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HP Stadium



I am suprised you dont see more stadiums.

N Farmer

Have you read supercharging your garden



Yes I've read it. Good book. I lent it to a friend and the police took it when he was paid a visit one afternoon.


We just hang the MH's down the middle evenly spaced out. We have one fan at the top of the doorway/enterance of the chamber and then the blower for air out at the other end. It creates a wind tunnel that cools the bulbs. Outside the chambers we bring in outside air. It is drawn into the chambers by the exhaust.

Best we've done with this system to date is 7.5 lbs with 4 bulbs using 6.5'x10' of floor space with a 6.5' ceiling.

We usually run 2 of these rooms side by side though (double that 7.5 lbs) using relay switches to split 24 h light into the rooms 12/12 hrs. A small bedroom can really yield this way and it's the most efficient way to run your ballasts because they are always running at maximum output. When you turn a cold ballast on normally they take a while to run at top output and tend to draw more hydro to get there.
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first of all, this is awesome. ... good inventive design, and fantastic results regardless of the small space. big ups man... one of the best posts I have seen on the boards in a while...

Secondly, do you have any pics of the room without plants in it? I'd be curious to see how the shelves are built, how much verticle and horizonal space between the next "deck" ?

Lastly, how do you water these ladies? Do you have irrigation, or are they hand watered? What are you feeding them?


Bakin in da Sun
Great design, thanks for sharin... Neptune just about covered all the questions I had runnin through my head. props, bartender187


Secondly, do you have any pics of the room without plants in it? I'd be curious to see how the shelves are built, how much verticle and horizonal space between the next "deck" ?

I'm setting one up this week actually. It has a little less space then I find ideal but you have to maximise what you have and I've run into many obstacles over the years(I've learned to solve endless issues). I've set up maybe 30 or more variations of the stadium.

I'll take some pics tomorrow and post them when I get back from the location.

Lastly, how do you water these ladies? Do you have irrigation, or are they hand watered? What are you feeding them?

We water by hand. Everybody has their own choice of nutes but the most common used in my circle is Peters Professional (powder) believe it or not. $60 can feed for 8 months worth of 10-30-20. We only veg feed twice, once at transplant and once a week after.

Those buds in this thread were fed Quick Grow (liquid). I'll be using GH for this one I'm setting up now because I'll need their Hard Water Micro. The record crop on this system was fed the Peters Pro. (2lbs per bulb)

It doest take long to water the room. That size you can fly through in 30 minutes. 1 hour for both sides.



Thanks for the info man, sounds like a winning system... very simple!
I am not surprised that Peters (or Miracle Grow) grows great yeilding crops, not one bit... but I betcha plenty of folks would freak out if they heard that... try passing that by the Advanced Nutrients crowd... lol!

I would definatly install irrigation lines, if this was for me. I'd find a way :D Hand watering means, you have to be at your shop every few days... and no time for long vacations! Once again man, very well done. I am heavily considering this method now!



I've used a combo of HPS and MH's in the past as well as switching to HPS later in flower. MH are super cheap where I get them and we seem to have better coloration with the MH's. Cooler possibly.

I am tempted to try some Conversion MH's but they are waaaaay more money. I have a friend who is doing extremely well with them but I ponder how he would do with basic MH's.


Definitely one of the best grow room designs I had ever seen.. major props man :woohoo:

I can already imagine future designs... top drip recirculating coco setup.. have the shelves slope a little bit to allow run off back to the reservoir... *drools*


SmokingGlass said:
Awsome setup man do you think this principle could be applied to a smaller room with only one light to maximize space?


The very first grow room I had 13 years ago was a 3 shelf room with 2 bulbs. I can't remember the dimensions (6'x6'x7' high maybe) but it was small. We used 2 gal pots and did a 3 to 4 week veg and got 6 lbs growing Northern Lights with 8 weeks flower. Not bad first time. Mistakes on the second run cost us. Live and learn and I did just that.

Shortly after I moved to a place with more space and was going with 5 bulbs. My best was 13 lbs, nothing to brag about in that time frame. A friend who's idea originally for us to do the prototype 3 shelf did hit a walloping 16 lbs off of 4 bulbs but he started taking plants at 8 weeks a few at a time and was done in 10. They just kept putting on weight as the light and space increased.

Eventually we moved to the 5 shelf double room on relay and never looked back but if I had very limited space I would go back to a small stadium in a heart beat. I tried tables in a small space a couple of year ago. A waste of space IMO.

This system uses more available light than most because the plants are on both sides of the bulbs opposed to horizontal bulbs where the upside of the bulb is against the reflector or vertical bulbs over top of plants where reflection off the shade is directing most of the light downwards.


Farmer John said:
Damn I have to try it, with one 600w hps 3 shelfs per side in my limited 1.5m2 space? Sound good?

I guess. I could see more of a square room with plants on all ends even working. Doubt heat will be much of a problem with a 600w.

I will add that it is important to turn plants once a week to get even growth and to keep from excessive leaning which leads to trouble possibly.
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Active member
beautiful bro, this is essentialy the identical way I was growing for about a yr, with pure, reg MH (3700K phoshor coated, more red than reg MH) on an ancient ballast.. but that was more of a collesseum because it was only 1 lamp at the time..

I ran usualy 2-3 layers/teirs of plants packed very tight, in pots ranging from 6" shallows to 7 gallons (the 7 gal trees would take up a 1/4 of my bulb).. most of the stuff was done with the 1-2 gals tho..

But I rarely ran more than 1 plant per strain, and had up to 25-30 plants under 1k at a time.. takes a bit more watering/feeding adjustments for all the dif strains but I still managed to yeild 1.5-2lbs per light and that's 100% personal, alot of low yeilding 'elites' and such..

I have now switched to 1K HPS super Horts as i got about 5 bulbs for free along with ballasts.. I still keep my colleseum, but will go to the stadium on the other 4 bulbs..

I'd have to agree with yer choice of MH bulbs, and yer reasoning for it.. My ideal setup would be all digi 1Ks running Agrosun Gold MH bulbs, they're pricy, but they also put out more PAR than the HPS super horts, and that's what the plants read, not lumens.. also, they have a better mixed spectrum and will veg much, much better than HPS IME..

this is a great setup, i'm glad you are able to show it.. I have a bunch of drafts/sketches for my future stadium gro and I've seen it done before with superb results..

One guy on OG had a very sweet stadium grower, his hadnle was the unknown grower or TUG..

Once you've seen verticle lighting setup up properly you will never use a hood again, I assure you..

I still run the same
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Farmer John

Still alive.
Northern Farmer said:
I guess. I could see more of a square room with plants on all ends even working. Doubt heat will be much of a problem with a 600w.

I will add that it is important to turn plants once a week to get even growth and to keep from excessive leaning which leads to trouble possibly.
:yes: I have to give it a try, partner managed to fuck up the big crop at the farm so now I need to do something fast...that is to chop one Cinderella momma into pieces and do some stadium tests...thanks for the great info!!!