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How do you like to smoke your weed?


New member
No matter how strong the thc is I LOVE JOINTS!
People think I'm crazy sometimes cuz it takes a few extra seconds to roll one up, they're like, "just pack a bowl it takes half a second", but I swear there's just something about joints, I LOVE THEM! I'll even throw some hash in there if I'm feeling extra fun...
I NEVER mix tobacco in with the pot, gives me a headache.
I use a Volcano vaporizer once in a while, but I have to make sure I'm totally centered for that...


I dont even smoke cigs but if I had an absolutely unlimited amount of herb, I would roll blunt after blunt. I would pause occassionally to load a bong with ice cold water, but I have also been known to stick a blunt into the downstem instead of a bowl, try it some time :)

I do believe blunts are evil though, and I might possibly be addicted tot he small amount of nicotine I am getting from the wraps....in fact I think Ill start a thread about how possible that is lol.

I agree that vaporizors are ok, but I don't tend to use mine very often. I like to use a bong witha bubbler attached to it, so it's a super smooth smoke, and when I'm testing a bud out I like to use this little glass pipe I got a head shop nearby that was really nicely designed. Then again, I do also make some really awesome edibles, making my own cannabutter and BHO extraction that I like to use in my drinks and lollipops, and the butter is for baked goods and toffee. The black sticky gingerbread I make is super duper potent, and really good for people that are trying to wean themselves off of opiates (which is really hard and painful to do).
I don't like to do edibles all of the time because I already have high tolerance issues, I'm at the point that I don't get stoned, but I do get relief... unless I go the edible route.


as i mentioned b4 I like to smoke it in a glass bong, but if i am going for a long trip or a place were i can't carry MJ smoke on me I would bake some space cakes, i dunno if its my recipe or the fact that i'm eating the weed in my muffins but its CRAZYYYY ... it will make u HIGH as hell and it will last for a good 3 hours - funny story, i had my friend try my loaded muffins and since it was his first time he passed out for while LOOOL :muahaha: this is how high he was - maybe "bong talking" it will last based on everyone's metabolism too, i dunno i will hit my mini glass bong for now and get back with a solid answer :smoweed:
Some of the edibles I make are very strong and I make them especially if I have a patient that is trying to get off of opiate painkillers, or is a super heavy smoker.

I use BHO in lollipops and little lozenges and I made some triple strength lillipops and 1/4 of one puts me in a fine place, and I am a very heavy smoker.

I'm planning on making some medicated blueberry muffins tomorrow with some ultra strong cannabutter I've had steeping in butter for a long time (over a week, I forgot). I've forgottoen cannabutter before and used it and was surprised with how strong it was.

I do not suggest cooking cannabis laced items over 325 degrees F, or you'll have wasted it.

I find that recipies using the most amount of cannabutter and sugars and fats (like old fashioned black sticky gingerbread) are more potent that say banana nut bread or blueberry muffins.

You can make drinks with hash or BHO for a pleasant taste and experience, add the hash or BHO to a h eated drink, which you can drink warm or cold.

In my area, where there is medical marijuana and dispensaries, there are several drinks on the market. One is from Farmacy which is a california company and uses 3g of has per drink and one is a colorado company which uses 4g of hash per drink. I prefer the colorado one, I don't remember the name of it and my husband threw out the bottle. I was going to do a review of it in the Colorado forums about drinks available. I had the orange soda drink and it was really good. I use much less BHO than hash in my drinks and food as BHO is so much more potent.


Joint always ....My friends use my bong I never use it very rarely love my big fat Joints full of dank ............ST


Active member
I love rolling joints. Then smoking them. :dance013:

I think it's a throwback to my cigarette smoking days; I always loved smoking them, too. Glad I quit them, tho.
With a little good hash atop my weed - joint or a little pipe works for me... one hit and i'm good! OK - you talked me into it - where's my pipe?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I prefer a joint to anything. The first smoke of any crop is always rolled up and smoked.
I love BHO, the flavour is amazing.


Active member
I smoke joints, job 1.0's, i roll 'em straight like a cig, weed only from end to end, no filter, no twisting the ends. The only time i use my glass bowl or bong is when i run out of papers and am to lazy to run to the store. Some people are amazed when I pull out a bag of fire and roll it up, I swear joints don't waste weed like people think. They taste good all the way through (bowls taste like shit after the first couple tokes), and you will have an ash tray full of roaches in case of hard times ;) plus I think i just like the ritual of rolling/smoking the joint more time consuming, and more intimate than a bowl.

I just recently tried a vape. I got really stoned, I didn't care for the taste very much. I really like the idea of it, it seems like it would be much healthier than smoking. I have been smoking for quite some time, and I am really leaning towards buying a vape, just to preserve my health a little.

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