone know if Suncast cabs have same issue?

Anyone know if Suncast cabs have same issue?

My seedlings (in soil) are suffering in the same ways the ones in HHs are. I'm using a utility base cab, approx.30"w. x 20"d. x 36"h. I hasten to add I don't yet have a vent/fan system in there, but I'm only growing 6 or 8 seedlings and check it at least 4 or more times a day. Could that be a lot of the problem? (temps mid-70's F, RH 30%)

Maybe my soil pH is high at 7.0? Nitrogen is high, but P and K are very low to low (according to soil tester, which I've learned Stitch doesn't recommend and I was skeptical of anyway since the chemicals, packaging seemed aged.)

Sorry if this got off-topic some....BTW, took seedlings out of cab until I get this figured out. Any opinions?


Dr. Doolittle
With respect, you believe what you want. Poly vinyl chlorides and related compunds(poly-urethanes, the hut is made of) are extraordinarily complex compounds. The manufacturing process uses a variety of toxic chemicals and can produce all sorts of toxic byproducts, especially if done in a place like the PRC where regulations and safety are at best--afterthoughts.

If the manufacturers of the affected Hydrohuts used, or made, a bad batch of vinyl...or improperly bonded the poly-urethane plastic to the canvass, OUTGASSING as described above could easily occur.

And it is my opinion that if something like that is the cause, you are NOT going to get
rid of it easily, if at all.

Ok. if we agree on that, then what are you arguing about?
i just kept hoping....

i just kept hoping....

:rant: :rant: well i have to say i could see how someone could say that HH syndrome isn't real because i have been fighting the idea that my hombox xl had some kind of (HH-HB syndrome) at first i thought that there was nothing wrong with it, and my last few grows were having problems because of different things i might have done , and at the time i was just cycling plants into HomeBox for flowering and i did notice some weird yellowing in flowering but being fairly new new indoor growing when i got my homebox , i thought i was doing something wrong and made changes to my methods and i did manage to get 6 or so harvests out of it(all nuggs were very good but im sure the first few harvests were not affected nearly as much, but my last 2 harvests with it it has gotten worse :badday:
(i had two plants that had almost no fan leaves im sure i would have gotten alot more of a yeild had they stayed with the plant longer instead of turning yellow then shriveling off the plant) after this last batch was finished i noticed this and other threads like it and i had just stuck my plant from my veg area into the homebox so i could clean their area and give them a growth boost due to more powerful lighting ( veg is only 3 4ft 40watt tubes but i keep it bonsai) well after about a week i noticed almost no growth and some yellowing
not exactly what i was going for :cuss: so i just put everything back in the veg area i might try to clean the damn thing but from what i have read today it dosent sound like the :cuss: ing thing has a hope!

so i think ill be looking to make a flowering area im gonna check out the ICmag DIY guide that thing is sweet

oh yeah ill bet my grow skills have been improved and i think i could probobly grow one strain i have in the homebox through flowering again and again but i want to get more weed for my time <live-learn-teach> :rasta:

herbal santa

New member
It is the huts!!!

It is the huts!!!

:cuss: I too have been dealing with recurring Hydro Hut yellowing.
Before thier letter came out I killed three sets of clones. I changed nutes, lights, to soil from hydro, water source nothing helped all the while keeping my ph around 6.5. After I got the letter, I sent in my hut, it was replaced 4 weeks later they sent me a different hut with new white poles, I was excited to try it again 3 days later the centers of all my plants were yellow and I removed the skin of the hut and 3 days later they are green and happy.

So please, the huts are the problem.
It is also a problem getting these scum bags to answer my email (no I do not refer to them as scum bags in my email, yet.
I finally got a reply today saying I should attempt to return it to the store I bought it from. Possible issues here include...

1) been dealing with this for months now.
2) the hut they sent me back is not even the same modle as the one I originally bought.
3) I haven't talked to my grow store about returning it yet but I know they no longer carry the huts (because of these very issues)
4) the store is not at fault, International Grower's supply, inc. is responsible.

Anyone know a lawyer willing to start a class action on contingency?

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