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Holiday in Thailand..


See the world through a puff of smoke
For testing you need a traditional Thai bong.


Herbert Chickybaby

Well-known member
Thank you Doctor Duck for the trip report! It helps me appreciate my adopted country anew to see such nice food and hear about such good times that are still to be had in Thailand, and yes you are right it will so many people's holidays that much better now that they can smoke and not have to worry about getting busted. We will see after elections maybe we'll go back to the bad old days here, god I hope not, I am so much enjoying my new hobby growing weed in the yard.

But yeah, though, the weed! Its damn expensive here. 900 baht is about 27 dollars US, so 27 dollars a gram or so. A lot of weed was being imported from California, I would guess that it still is, but even then you're going to spend a lot money growing that stuff over here indoors. I found one place online run by westerners down the road from me in Buriram they are trying to make a concerted effort to source weed locally grown they are called Ganja Goats. They advertise that they will check your weed out and if its OK they'll buy it off of you. I'm a bit of paranoiac, so I'll wait and see before i run off and do something like that. but they are selling foreign strains for mcuh cheaper than that menu you photgrpahed for us, which has more typical prices.

Im finishing up my organic outdoor imported autoflower grows here in Thailand and this year I got what, about 6 ounces for less than 200 USD. Its not as good probably as the stuff in the shop, but almost, based on what I've sampled from a couple of online delivery outlets here. Growing it in your garden is the only reasonable way to do it if you smoke a lot over here.

I have to agree with what people said earlier, Thais kind of have to start from scratch, and it isn't going to work well to try to grow imported strains here, or not just as they are, they will have to develop these strains so they will grow here outside I think. Climate doesn't support a lot of strains outdoors and its too expensive to grow indoors with your electricity costs. Jeezeus, they doubled everyone's electricity costs this month, just bam, out of the blue no warning. Imagine if you were tryng to grow it indoors and make a little money, that might be the end of that, right then and there. The government told us sorry, next month we'll get a discount, heheh. And then maybe the month after that it will go up 4 times. Yes they are doing some experiments on us to see what they can get away with.

But, i think there is no need for undue worry about Thai weeds disappearing as I think some people are expressin on this thread. Of course we can't keep our eye off the ball or they will disappear, but I see a lot of stuff that looks encouraging. Theres a few old timers around my neck of the woods in central Isaan growing some heirlooms. I got some seedlings at a local market last year rom them that I grew lat summer. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, very nice multi-layered smells as the plants grew and as they continue to cure now they are just starting to get interesting again I think I noticed today. Effect is very uplifting, no hangover, some trippiness, really interesting perspectives I get on things smoking this market seedling weed, I feel I can really feel other people's headspaces such as musicians that i am listening to and feel I can identify with them. I love listening to and playing music but I've never felt I identified with the musicians I love, they always seem like such amazing aliens to me, not like me at all, I mean I am an alien too but just from a totally different galaxy and I certainly don;t understand where they are coming from most of them, no thats just part of the show that you think you do. But behind this weed I can listen and get taken into their vibe, their point of view to a suprising degree. Or at least i have the strong sense i do, perhaps it is on;y a fantasy but none that I could make up. But I never had that experience from any 80's Cali sinsemilla or Colombian I smoked my fair share of back in the day. I often wonder how phenomenal some concerts I attended stoned would have sounded if I werent stoned, particularly jazz gigs where theres more variation and creation going on live than most other music genres. I would someties return home thunderstruck from what I heard, and the weed helped but certainy I never felt personally connected to say Ornette Coleman or Anthony Braxton, Glenn Spearman et al. But I haven't smoked the Thai market weed in a month because I'm waiting for it to reach the 6 month mark in its curing process, but I can't wait, maybe another week, the Rhino Ryder and JAck Herer version by Fast Buds are good, the Rhino is good for astral travel and insomnia, the Jack needs to cure more and had some nice phsyical efects I didnt expect , but i can't imagine, based on what I've had, that it will have the magic of the Thai market weed.

So, my sense is that there is still definitely even weed we have yet to discover in the west in Thailand and Laos and Cambodia, you really have to take those countries as a piece i think. If you haven't already checked them out there is a group called Zomia that is a group of westerners based in Thailand who collect landrace and heirlooms from SE Asia and India and they say they will be expanding to Latin America. From the photos on their website, the looks of the SE Asian plants they sell seeds of are quite different from each other, it really makes you think there is so much going on in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia that we have no idea about regarding all of the wonderful weed strains. MAybe it's all just my newbie ganja grower fantasy, but i hope I have another good year rowing and I can grow a few of those. I am still trying to get through imported strains i want to try out. I've gotten some Ace and Mandala Seeds off to a start, about one month now, the Kalichakra and Satori-Mountain Gold by Mandala and Zamaldelica and Zamaldelica-Kali China. Zamaldelica Kali China seems to like it here in Isaan, its doing the best, then gonna dig some holes and drop a few Laos varieties in there from Real Seeds and also some Panamas and Hondurases.

I do need to get out more and this thread has given me a kick in the ass to that affect. Up to Udon, Sakorn Nakorn, down to Buriram see what the weed scene is about around those places. Laos, maybe i should take a trip to Laos.

