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How To Reveg


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks again

Here's an update

Before and After at 8 weeks

She's 10 weeks now and goes back into flower next week.

Thanks for the great advice that worked perfectly


Snow Grower ~OGA~
The Effects Of Re-Vegging

The Effects Of Re-Vegging

^ Harvested



^^^^Harvested again

Thanks again for the thread medicaluser420!!! :wave:


TML16 said:

^ Harvested



^^^^Harvested again

Thanks again for the thread medicaluser420!!! :wave:

Glad to see this thread working for so many people..

Another great thing about revegging is another chance to clone a good phenotype!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just found this thread it should be opend again...coz of the pic tutorial/updates....it should be sticky
Great info for the newbe's around......gotta try that straight away after my first harvest ...



I agree, it should be a sticky. How many people say "I wish I would have taken clones"? Well, if she is still flowering, there is still HOPE!


JDOG6000 said:
I heard it effects the potency too.
Has anyone experienced that?

dont know yet if the potentcy was increased or decreased on a clone ive kept for a few years. somehow had put the cut in flower, with no back ups. took cuts off the flowerin plants, and all 4 rooted and revegged.

at the start of reveg, all the cuts kept producin trics even on the revegged stalks for sometime. flowered the cuts, and i feel like the tric count has increased. maybe my imagination, but the cut seems much frostier then when i had grown her before.

also this cut wasnt that impressive smokin as far as taste went from seed. great aromas so i ran again from clone and the taste is awesome.

im a believer on veggin a plant to maturity before flowerin no matter the strain, i believe that a mature plant produces better, and comes through with better tastes and aromas, then flowerin a plant before its mature.

il let ya know on the potentcy in a week or so as there ready to come down.

also have bubba and pure kush that have rooted and revegged from flowerin cuts, was cool to see bubba appearin like it would from seed.

another point is reveggin saves space when growin, as ya dont need to maintain cuts till the end of the grow.
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im a believer on veggin a plant to maturity before flowerin no matter the strain, i believe that a mature plant produces better, and comes through with better tastes and aromas, then flowerin a plant before its mature.
Perhaps a reason clone only strains are thought to be so potent? Just a thought. Im interested to hear your results....


nice job with the reveg, i was always woundering if u could chop the rot ball down, i am trying to reveg an alaskan thunderfuck
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Old Man

New member
Almost like Bonsai Trees

Almost like Bonsai Trees

I am a new member of this site, but I am not new to growing. I was very surprised to hear about trimming the roots of the plant when in reveg. I figured that if the roots were clipped that would add to the overall shock, and the plant would not make it. Obviously I was wrong.

A hobby of mine is bonsai. We do exactly the same thing, selectively trim the root mass to fit whatever container the trees are going in. So help me a friend has a RedWood Tree that is 40 years old and is 24 inches tall! He root trims every 2 years.

Strange as it seems, I use a form of Bonsai on my medical grow. In Bonsai the tree limbs are wrapped with Bonsai wire. It is aluminum wire that is coated with a coloring agent.

Any type of aluminum wire works. It can be wrapped around the branches, and the repositioned to whatever shape the grower wants. I have some small very dense Indica types. It is hard to get light down to the inside of the branches. The wire if used gently on the plants will spread the entire plant over a large area enabling it all to get more light.

Thanks so much for printing this,
Old Man


New member
I'm just in the process of finishing my first hydro grow... I had a couple weeks left until harvest time when a couple undetected light leaks (late nights reading with the lights on!) induce pollen sacs to start uprooting in my already beautifully developed buds :badday:


I'm certain that this baby was not genetically herm since it didn't show maleness until right up the end of flowering, and did it after I stayed up late... that is was certainly shock/stress induced because I screwed up its photoperiod. Perhaps I'm wrong though? Anyway, to the real question:

So, what if I reveg the remains of this plant (she *was* a beauty)--will that mean that now it will flower again as a female and not go hermie as long as I don't stress it out??

Or after a plant goes hermie, it never goes back?? :chin: Anyway, this is my first post--I've been lurking for awhile now--good info here, really damn helpful :wave:
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Here's a lovely plant grown from seed.

Coming back to life.

Blooming for a second time.

I just leave some vegetation after harvesting. Water lightly with veg nutes.
TOnce the new leaves pop out and the plant looks healthy, I trim the rootball and repot into fresh soil. Stand back and watch the shoots take off.


