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How do I find women smokers?



Domineereing, manipulative, lacking in grooming and social skills, but other than that they are perfect.

The guys are the exact same, as a rule. There are always exceptions, like me, and we/they usually find a better place to live, one that is more civilized.....
Not really looking for anyting other than a few cool friends to smoke out with. Im a bit different than most and I believe very strongly that it is my RIGHT to smoke. I dont drink yet I have to be at a bar where everyone is getting drunk andmaking fools of themselves. Ill pass...espically since I shouldnt fire up in the bar. But when Im dragged there by my friends...I say fuck it. Ill smoke :)
It would be nice to be able to have some friends over to smoke...but like most people I usually have a ton of Aquaintences just trying to come around and smoke some great buds...MY TREAT. Did that for years...Now im like ...NOPE.
Arent there any normal just mellow happy stoners in my area. I just wanna smoke out...we can use the roor the volcano or just my sherlock bubbler....kick back watch a movie on a big lcd screen...and toke the night away. Pittsburgh sucks for stoner activity. If your in the burgh....and ya want a cool friend....hit me up


krippysmoker said:
Not really looking for anyting other than a few cool friends to smoke out with. Im a bit different than most and I believe very strongly that it is my RIGHT to smoke. I dont drink yet I have to be at a bar where everyone is getting drunk andmaking fools of themselves. Ill pass...espically since I shouldnt fire up in the bar. But when Im dragged there by my friends...I say fuck it. Ill smoke :)
It would be nice to be able to have some friends over to smoke...but like most people I usually have a ton of Aquaintences just trying to come around and smoke some great buds...MY TREAT. Did that for years...Now im like ...NOPE.
Arent there any normal just mellow happy stoners in my area. I just wanna smoke out...we can use the roor the volcano or just my sherlock bubbler....kick back watch a movie on a big lcd screen...and toke the night away. Pittsburgh sucks for stoner activity. If your in the burgh....and ya want a cool friend....hit me up

maybe this will help you....

have you ever messed around on craigslist? well its fun..

coincidentally i posted a personal ad titled "down to smoke a bowl" in the Pittsburgh Craigslist section...(remember to post a pic).... but i got about 20 hot girls emailing me with their pics sayin they wanna meet up and blaze....

too bad i posted it while i was dating someone, or i would of hopped on the chance with some of these girls... truth be told, i didnt even expect anyone to answer, but,

if you post it, they will come LOL

EDIT: this will help http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/
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1tokeOverLine said:
Oh - and did I mention that I play drums and guitar. :pointlaug That helps, more female friends I know like drummers for some reason. :woohoo:

hahaha sick.... ive been playing guitar for like 8 years now and im 20... and i recently started playing drums as well... i love it its like my soul... i just wanna meet a stoner chick that can understand why i love to get high and just let all my emotions flow out of my fingertips.... if i didnt have such a passion for guitar i definitely wouldnt smoke like i do.. and i definitely wouldn't have started growing..


Get two birds stoned at once
They used to come looking for me in college... but they just wanted a hook up not to hook up :badday:

Internet grow forums is the last place I would go to meet girls though, I know for a fact that there are a lot of Y chromosome holders out there who claim to be female online.

I've found that places of higher education :)joint:) are great places to find stoner girls if you happen to be enrolled also that is. There is an especially unusual concentration of stoner women on campuses with a focus on environmental subjects, lot of stoner dudes too lol :biglaugh:.
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New member
kittysecrets4u said:
Being a female I must admit - it is hard to find women stoners.

I completely agree with you. Where are they? Besides myself and my sister...I know only 2 women stoners. That's sad.


Well-known member
you can't find single NORCAL smoker wooks?
dude-if your willing to put up with hairy legs and BO worse than a man's-it really should be no problem-find the weekly barn throwdown


Registered Med User
Burt said:
you can't find single NORCAL smoker wooks?
dude-if your willing to put up with hairy legs and BO worse than a man's-it really should be no problem-find the weekly barn throwdown

LOL, ha ha! I remember This FINE hippie chick Hitch-hiken, I picked her up, and had to roll my window down!!! She stank! Cool attitude and all, I think she was wonderin why I didnt get at her, looked kinda disapointed, maybe thats why she was goin to the river, ta take a Hippie Bath!

Attention Hippie chicks: No offense, but please take care of your hi-gene, Woman are ment to smell good/be smooth.


New member
Yah I have met tons of stoner chicks at my current college. Just don't expect reciprocation with smoke, they tend to mooch. The unnatractive ones can be slightly trusted haha. Freshman girls are always up to try something new and you might find one that loves it as much as you.


Doj said:


And in my experience it's difficult to meet female stoners, especially here in Italy where cannabis is the Devil's weed to the older generation and many girls don't partake......ever noticed the Italians in Amsterdam?? A group usually consists of all guys or 4 guys and 1 girl....

Give me a hippy stoner chick from the States anyday, lol