Donald Mallard

el duck
i'll don't see any sativa :LOL:
those are all indica hybrids with maybe a idea of sativa in it...
no wonder there all so lazy haha
thx for sharing!
now i'll know... if i'll work there... need to bring my own stuff like always
sending via post from germany was never a problem ... but to germany ;-)
some girl was listening to us chatting in the shop and said to me
"you guys sound like cannabis experts" , hahahahaha ,
she wanted a recommendation on what to buy ,
i thought the same as you ,,
she was looking for the sort of high a sativa would give,;'
so i said to her , without knowing exactly whjat the stuff on the board is,
id go for the super lemon haze ,
sounded the most sativa of the whole lot to me ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Thank you Doctor Duck for the trip report! It helps me appreciate my adopted country anew to see such nice food and hear about such good times that are still to be had in Thailand, and yes you are right it will so many people's holidays that much better now that they can smoke and not have to worry about getting busted. We will see after elections maybe we'll go back to the bad old days here, god I hope not, I am so much enjoying my new hobby growing weed in the yard.

But yeah, though, the weed! Its damn expensive here. 900 baht is about 27 dollars US, so 27 dollars a gram or so. A lot of weed was being imported from California, I would guess that it still is, but even then you're going to spend a lot money growing that stuff over here indoors. I found one place online run by westerners down the road from me in Buriram they are trying to make a concerted effort to source weed locally grown they are called Ganja Goats. They advertise that they will check your weed out and if its OK they'll buy it off of you. I'm a bit of paranoiac, so I'll wait and see before i run off and do something like that. but they are selling foreign strains for mcuh cheaper than that menu you photgrpahed for us, which has more typical prices.

Im finishing up my organic outdoor imported autoflower grows here in Thailand and this year I got what, about 6 ounces for less than 200 USD. Its not as good probably as the stuff in the shop, but almost, based on what I've sampled from a couple of online delivery outlets here. Growing it in your garden is the only reasonable way to do it if you smoke a lot over here.

I have to agree with what people said earlier, Thais kind of have to start from scratch, and it isn't going to work well to try to grow imported strains here, or not just as they are, they will have to develop these strains so they will grow here outside I think. Climate doesn't support a lot of strains outdoors and its too expensive to grow indoors with your electricity costs. Jeezeus, they doubled everyone's electricity costs this month, just bam, out of the blue no warning. Imagine if you were tryng to grow it indoors and make a little money, that might be the end of that, right then and there. The government told us sorry, next month we'll get a discount, heheh. And then maybe the month after that it will go up 4 times. Yes they are doing some experiments on us to see what they can get away with.

But, i think there is no need for undue worry about Thai weeds disappearing as I think some people are expressin on this thread. Of course we can't keep our eye off the ball or they will disappear, but I see a lot of stuff that looks encouraging. Theres a few old timers around my neck of the woods in central Isaan growing some heirlooms. I got some seedlings at a local market last year rom them that I grew lat summer. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, very nice multi-layered smells as the plants grew and as they continue to cure now they are just starting to get interesting again I think I noticed today. Effect is very uplifting, no hangover, some trippiness, really interesting perspectives I get on things smoking this market seedling weed, I feel I can really feel other people's headspaces such as musicians that i am listening to and feel I can identify with them. I love listening to and playing music but I've never felt I identified with the musicians I love, they always seem like such amazing aliens to me, not like me at all, I mean I am an alien too but just from a totally different galaxy and I certainly don;t understand where they are coming from most of them, no thats just part of the show that you think you do. But behind this weed I can listen and get taken into their vibe, their point of view to a suprising degree. Or at least i have the strong sense i do, perhaps it is on;y a fantasy but none that I could make up. But I never had that experience from any 80's Cali sinsemilla or Colombian I smoked my fair share of back in the day. I often wonder how phenomenal some concerts I attended stoned would have sounded if I werent stoned, particularly jazz gigs where theres more variation and creation going on live than most other music genres. I would someties return home thunderstruck from what I heard, and the weed helped but certainy I never felt personally connected to say Ornette Coleman or Anthony Braxton, Glenn Spearman et al. But I haven't smoked the Thai market weed in a month because I'm waiting for it to reach the 6 month mark in its curing process, but I can't wait, maybe another week, the Rhino Ryder and JAck Herer version by Fast Buds are good, the Rhino is good for astral travel and insomnia, the Jack needs to cure more and had some nice phsyical efects I didnt expect , but i can't imagine, based on what I've had, that it will have the magic of the Thai market weed.

So, my sense is that there is still definitely even weed we have yet to discover in the west in Thailand and Laos and Cambodia, you really have to take those countries as a piece i think. If you haven't already checked them out there is a group called Zomia that is a group of westerners based in Thailand who collect landrace and heirlooms from SE Asia and India and they say they will be expanding to Latin America. From the photos on their website, the looks of the SE Asian plants they sell seeds of are quite different from each other, it really makes you think there is so much going on in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia that we have no idea about regarding all of the wonderful weed strains. MAybe it's all just my newbie ganja grower fantasy, but i hope I have another good year rowing and I can grow a few of those. I am still trying to get through imported strains i want to try out. I've gotten some Ace and Mandala Seeds off to a start, about one month now, the Kalichakra and Satori-Mountain Gold by Mandala and Zamaldelica and Zamaldelica-Kali China. Zamaldelica Kali China seems to like it here in Isaan, its doing the best, then gonna dig some holes and drop a few Laos varieties in there from Real Seeds and also some Panamas and Hondurases.

