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How early do you put moving air on your plants?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Genetics are genetics, and only those hardwired, unchangeable DNA strings determine sex, just like in every other living thing on this planet.
It is true that genetics are genetics. But it is not true that the sex of every other living thing is determined by those genetics. Take the clown fish for example. The dominant fish in a group will always be female, either by birth or by changing sex. If that dominant fish dies, the next in line (a male) will become female and take over. This is the classic example of environment determining gender.

As far as the gender of cannabis being influenced by environmental factors, I believe it. Especially since my current grow is showing 7 of 8 males. This is only the second time in many years I've ended up with a majority of males. Coincidentally, this time and the one other time were the only times I did not use used aquarium water during veg. I'm convinced that using high-nitrogen aquarium water is responsible for my always getting a large majority of females. Sadly, I no longer have an aquarium.
Actually, I've had that situation a few times. Also had runs in the exact same environment pop out a standard split. Had runs in the same environment pop out 5 for 5 male (that'll piss you off :rant:).

Genetics are genetics, and only those hardwired, unchangeable DNA strings determine sex, just like in every other living thing on this planet. Stress determines the quality, not the sex. :yes:

Shows how much you know about biology. Good job shooting yourself in the foot there...

Along with the clown-fish example there are a TON of others. Sex of crocodile babies is determined by the temperature the eggs are kept at as they incubate.

Or, here's a nice link:


Talking about how the environment that amphibians live in has a huge impact on what sex they express. Because of rapid environmental changes introduced by farming the sex-change has been so wide-sweeping that some amphibians are now the fastest-disappearing creatures since the dinosaurs! Whole populations being shifted to fall-female and then dying out. This is a very specific example of environment influencing sex AND I QUOTE:

The Florida scientists conclude that the changes are likely to be "the result of multiple exposure to several chemicals at various concentrations over the lifetime of the toads".

Excuse me? What's that highly-qualified-scientists? You say that the sexual expression of these creatures was influenced by environmental factors!?!? Why, that sounds an awful lot like what I was saying now doesn't it!?

Sex is not set in stone, I'm nowhere near a scientist, or even scientifically inclined and I know that. Change in sexual expression due to environmental factors is a very real (though very odd and somewhat rare) occurrence. Cannabis can be one of the best examples of this phenomenon.

Tony Aroma:

7 out of 8!? Bummer dude! Ditching your aquarium water could indeed have been the culprit. Nutrient ratios during veg have a powerful effect on sexual expression in cannabis. If you want lots of ladies then you need lots of nitrogen. And it isn't just high nitrogen but the ratio of it to other nutes. The really critical ratio is N/K. For girls you want about 3 times as much nitrogen in the medium (or res) as you have potassium. The closer you get to a 1/1 ratio (or heaven forbid, more K than N) the more likely you are to get males.

No more access to an aquarium, but there are lots of other sources off good organic N. Fish emulsion (5-1-1) is a good place to start. Good luck with that man, hope you get lots of ladies next time around! :joint:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I've personally had great success turning on my oscillating fan as soon as they can handle it (hard to say exactly, you can just tell...maybe after the first set or two of real fan leaves?). I keep it on them during the light's on period, and it goes off when the lights do. They love it, based on my (admittedly limited) experience.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
What the hell? There's a whole post of mine missing where I responded to Tony Aroma!?

And it referred to chemical interactions too. Dammit, I'm not retyping the whole damn thing.

Main points were:

Clown Fish making a change to female under those conditions is not the same as changing the sex of a plant because of a stiff breeze.

Chemical presence I do believe will effect the sex. That's a no brainer - Breeders do it every single day, using STS and Colloidal Silver. Once again though, that's a very far cry from a stiff breeze on a plant.

Neither of those were examples of a plant changing sex because of a stiff breeze. If this were true, then those of us with optimum veg setups would be seeing 100% female plants, and that just isn't happening.

