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How I've thwarted drug dogs multiple times, and how you can too!


Señor Chang

Fairly off topic, but I've taken my left over water from simmering butter and placed in a small spray bottle.
I then went to an airport and took my international flight.
Prior to security I strolled around spraying little corners way down low.
Wish I could have gotten closer to where the passengers were disembarking.


Active member
Fairly off topic, but I've taken my left over water from simmering butter and placed in a small spray bottle.
I then went to an airport and took my international flight.
Prior to security I strolled around spraying little corners way down low.
Wish I could have gotten closer to where the passengers were disembarking.

lol, I used to put the tags that set off store alarms on un-expecting friends, lol. They would get searched and harassed but never got in trouble, good times.


Active member
there have been several tries with various scents over the years and the well trained dog stopped for like 2 seconds and moved on to their target scent . it aint quite that easy to fool a properly trained dog. nice story tho


Active member
Fairly off topic, but I've taken my left over water from simmering butter and placed in a small spray bottle.
I then went to an airport and took my international flight.
Prior to security I strolled around spraying little corners way down low.
Wish I could have gotten closer to where the passengers were disembarking.

i flicked a small roach on the car in front of me at the boarder. strangly enough nobody got stopped like in the cheech and chong movie


shut the fuck up Donny
Cliff Notes For This Thread:

-Turkey bags are NOT a substitution for vac sealing. Nothing is foolproof but turkey bagging is the lazy way out. Take the time to vac seal, and carefully so as to not contaminate.

-Using deer urine is not even close to a foolproof way. If you are driving with weight and have a bottle of it, sure, spray the car down, but don't count on it at all. All dogs are not trained the same, handlers can suck or be really smart. Some dogs could be thrown off by it, others will see right through it. I certainly wouldn't suggest anyone start doing multi state runs now just because some dude dropped a fairly well known technique. You can find many pages via google suggesting this, along with many who argue how effective it is. Also keep in mind even if the dog is distracted, he might end up setting off the signal to the cop by accident cuz of the distraction. In addition, keep in mind realistically cop can at any point be a dick and say "oh the dog indicated there is drugs, im going to search". It's allll situational.

-Many good points made about distracting a cop, as well as how to interact with a cop aka saying "NO YOU CANT SEARCH WITHOUT A WARRANT GO AWAY" is not always the way to go.
now you're talking.

having the dog go off all over the place due to actual drug scent all over the place and no drugs is almost the same as the dog not going off. However this will only get you so far.

If you want to maximize your chances, vary your methods. cops read these threads and watch videos we make on these topics.

I'm sure they do read these threads but it's not like all cops communicate and update their knowledge country wide the moment information like this comes out. I'm sure it gets around, but not much.

Anyone here willing to bet their freedom on deer urine?

If I was in charge of training drug canines the first thing I would do is throw as many variables into their environment as possible.

You really think LE hasn't considered/thought of this?

Anyone know how many canines get cut during training...? Quite a few.

Here's one thing I bet you haven't thought of though. In a training environment the dog has already smelled the ball, he knows it's around. He knows the weed smell. Therefor, when he comes across deer urine, he will ignore it because he knows the weed is nearby, already on his mind. The weedscented ball is being hidden around, the particals are in the air already, the dog knows this. I'm not saying this actually happens... i'm just betting from personal experience. Obviously the dogs can't search when there's animals or animal smells nearby. It's one of the main reason they make you move your car away from an animal during a traffic stop

Now, if no weed particals are present in the air, and the first whiff the dog catches is urine, it is the urine that will distract him, because it got to his nose first. Think about it.


I'm going to try the paste idea sometime. Maybe get some THC oil to try it with. I just have to find a strategic place to put it and then the dog will be so stuck to that obvious scent, he wont alert to the less powerful scent because the THC oil scent is everywhere.

It's like one of the ideas barry cooper had. Throw crushed up weed stems all inside your yard and the dog will go crazy out there.


I would check with a professional trainer before trustin your freedom to any of this..A properly trained Dog with an Intelligent Handler will bust you..period


Oh, another trick I thought up recently.

For those who don't believe deer piss will distract the dog.

Dogs don't have individual triggers for each drug. It's one trigger, for all drugs, I believe.

