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How To Reveg

i was recently gifted a bonsai mom to keep alive until next season....and they left me with no fan leaves, but about 7 popcorn buds....its been 3 days and fresh green growth is coming out the buds a little bit...got it on 24/0 under 2 18watt cfl's...anyway my question is can i remove the buds without harming the plant in a few weeks after the new growth has shot above the buds? theres about an eighth ounce on there and i dont want to waste it...


Green is Gold
Yo when you put that plant back into reveg mode those buds are gonna lose their potency something fierce, so if you want to grow the plant out but still smoke the leftovers you should do it within a few days of going bac to veg mode imo
yes but it seems for now all the new growth on the tops of the buds have bright green spots starting on the tops of them, (the buds are purple, thats how i know) but nowhere else and if i cut all the buds off right now, i dont know how fast it will recover, and i dont know if there will be any nodes....
wait if i cut the buds off and leave the beginning of the bud stem where it attaches to the main stem there will it just shoot new growth out of that then?

sorry i dont know much about this stuff its my first time attempting this.

plus i would think cutting the rest of the buds off after only being reverted back to veg for a total of 4 days now would shock the hell out of it...

correct me if im wrong.....

plus like i said before...theres NO fan leaves...

any experts out there know?


leave some bud and hope it comes around.... it should. when i pre pair a plant i usually leave a few small bud and some leaf.... normally about 80% of the plant gets cut for smoke and the rest (popcorn and leaf) stay.


My attempt at reveg:

kaia kush. Removed her colas... around 70-80% of the flower.... put her in the veg room and fed some roots organic grow.

Let us pray for her.


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re-veg huge plant vs small plant timeframes?

re-veg huge plant vs small plant timeframes?

Just curious and didn't see it talked about....

It seems that the re-veg ones are way more vigorous, so no need (or at least less need) to FIM or Top, but still take a bit longer than just taking a clone before 12/12. (Whether FIM or Top'ing a veg clone before 12/12 slows it down less than the lost time of a re-veg clone is a whole other discussion.)

I can see with tiny clones that the normal pre-flower clone cut could make sense from what I'm reading, but what if you had like a 4 foot Mom plant?

With huge stems like a trunk? Would that take forever to switch and then grow much faster or switch faster and grow much bigger with a larger root ball?


I am revegging a blue Hawaiian that had two main shoots that were both chopped, but down near the roots is a little popcorn bud that I left on. It's been 2.5months now and it has one weird looking stem and leaf. It looks like it will be at least a month or two before there is enough veg to clip some clones. Now that it is revegging, should I trim off that little bit of bud?

I recently chopped a KaliMist girl that I'd like to get a mom out of. She was a single stemmer and didn't have any lower popcorn, so right now, there is about two feet of stem and a bud the size of two golfballs at the end. I am worried that there is too much bud left on there, does anyone have some guidelines?

I was hoping to use this process to avoid keeping moms and constant cloning, but my experience so far suggests that it is so inefficient that this process should be reserved for emergencies and corner cases.


hello everyone
i have a question .. i have a plant now indoor in flower day 35 .. after harvest if i want to reveg hem then put hem outdoor ... it will works?

sorry for my bad english :p


Sorry if this has been asked before but this thread is 15 pages deep!

I know that the re-veg after a trim causes the plants to go all mutant like. I'm just curious if this causes the plants to yield less. I have heard that the buds from a reveg'd plant aren't as potent and the plant yields much less.

This makes sense to me as this whole reveg thing seems pretty unnatural lol. But I'm open minded to your experiences. Also would love to know how long it takes before the plants return to normal 5+ leaf shape.
I have reveged and the yield was the same ... potency seems stronger to be honest but I think it has to do with a plants actual age ...

I dont believe you lose potency but it may increase as the older the plant gets... But I will know for sure in 3 months time.
Guys we are trying to reveg some 3rd week flowering clones. We did the cutting about a week ago and set them under 24/0 light regime.
So far they are getting mature and that's pretty weird; looks like we forced them to end the flowering stage or maybe they are only getting dry...any ideas? Should the plant go from flowering to reveg or it should actually short-end the flowering before it starts in reveg?
I will post some pictures soon..

We used only a minimal part of root hormones on them, and they didn't do any roots yet. We added some more hormones to one of them and are waiting to see what happens.


they might be slowly dying post a pic and ill be able to tell i always reveg but i pull off all pistils so the plant doesnt have enough n to reproduce flowes and will revert to vegging again to build enough to make new buds
so post pic and it will probly save your plant cuz they sound like ther dying but they could be reveging and just matureing whats still on them


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Guys we are trying to reveg some 3rd week flowering clones. We did the cutting about a week ago and set them under 24/0 light regime.
So far they are getting mature and that's pretty weird; looks like we forced them to end the flowering stage or maybe they are only getting dry...any ideas? Should the plant go from flowering to reveg or it should actually short-end the flowering before it starts in reveg?
I will post some pictures soon..

We used only a minimal part of root hormones on them, and they didn't do any roots yet. We added some more hormones to one of them and are waiting to see what happens.

They'll continue flowering until the plant fully reverts to a veg state. Usually takes me about a month to a month and a half to get them back into a full veg state.

Just keep em under veg lights, and they'll reveg.


Hi everyone :wave:

here my 2cents with my first revegg of purp haze x panama.

I put it in 18hours after a roots trim. wait wait wait wait.... :tongue:

then after 40 days, normal leaves appeared and I can cut some branches:

after 80 days, old calices have finished falling...

and i can clone again :laughing: :

bye bye enjoy weed :thank you:


Doesn't anybody here think it is just faster to cut a clone off of the flowering plant and reveg that? I do it with no problems and it sure doesn't take 45 days.

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