Active member
Old Man said:
I was very surprised to hear about trimming the roots of the plant when in reveg. I figured that if the roots were clipped that would add to the overall shock, and the plant would not make it...

I have also heard of that.
Found this:

inflorescence said:
If you cut off a plants canopy, you remove it's lifeline to the atmosphere. if you cut down the roots you stop it's lifeline to the rhizosphere. If you do these things, both at the same time you are cutting off the life to the plant.

It's true, pruning roots will cause an burst of new growth, but this is only after the roots have "regrouped" by surviving the initial cut and then sending out new roots. it's when the roots are sending out new roots that the canopy growth will follow, but this occurs after a period of time for the "regrouping" so in theory this works but it is the TIMING of when you cut the roots.

IMO, cut the canopy, wait several (up to 4) weeks, then cut the roots.
Do not cut the cuts at the same time you cut the canopy.
In other words, while one system is in shock (the roots or the canopy) you want the opposite system (the roots or the canopy) to be functioning well to offset the shock. One healthy system allows the regrowth of the other system by providing the necessary building blocks. If you cut off both systems there is not enough reserve building blocks to regrow both systems.
From here.

It seems to me that most plants are vigourous enough to recover from this huge amount of stress, but there are some that cannot.

p.s. Great thread!


I don't trim my roots right away. When I harvest, I save some vegetation, hopefully a fan leaf or two and water lightly with veg nutes at 1/2 strength. I wait until the plant puts out fresh leaves and looks healthy before trimming the roots and repotting into fresh soil.

The root trim doesn't hurt the plant at all, it takes off with a brand new vigor in the new soil. All the stress/risk is getting the first growth of leaves to go. So far I'm 2/3.


Originally Posted by inflorescence
If you cut off a plants canopy, you remove it's lifeline to the atmosphere. if you cut down the roots you stop it's lifeline to the rhizosphere. If you do these things, both at the same time you are cutting off the life to the plant.

It's true, pruning roots will cause an burst of new growth, but this is only after the roots have "regrouped" by surviving the initial cut and then sending out new roots. it's when the roots are sending out new roots that the canopy growth will follow, but this occurs after a period of time for the "regrouping" so in theory this works but it is the TIMING of when you cut the roots.

IMO, cut the canopy, wait several (up to 4) weeks, then cut the roots.
Do not cut the cuts at the same time you cut the canopy.
In other words, while one system is in shock (the roots or the canopy) you want the opposite system (the roots or the canopy) to be functioning well to offset the shock. One healthy system allows the regrowth of the other system by providing the necessary building blocks. If you cut off both systems there is not enough reserve building blocks to regrow both systems.


IMO total nonsense....

I commonly move my plants from 2 gallons to 2 liters....

My opinion is that the veg and the roots need to be in balance...

remove 80% of the veg and you can remove 80% of the roots....

I cant remember the last time I lost one....

MOst of the revegged plants here dont look like mine....

I normally leave some large naked shade leaves from the upper part of the plant if I need to....naked cause I dont leave any potential for that area to regrow.... I want the growth at the lower parts of the plant....

The plant needs the leaves to eat while its working....
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Active member
budleydoright- i agree with you on jusst about everything...but i dont think you really need to leave fan leaves behind, altho i can see how they would benefit the plant by letting it eat them.
personally..i trim my plants real well bout 2 weeks in and trim off all lower bud sites that wont get light. i do this to all the plants. i only leave vegetation below the canopy on the plants i want to reveg.

heres a shot of my last cascadia right at harvest day...and as you can see theres almost hardly anytjhing below the big nugs except for a few little airy buds. if you click on it and blow it up to full size you can see what i am talking about.

and after it was all done i took my plant from about a 2 1/2 gal pot to one that about 1L. i trimmed the roots so that the ball fit into my hand and then added a bit more soil to the bottom.
heres my results at 1 week

when they were first transplanted i gave them a little flower nutes...then after that its been all veg ferts and Liquid karma.
this plant exploded. so since i had the nice clump of green on the one branch i clipped all the others off, but the one.

here it is at twoweeks

and if i were to take a pic now of it you would see how much it has grown in just another week or two.

pretty amazing

i think that trimming the roots and giving it new soil really helped to create this amazing new growth.....and for my first reveg it couldnt have gone anybetter.

good looking plants everyone..keep up the great work.....and keep posting your different ways of reveging....
we are all here to help and learn from eachother

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