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HOt Shot no Pest Strips



did you turn off your ventilation and put them in your space at lights out....i think not if you know how to use them properly the mites are dead....peace

what something is what it does and how it does it...these things you must ask if you wish to truly learn

lighterfuel said:
I heard on another site that NO PEST kills MITES in their tracks - even said that they were dead upon emerging from their eggs! Lol! I went out and bought 2 for a small area that I was having issues with (Classic - who else but a Pot grower is at home depot 5 minutes before close on a weeknite desperately trying to find a garden product). The strips did nothing in my grow! I was pissed and will never use those again.
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pumping gas is bad for you to probably worse...in case you havent notice humans are pretty unhealthy...you included...i dont use the no-pest strips unless i have a outbreak..if i have a outbreak good by to it in 24 hrs...no pest is the h-bomb for those borg..peace
Pretty much yep. I get a real good laugh when people yack about organic meds and they eat crap. Gotta turn off ventilation (hang at night), only use in an outbreak, prevention is the best medicine and hanging strips is not good prevention as it's just not necessary. Air filtration is easy and inexpensive. Mites usually come from infected clones or you carry them into the room somehow. Don't wear shoes and put on clean clothes when going into your grow space. Keep the animals out of the area and if you have house plants you need to keep those clean too. Honestly I'd rather spray with something like Avid or Floramite but even when I do I hit em with some strips. Those strips are heavy duty...I mean they kill by off gassing. It's no holds barred when mites show up though. You gotta hit em hard and fast. Had a friend 4 weeks into flower and with everything in trellis netting no way to spray anything. Killed the thrips in 24 hours and the mites were gone soon after hanging strips. They're very inexpensive and I recommend putting in more than you think you need. When done just store in some turkey bags.

I agree...stop sweating mites. When I now encounter pests, which is very rare as I now take certain precautions, I just yawn.

BTW - those bombs suck IMO. They do more damage to the plants than help.
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Brainthor - Yes I did use at lights out, I also used 2 at the same time in a very small confined area with no ventilation. They still had no effect on the Mites.


i guess you have super mites...i seriously have lived all over the united states and never have had a problem with mites after a no-pest treatment...many will say the same...guess there are some resistant borg...mites breath trough there exoskeleton and diclorivis is a poisonous gas so maybee they got some scuba gear or some borg seals who can hold there breath for a long time...just kidding lol...peace
lighterfuel said:
Brainthor - Yes I did use at lights out, I also used 2 at the same time in a very small confined area with no ventilation. They still had no effect on the Mites.
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Active member
hidhut.com -

$30 bottle of Floramite.

never have a mite again.

I use NPS as a preventative in all cabs/rooms anyway, but it's it not a solution to everything...


Well-known member
i know it's tedious but mites hang near the top leaves-you can always hand rub them ****ers off too-tone of them with every swipe
i'm leery of all products that contain nerve agents-is it worth the risk to your neurologial circuitry?


with the smog and food we already eat i dont mind putting myself at risk if there is any. just think of all the brain cells that die from cell phone use.


Why is it so hard to believe someone if their results are different than yours? NPS are effective in some situations and not effective in others....


well chinnuts...i guess you have to believe...kind of like dumbo and that feather


Holly Shit.....You just joined in Feb of 2007, and you have logged 2678 Post??!!??! Do you ever get off this site and participate in life? And Quoting yourself next to Albert Eienstein? Go talk to someone for Christsakes! Lol


actually i joined about 4 years ago...i sleep like 3 hrs a day....and i talk to many people in a day...and yes i do like albert even know his grand scheme of things is coming unwound...do you think you know me or something...i do more in 1hr than im sure you do all day my friend but hell this is the internet and assume is all we can do...how silly our assumptions ya think...peace


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I just went to home depot looking for 'No Pest Strips' and there was a note attached to the rack where they once were. It read 'No longer active as of 10/22/07'. I asked a store clerk what it mean't and he told me they no longer are carrying them as they are to be taken off the market. I am not sure if what he said is actual fact, but I was still determined to get some. I took a trip to Canadian Tire and there I found a box of them sitting on the floor. They were crammed in an unorderly fashion like they had been taken off the shelf, but luckily they left the box there. I don't know if I just got here at the perfect time, or they were to be re-stocked. I wonder if they really are taking them off the market here in Canada?

Just in case they were going to be discontinued I bought 10 packs, they were 11 dollars each! I didn't want to take any chances because they sound so effective from what I have been reading. Another reason they are perfect for me is I don't have to spray each plant. Fortunately with the No Pest Strips I can elliminate the mites and not have to move each plant as they are all tied together and to the ceiling to prevent the buds from flopping all over the place. This is pretty much the most effective means for me with the least amount of work.

I ws wondering how many I should use? I have a room which is 20 feet by 12 feet, but the actual grow is only 10 feet by 10 feet. There are 28 plants under 4 - 1000 watt HPS. I hung one on the actual infected plant about six inches from the base. I was worried the room was much to large for them to be effective, but I figured with the room being around 28 degree's celcius and it hanging on the infected plant it would turn the chemical into a gas much faster. I don't know if there is any logic to this, but it sounds possible. I also turned the fans off and the room is sealed.

So, how many should I use? Thanks in advance and hope to here from someone soon as I only used one at the moment.

They still have a crap load of em @ all the local fredmyer/kroger in Ak
Lowes still has em once in a while, home depot no longer carries them and there is allways Wallmart.


they better not be discontinued. i just discovered hot shot no pest strips and so far my grow is gnat and mite free. and tgt i have a closet that is 6x2 feet and i use 4 of em lol. the reason why i use so many is because my closet isnt exactly closed off so i make up for that with over kill. but so far ive had good luck nothing flying or crawling around. i suggest you use a few of them in your area place one every so often from each other.


Non Conformist


I wonder if the ones that aren't workin have been sittin in the store ferever before they were bought? I've used them off an on fer years and they always seemed ta work great.I also jus use em long enough ta kill the lil bastards and seal it back up afterwords. later,BC

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