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Homemade Vertical POTRACKS 6kw


Active member
I havent posted any grows in sooo long i thought i should get back at it. I built 2 of these and they hold 112 plants in each unit. I have 3kw in each one with a Sunmaster warm deluxe in the middle of the HPS. Each module tips back for ease of watering but i have 2 mods that are against the wall that i have to take the pots out and water. Enjoy!



shut the fuck up Donny
that is fucking awesome.

are you using bushmaster/doing anything to prevent crazy stretch?


i've seen some nice stadiums...but this one takes the cake

how do you water? i bet the stems on those girls can get pretty strong just by being at an angle like that, am I right?

I want one.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is great

What do you do about feeding? I notice it just runs out of pots?

But a ridiculously sick set up


Active member
Headiez247 - Thanks, i dont use any growth regulators i just let them rip! They will probably end up at around 24" when finished.

Bender - On the first run i used a lower yielding strain and i got 10.4 lbs from both of them.

Moses224- Thanks for taking a look.

PrimoVG- Each module tilts back so the pots are flat again except for 2 of them so i have to take the pots out to water them. I water with a wand. Yeah the stems do get really strong. This time around i put stakes in each pot so they dont bend into the light...iam trying to keep the growth controled this way so the bottoms get alot of light.

Mountain kind - Thanks for stopping by.

Dr.Dog - No spillage due to the fact the modules tip back.

I will update the pics each week so you guys can see the progress. Thanks for checking out my thread.

bro that is sick! have you used this before or is this your first run with it, what do you expect the yeild to be? And you have 2? can i get one?? ha you should out that shit up in the diy id love to know how to make something like that.


bro that is sick! have you used this before or is this your first run with it, what do you expect the yeild to be? And you have 2? can i get one?? ha you should out that shit up in the diy id love to know how to make something like that.

i'll second the DIY...


this reminds me of the one in the jorge cervantes video! soo awesome!
if i only had the room i would maybe to be a growing guru =]

High Jinks

What strain, bud? 224 plants is a lot of work! I love the tipping back modules, are they on hinges or what? Have you ever considered a automated modification? Do they veg in that position?:lurk:


Active member
HJ - Iam running the Champagne in the Potracks right now. Yeah 224 is alot but worth it. No hinges on these babys. I have thought of a few automated things i would do but maybe in the future. I actually veg them in 1 gallon pots on tables.

Rob 547 - I veg for around 3 weeks a few days more sometimes if they need it. Thanks for checking it out.



Active member
I took a few more pictures of day 8 of flowering. Everything is going well so far except my temps get down to 10c when the lights are off. I think they will be alright. Enjoy!