I do need to get out more and this thread has given me a kick in the ass to that affect. Up to Udon, Sakorn Nakorn, down to Buriram see what the weed scene is about around those places. Laos, maybe i should take a trip to Laos.
hey herbert,
its definitely a good place to be ,
i know burirram quite well , i married a girl from there and have been there a number of times ,
i own ,, well i paid for , a plot of land there , hahaha ,
there is always a door open for me there my family there and ex wife have said ,
anytime for as long as i like , even though i divorced the girl years ago ,
im still part of the family , which gives a good warm feeling i reckon ....

oh u can grow anything in thailand too btw ,
there is no such thing as indoor plants , they are all outdoor plants ,
folks just have to learn what they like is all ,
i wouldnt waste my time with autos , they are the least adapted due to the fact they auto flower ,
all hybrids act like autos there anyhow ,, from seed to harvest in 16 weeks , and less , i guess 12 to 16 weeks is typical ,
ok sounds like i gotta run , busy busy here since ive returned ,,

Herbert Chickybaby

Well-known member
Well said, feel the same, thank you for sharing your experiencs 🙏🏼

Two weeks ago I finished a run with Blue Dream by Fastbuds.
So far (only two weeks slow drying) it is my favorite strain by Fastbuds 👍🏼
Might want to give it a try Herbert...
Yes I still have one seed let of this one. The first one got chopped down by a cricket at week 6 or so. The second was absolutely mauled by one of my wild dogs, she chewed him up and spat him out dug him out of the ground, the Thailand chainsaw massacre, hehe! Yes, they grew very well, maybe the best of the Fastbuds lot, I'll probably pop it next winter, I'm startng to get busy with growing full blown regular plants around here. Cheers, Hasch!

Herbert Chickybaby

Well-known member
hey herbert,
its definitely a good place to be ,
i know burirram quite well , i married a girl from there and have been there a number of times ,
i own ,, well i paid for , a plot of land there , hahaha ,
there is always a door open for me there my family there and ex wife have said ,
anytime for as long as i like , even though i divorced the girl years ago ,
im still part of the family , which gives a good warm feeling i reckon ....

oh u can grow anything in thailand too btw ,
there is no such thing as indoor plants , they are all outdoor plants ,
folks just have to learn what they like is all ,
i wouldnt waste my time with autos , they are the least adapted due to the fact they auto flower ,
all hybrids act like autos there anyhow ,, from seed to harvest in 16 weeks , and less , i guess 12 to 16 weeks is typical ,
ok sounds like i gotta run , busy busy here since ive returned ,,
Very cool, Señor Pato, I've always felt the Buriram girls were the most attractive of even the already very alluring Thai ladies, the most beautiful and sexy ladies in the world in my book anyway. So I can certainly understand maybe gettin lured into marrying one of them. Even two of my Thai nephews are married to Buriram girls and one of them has moved away down there. Buriram used to be one of the poorest last developed provinces but our lot around here Yasothorn, Mahasarakham, Kalasin, are now the bottom of the heap. They say all of the farang that married their daughters did it. Well, I don't know about that, but I'm sure it helped a lot. Buriram city seems positively developed like Khon Kaen or something now.

Anything will grow? How about these Pakistani landrace hashplants, 3 of them have keeled over and died while everything else chugs along. Or in my area anyway, we have problems of the air not circulating, everything, vegetables, flowers struggle. I had a great run with numerous autoflowers this year, though I understand your point, in the tropics everything is an autoflower. I wanted to try them and they mostly grew very well. Still I'm not that impressed. Anyway, I have already started my first run of regular cannabis plants, all this thinking about cannabis last night posting on this thread and reading around a lot seems to have spurred a big leap in their growth, this morning they were all fully launched into veg stage, and going to plant more soon. Hopefully I will get to meet you next time you are in town! Cheers!

Donald Mallard

el duck
hey herbert,
they certainly are tough girls from that part , i learned a lot from that girl,
she is very strong willed , hard working , determined , and just wont stop ,
money management skills leave a bit to be desired , haha ..

im sure having the grand prix there helped a lot ,
then being the centre of the initial medical cannabis push ,
both things would have been economically advantageous without doubt..

yea your right , some plants adapted to much dryer climates may struggle at times ,
you would have to be fussy about when to grow those , or even if too ,
likely crosses of local sativa and other new world stuff would do great ,
just have to work out when to plant the different types , it took me a while where i live for sure ,
but i suspect what works here , will be quite similar there too ...
next time i go ill drop down to burirram and see the family there,
theres an english lad in the village who i know would be happy to see us ,
no farangs there other than him and one other hermit guy , he misses the company of westerners ,
he is probably 95% thai by now though , its been 10 years since i saw him , hahaha ..

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