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how would bruce lee fare in UFC?

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And here's me in my prime, Don't tell me I don't know about strength and conditioning Hempkat.

I would really like to see some pics of these other "great athletes" here that think bruce would beat everyone.
Bunch of fatass no experience armchair athletes is what they are, if I'm wrong, then prove it with some pics.


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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hemp, I'm really surprised a smart guy like you would accept the greatly exaggerated myth of bruce lee and his abilities at face value.

Go back through the thread before you speak, I have posted vids of many people doing the one finger/thumb pushup, do a google search, there are hundreds of them, same thing for that weak ass one inch punch,. I have a vid posted of that too.
As well as my documented background as a high school and college wrestler, along with past and current pics(with little personal signs to verify they are real and current.)

There are also posts from members here who fight UFC style fighting expierence, and they all agree with me.
Bruce would getting beaten easily by many people.

It comes down to the people who support bruce having no first hand fighting/wrestling experience what so ever, and instead believe everything they hear and see in movies.

Hemp you're right about a lot of stuff, but in this case you are wrong.

DO me a favor and go back to page one and read through this thread and then come back tell me what you have to say then.
I have supported everything I've said in detail within this thread when it was new.
And I would appreciate you having a look before you just dismiss what I say out of hand.
I know a bit about your background hemp, you're not a fighter, what you're saying is hearsay, and second hand info at best.

You only know of my background what I've chosen to share of my background. There was a period of my life where I was as hardcore about martial arts as you are about body building. Trust me, what I know is not simple hearsay. I will freely admit however that I've never met Bruce Lee so yes, I have no first hand personal knowledge but then neither do you. The closest I saw was someone claiming to know someone who has a brother that was kicked by Bruce Lee in a sparring environment. There are plenty of books out there well documenting Bruce Lee. The one I liked the best was the one written by his wife. I think her knowledge was first hand so I'll trust that.

I don't know where on earth you get the idea that Bruce's one inch punch or his one/two finger push ups are such a big deal? I don't recall anyone making the claim that he could beat a UFC fighter because he could do one finger push ups. So what you have videos of other people doing one finger push ups, good for them. I bet few if any of them could fight like Bruce Lee though. As for the one inch punch, you totally miss the point. The fact he can do one isn't his secret, it's not what made him one of if not the greatest martial artists in modern times. It's merely a demonstration of the fact that power is not solely a product of size and strength. The secret to the one inch punch is simply putting your hip into a punch rather then try to swing a fist wildly thru the air to build up speed and momentum. That in so doing you can minimize effort and maximize the force produced. Yeah I'm sure there are lots of videos about that to anyone that is a fan of Bruce Lee has seen or heard recordings where Bruce talks about putting your hip into it. It's even in at least one of his movies but I forget which one. I think Enter The Dragon in the scene where the police come to him and he's training some kid. Where he talks about Martial Arts being like a finger pointing a way to the moon, "focus on the finger and you'll miss out on all that heavenly glory."

Okay so there, two of your main claims at destroying the myth of Bruce Lee blown out of the water, it's irrelevent that other videos exist. One finger push ups and one inch punches aren't what make Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee. So what's next, your high school and college wrestling background? Come on now, are you kidding me? I took shop in high school, but you don't see me going around acting like I'm a carpenter. Okay so that's blown out of the water. Then you got people who claim to have MMA experience that agree with you. Well shit son, I see a whole lot of folks that agree with me that Bruce Lee was really as bad ass as he seemed on the big screen. I wouldn't dream of saying that proves squat about Bruce Lee's fighting ability though. Okay so that's blown out of the water.

Okay so that leaves you with no more proof of your claim then I have of mine. Guess what, that's where it will always be too because the simple fact of the matter it's all fantasy. Bruce Lee is dead and was so long before the UFC ever existed. I think he would have done well. Not because he could do one finger push ups, not because he had a one inch punch, not because he created his very own new school and discipline of Martial Arts, not because he was a recognized master of other styles of Martial Arts. No I think he would have done well because what was a common thread in everything he did was that he was driven and there is a shit load of proof of how driven he was in many things. He did not do things half assed and so if he were around today and decided to compeat in the UFC I'm sure he would pursue that with the same fierce determination he pursued everything else. That's what makes great people in anything, great actors, artists, fighters, atheletes, etc is being driven. I'm sure many of the top UFC fighters are driven and that's what got them to the top but I've yet to hear of anything to suggest any of them are so much more driven that they could easily hand Bruce Lee his ass in a fight.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Let me start quoting the people here with actual experience, and not the boatload of "armchair athletes" who are hugging bruces nuts like there is no tomorrow