If you made a paste that is transluscent with some drug in it, and put it on your rims, or even on a basic item in your car that any cop can see is obviously not a drug. The dog will trigger at this item and the cop will see/smell nothing wrong with it at all.

The cop might wonder why the dog is triggering at your tire, and even go to lengths to take your tire off, if truly suspicious. While this may take time out of your day, it will completely distract them from the potato chip bag with bud in it. If you combine the deer piss with the "drug-paste", the cop will investigate where the dog is triggering, and just think he is triggering at deer piss for some reason. Or think you're using the deer piss to cover something.

Either way, it will distract him from the main smell. While particals may permeate through any substance, if there is a stronger source of the smell nearby(the paste), the dog will go to it, and he wont be able to identify the potato chip bag that a few bud particals permeated through. Just make sure the drug concentration in the invisible paste is high enough to distract the dog from other concentrations, but not enough to be detected by an officer or tested.

Be creative. This is an example of distracting the dog with EXACTLY what he is looking for, but the officers won't be able to find it where the dog is alerting.

If the cops want to dismantle parts of your car because the dog is alerting to it, and find nothing, you may have a law suit on your hands, though I'm not really sure about that. I do know the dog and the officer will be distracted from the real source that is cleverly hidden.

This is not even close to something you should ever try. I don't know anything about drug dogs but your trigger theory is not accurate.
there have been several tries with various scents over the years and the well trained dog stopped for like 2 seconds and moved on to their target scent . it aint quite that easy to fool a properly trained dog. nice story tho

Scents like food will not stop a dog. A scent like deer urine that is used to mark territory will automatically kick the dogs instincts into play.

Cliff Notes For This Thread:

-Turkey bags are NOT a substitution for vac sealing. Nothing is foolproof but turkey bagging is the lazy way out. Take the time to vac seal, and carefully so as to not contaminate.

-Using deer urine is not even close to a foolproof way. If you are driving with weight and have a bottle of it, sure, spray the car down, but don't count on it at all. All dogs are not trained the same, handlers can suck or be really smart. Some dogs could be thrown off by it, others will see right through it. I certainly wouldn't suggest anyone start doing multi state runs now just because some dude dropped a fairly well known technique. You can find many pages via google suggesting this, along with many who argue how effective it is. Also keep in mind even if the dog is distracted, he might end up setting off the signal to the cop by accident cuz of the distraction. In addition, keep in mind realistically cop can at any point be a dick and say "oh the dog indicated there is drugs, im going to search". It's allll situational.

-Many good points made about distracting a cop, as well as how to interact with a cop aka saying "NO YOU CANT SEARCH WITHOUT A WARRANT GO AWAY" is not always the way to go.

Consent to search? In my mind, I give the officer permission to search so when the dog 'goes off' he has already searched. The goal in my mind is to make the dog go off when there is nothing there. The cop has already searched my car and found nothing. Just because the dog goes off he's going to do what? Dismantle my car? It's a possibility, but seriously? I live in an South eastern state, I'm not on the mexican border.


Active member
Remember when you're all high....be really really annoying and say "prove it! bring the drug dogs."

Your friend gets caught right away by being too smug and trying to play it off way too cool.
This is not even close to something you should ever try. I don't know anything about drug dogs but your trigger theory is not accurate.

Trigger theory? Dogs smell in particles, parts per billion. They are going to locate the highest concentration of particles. If you have THC paste, or thc particals, enough to not smell, floating around your vehicle, in the inside, the concentration around the vehical is going to be the same as the concentration outside the potato chip bag with the vac sealed bud in it. The dog is not a super human. It cannot smell through things. It smells concentrations in the air.

Remember when you're all high....be really really annoying and say "prove it! bring the drug dogs."

Your friend gets caught right away by being too smug and trying to play it off way too cool.

? Don't know if that's directed at me, but remember the general rule of thumb, don't break more than 1 law at a time. Driving while high = DWI, even if they can't detect it, maybe not charge you with it, but they can usually tell, which can lead to bigger problems, suspicion, etc.

All of you folks suspicion and skepticism is welcome, I welcome it. I'm just sharing the methods that have worked for me in my days of carrying massive amounts of bud and making the dogs not alert to it.

I am sharing from direct experience.