The fun part of the post:

Tony - You know, as soon as I wrote that, I thought to myself "I shouldn't have put never, someone is going to come back with some bizarre fish or something" :biglaugh: Never speak in absolutes, right? :)


Active member
This is interesting and I understand sexual determination differences for different species.

However...then it begs the question...are FEMINIZED seeds real? Are they truly ALL female? If so, then doesn't the "determination via stressors" argument fail? It would seem that cannabis is closer to humans then. Sex determined at conception. Completely genetic.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Feminized seeds, are 'real', in that they will result in a much much higher probability of female plants. Oddly enough, you do still get a male every now and then :chin:


those seedling are too fragile for air right now. the air will dry them up! they need humidity and low light.

don't worry about the air until they're at least 7-10 days old and a few inches high.

never blow the air directly on them. i direct my air towards the lights and over the top of the plants.

Speaking from experience, I know when I plant seeds outside and they sprout, they get full sun and wind from day 1 just like the mature plants do. They survive just fine. They can take full hid lighting and windy conditions in an indoor grow too. just keep them watered.


Big D

Among all the environmental factors that can cause males; topping, high potassium to nitrogen ratio during veg, warm color temps, short nights, high temperatures, etc. the worst of them all is blowing them with a strong, constant breeze. Cannabis is a smart plant, it makes 'observations' about its environment and then changes it's chemistry to suit. Some of you Icmag gardeners seem to grow cannabis in the perfect conditions for making males.

Tall, thin, spindly plants vegged with very long days (or 24 hour light), possibly tipped or fimed under orange lamps with a fan constantly blowing on them. This is just begging a seed-started plant to go MALE!!

ahahaha,That is the craziest shit I have ever heard! Thanks for the laugh!

Riboflavin, put a fan on them. It strengthens the stems and stimulates growth! But as has been said keep them moist.

Good luck bro!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
fan in this pic has air circulating around in the seedling and clone nursery

notice it's angle it's aimed towards the 3 - 20w fluro bulbs but it also hit's any seedlings, clones in bubbler or fresh plante clones. it's 3 inch across the face a small fan

heres another 3in fan in the main veg erea

this fan comes on 6pm-6am it blows directly onto all the plants in nursery and veg erea.

this fan is a 95cfm fan that blows fresh air into flower chamber 24/7

unsexed plants normally get placed by the forced air intake no extra males there also

this is my new stanely blower fan the old 1 is in flower chamber pointed towards bottom of air cooled hood and a cooltube. it comes on when flowering lights do 6pm-6am

stanely in pic runs 24/7 draws air through carbon filter then air cooled hood and cooltube and is exhausted into attick.

my plants go from gentel josseling in veg to nice steady air stream blowing around the erea keepn all plants moving. n/p with extra males or hermis

i used to think a perfect enviroment would produce 95-100% female because tis what i was experincing. nothing has changed and now i believe it's just a roll of the dice when it comes to plants from seed.

fans on having air circulating and plants gently blowing from sprout

promotes strong stem cell structure has nothing to do with more males and or plants turning herm because they grew up in breezy/windy conditations.
Umm...{Paraphrased by haze}...sun releases droplets on our skin wind blowing directly on anything living will remove those particles into a gaseous form. "[Hippocrates suggests we are in large part water which is usually liquid around room temp temp, but dependent on environment sun/ wind it may go gassy...hehe]. I always wondered whether he read that on the net or just made it up... [*puts on duncecap and sits in corner- tags word transpiration on the wall while they aren't looking*]]

Actually, what i meant to say the fans are decreasing humidity.
Canna loves humidity.
So, technically ... yes you are making an environment conducive of a higher male count.
Males are awesome!

oh yah, i forgot.... (not the general social trend)
The estrogen in the water is affecting the phenotypes of mammalian males everywhere (*did not say that*)<- has nothing to do with this convo->yet does!

Did anyone mention humans are all pre-programmed females... or are we not going to go there???

More haze?

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