Quote opinions all you want. It doesn't make you right in your ASSumptions about me or Bruce Lee. Did that guy ever fight Bruce Lee? No? STFU then.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The one inch push, performed by bruce himself

So? I quoted that link myself. Two things, one, nobody ever said it looked impressive and two it only looks like a push in slow motion. I guess you have no concept of follow thru on a punch. In real time it looks more like a punch.

el dub

I grew up wrestling. Never met a body builder who was worth a shit at fighting. That muscle is more for looks than anything in a Bruce Lee movie, imo. Lactic acid build up gives a body builder a couple of minutes of wrestling/fighting before muscle bound dude gets gassed.

So, Bruce Lee might have got his ass kicked in MMA, but not by a freaking body builder. hahahahaha



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Unlike yourself I'm not one of the little bitchs that hides behind there PC making big claims.

Here's my pics Jr, with a note saying hi to you little man.
I'm 43 now and this is what I look like 185, very lean, very strong, in my prime I was almost twice this size.

So now Jr, it's time for you to back your claims and post some pics or shut your fucking candyass kiddy mouth and get the fuck off this thread.
You called me out in the in the thread, it will be settled in the thread, not PM's bitch, so I'm waiting for pics of you that you will never post cause your a joke like I said, JR

Dude back the fuck up off the roids, what the fuck is it with you and this fucking hostile attitude you show lately? You can't debate without making it all personal and throwing out childish taunts? You can't discuss things with people of differing opinion without turning into some insulting asshole?

Sorry I don't got pics of when I was into martial arts, I'm not so vain as to go around taking pictures of myself to show off to others. Even if I did though I sure as fuck wouldn't post them here as some lame ass attempt to convince people I'm right about who would win a fantasy fight that would never happen.

Go hug your own nuts you sorry ass piece of shit. Some thanks I get for trying to be nice enough to help you out when you were a newb.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And here's me in my prime, Don't tell me I don't know about strength and conditioning Hempkat.

I would really like to see some pics of these other "great athletes" here that think bruce would beat everyone.
Bunch of fatass no experience armchair athletes is what they are, if I'm wrong, then prove it with some pics.

I never said you didn't know about strength and conditioning, I merely pointed out that Bruce Lee knew all about it too.


Active member
Dude back the fuck up off the roids, what the fuck is it with you and this fucking hostile attitude you show lately? You can't debate without making it all personal and throwing out childish taunts? You can't discuss things with people of differing opinion without turning into some insulting asshole?

Sorry I don't got pics of when I was into martial arts, I'm not so vain as to go around taking pictures of myself to show off to others. Even if I did though I sure as fuck wouldn't post them here as some lame ass attempt to convince people I'm right about who would win a fantasy fight that would never happen.

Go hug your own nuts you sorry ass piece of shit. Some thanks I get for trying to be nice enough to help you out when you were a newb.
You're a fat boy, like I know you are, and always have been, never took a pic in your whole life? Yeah right, never took a pic you'd have the nerve to post.
I'm glad I bumped this thread, it gave me a chance to view you in a new light, as a simple, petty man, who got all butt hurt when someone spoke ill of his hero.

I really misjudged you, I honestly thought you were my friend, but to hear these poison words about me from your mouth now shows me I was wrong, it makes me feel sad actually.
I would have never thought in a million years you would say stuff like that to me.

All you armchair movie fans keep thinking you know best.

Bentom you were right, I never should have bumped this thread as it turned into a troll fest just like you said it would.


You're a fat boy, like I know you are, and always have been, never took a pic in your whole life? Yeah right, never took a pic you'd have the nerve to post.
I'm glad I bumped this thread, it gave me a chance to view you in a new light, as a simple, petty man, who got all butt hurt when someone spoke ill of his hero.