I am not a dog expert.
Not all dogs are trained the same.
Not all dogs are the same, and not all handlers are the same.
I am sharing what has worked for me.
Skepticism welcome, and research encouraged.

Keep these things in mind. Please, do not tell me my methods will never work. You can believe they don't work all you want and be skeptical, but don't tell me something I have had direct experience with didn't happen. It's like telling me I'm not thirsty when I am, you're not me.

Ultra Current

I just want to let you guys know about those police stickers that you can get from cops you know. I had one of those on my car and they pulled me over and saw it and tore my whole car apart. They even took out the seats and a dog came too and scratched up the inside of my car. In the end, they found a roach and I was left with my car all fucked up. Be careful with those stickers and those children license plates. Cops know all about them.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
you mean those fuckers that call you and ask for a donation? then they send you a 'i support the police' sticker...

i hang up on them immediately. but i hang up on everybody calling me at my house trying to sell me something or asking for a donation...

now that i mention it, it sure is nice not having a land line anymore !!!!

Ultra Current

you mean those fuckers that call you and ask for a donation? then they send you a 'i support the police' sticker...

i hang up on them immediately. but i hang up on everybody calling me at my house trying to sell me something or asking for a donation...

now that i mention it, it sure is nice not having a land line anymore !!!!
No this is a sticker that has a badge on it that cops only get a few of for family and close friends. Not all cops get them. It is a sticker to basically say that you are with us. Cops know that drug dealers are using them and also those invest in children license plates that you have to pay for that makes you look like a teacher or family person.

Just want to say hi to the cops reading this. I love you guys!


The title of this thread means you have been doing something wrong if you have "thwarted drug dogs multiple times."

I will never consent to a search either.
The title of this thread means you have been doing something wrong if you have "thwarted drug dogs multiple times."

I will never consent to a search either.

Are you saying I've only been pulled over 4/4 times and I've been dog searched each of those times?

Some circumstances you can only control so much man.

In the past years, I have been pulled and attempted to be searched hundreds of times. MANY times with bud, large quantities. I have never gotten a bud charge, ever. My record is actually perfectly clean. I'm just consider myself super good at circumventing the law. I wont reveal an exact time frame I have been clean like this, I don't want to reveal my age.

You can come up with all sorts of ways to prevent an officer from searching your car, for example by rejecting a search when he ask etc. The problem with all these methods is they never teach you to think about the mindset of the cop.

Your primary goal in circumventing a LEO should be controlling him like a puppet, predicting how he is going to think in each state of mind he is in, which is dependent upon how you are responding.

You have his attention, he will respond to whatever you do. People you can't control are people who are non responsive. The cop is willfully placing himself in a situation where he is giving you his attention, and he will respond to the situations you project into his experience of reality. You control him, if you have his attention.

Too bad many people don't think like this, it's the true way to get out of any LEO encounter. While it may be rather deceptive and manipulative. It protects me from being proscecuted over senseless drug laws that do nothing but give jobs to federalies.


I have been pulled and attempted to be searched hundreds of times.

Well this was my point. You have been pulled over quite a bit it seems. I don't understand why, therefore I assume you must be doing something wrong in the first place.
Well this was my point. You have been pulled over quite a bit it seems. I don't understand why, therefore I assume you must be doing something wrong in the first place.

My town is riddled with cops dude. I never speed and my car is perfectly in tact. I know pretty much every traffic law. Cops can find just about any reason to pull you over, my town... it's just excessive cops. Maybe it's just the area I'm in, who knows. Cops are allowed to pull over drivers that 'seem' suspicious to them. Giving them excuses to pull over ANYONE. They have their fun.

Don't you think that if I'm smart enough to come up with all these little tricks, that I would be smart enough to do everything I can to not get pulled over... that's sort of an obvious given.

what do u use to reseal the chip bags?


Something like this. There are lots of products that can be used to seal, but the basic mechanism is a bar is heated and the plastic is basically melted back together. If you are cheap enough you can do it with a paper clip and a lighter, but it's rather difficult. You can get a cheap bag sealer from a grocery store or walmart for like $15 Prolly cheaper.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
damn most people don't get pulled over a hundred times in 3 lifetimes...

just sayin :2cents:

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