I really misjudged you, I honestly thought you were my friend, but to hear these poison words about me from your mouth now shows me I was wrong, it makes me feel sad actually.
I would have never thought in a million years you would say stuff like that to me.

All you armchair movie fans keep thinking you know best.

Bentom you were right, I never should have bumped this thread as it turned into a troll fest just like you said it would.

Things a roid head douche would say for $200 Alex....


Active member
Things a roid head douche would say for $200 Alex....
The jealous fatties are coming out of the woodwork now.

All I have to say to you is, take a look in the mirror next time you're stepping out of the shower, that should be insult enough.

I'm sorry you look the way you do, it's not my fault, but your own.
Like the commercial says, don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Let the flaming begin:tiphat:

el dub

kalico kitty sent me a private message saying I'm wrong about my assessment of body builder's strength and prolly never wrestled because of that.

Don't know what to tell you. I grew up skinny and wiry. Muscle heads sometimes got the best of me for a period or a period and a half. But as I stated above, guys with high muscle mass usually end up dead tired after their muscles fill with lactic acid. Those cannons are for show, sweetie. And if you don't know that, you really don't know shit about combat sports.



The jealous fatties are coming out of the woodwork now.

All I have to say to you is, take a look in the mirror next time you're stepping out of the shower, that should be insult enough.

I'm sorry you look the way you do, it's not my fault, but your own.
Like the commercial says, don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Let the flaming begin:tiphat:

LMAO what a child...didn't you say you were in your forties??

I used to be like you....until I was about 12 years old, then the size of my penis doubled and all my insecurities went away....


Active member
Dude back the fuck up off the roids, what the fuck is it with you and this fucking hostile attitude you show lately? You can't debate without making it all personal and throwing out childish taunts? You can't discuss things with people of differing opinion without turning into some insulting asshole?

I didn't directly insult anyone before, just made a general statement about what I felt most of the pro bruce crowd might look like IMO.

Are you going to tell me you're not a fat guy with a heart condition sitting at home posting about stuff you really don't know about?

I put pics up to show that not only do I talk the talk, I also walk the walk. I wrestled for 10 years as an amateur, and I currently own a gym where we have boxing classes, MMA training, and a number of current competitive fighters, so although I never got into MMA myself, I've had the chance to workout and spar with many people who are into it.

As far as steroids go, yes I took them in college, along with 98% of the people I wrestled with, and the swim team, and the football players, and the gymnasts, even a couple of the volleyball players.
Most people have no idea how prevalent steroid use is on the college and pro level.
I haven't taken anything for years, the first 4 pics I put up are what I look like now naturally, years after any steroid gain has left me. What I look like now is what someone with a life time of training and competition looks like.

If it makes you guys feel better to think I'm just some shit talking, steroid stuffing ass, who doesn't know anything, that's fine.
I'll still be who I am, and you will still be who you are, lol.


Active member
kalico kitty sent me a private message saying I'm wrong about my assessment of body builder's strength and prolly never wrestled because of that.

Don't know what to tell you. I grew up skinny and wiry. Muscle heads sometimes got the best of me for a period or a period and a half. But as I stated above, guys with high muscle mass usually end up dead tired after their muscles fill with lactic acid. Those cannons are for show, sweetie. And if you don't know that, you really don't know shit about combat sports.

As a self admitted skinny guy, who has never been big, you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

I started out wrestling at 128, and finished over 200lbs in college, no lactic acid burnout, you get tight, but you can go on just fine.
You have never been there(big) so you don't know, period.

Lets look at the muscular boxers, Tyson, foreman, bone crusher smith, etc.... 15 rounds, no lactic acid burnout, so whatever eldub.
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I wish I had a better radar for detecting threads which I'll later wish that I didn't express my opinions about hypotheticals in.

el dub

Hey, drew. No offense meant. I've enjoyed reading your posts in the time I've ben here.

I started out wrestling at 72 lbs in 7th grade. 119 in high school. Now weigh in the 180's.

Many guys I wrestled were bulkier than I was. The first couple intimidated me a bit. But in general, those guys couldn't hang with me for a full match.

I watch most mma fights. (including last night's.)

Cain Valasquez putting a beating on the bulkier Brock Lesnar is a good example of technique over bulk, imo.

Anderson Silva is another great example.

GSP yet another...

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