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although i am not canadian, it is one country i had family in and loved to visit as a kid. me personaly have never been into bashing anyones country no matter what!! as long i reaspect all, i have gotten respect and it works for me , although amsterdam is first best to believe canada is next . i wanna smoke out with you guys.

now to the meat of this thing. . . WTF happened to the trailerpark boys?!?!? i really miss that shit man, i think the first episode i saw was the time julian had jsut came outta jail and left corey and trevor to watfchhis trailerhome, then cilus (?) came and atook it over and julian had to chase him away. . .

then i found a site with all the episodes and watched everylast one, to the point my wife got pissed cause i woudlnt do anything else until i watched 3-4 episodes at a time!!! roflamo

i remember that a member of thecast had died, is that the reason they stopped filming?, then i read about lucy and her friend in a issue of cannabis culture. WTF happened man!!!!

OMG then there was the green bastard and conky, then the time ricky became the trailer park supervisor and started his aeroponic grow trailer, and lets not forget when j-roc got checked on his rhyme skill and was confronted by the guy he was stealin his style/rhymes from!!! lmao

well either this threadis gonna turn into a reminisce one or we are really gonna find out what happened to the trailer park boys show!!

***for all you stoners/drinkers out there, iurge you to please give this show a watch, i am sure there is some character you can relate to and find hilarious. hellif you cnat relate to bubbles and his never ending fear of teh "sansquanch" (sasquach) then you gotta check you senseof humor !!!

whats up canada, please hollah atchya boy!!!


Season 7 aired in April this year, and there was a full length movie made for Canadian theatres. Americans can find it online im sure. As well as all the episodes. Season 8 is not going to air this year, instead the cast and crew took a break this summer. A one-hour special will come out this spring instead of a season. 2009 will hopefully bring season 08.

My favourite season is 2. its the season Ricky and Julian are growing in a trailer. All the while rickys trying to get his grade 10. Using bubbles cats to guard from squirrels pissing on his plants. its my favorite tv show.
TPB is done.....corey and trevor are no longer with the show, and after the BIG DIRTY they are taking a hiatus......no one knows if they are coming back or not, but if they do it'll never be the same. Check out Trevors real life myspace page, he explains why it started to go downhill, lose intrest and eventually stopped



my beautiful Juliaaan Patrick Swayze... you were so fukin' sexy in roadhouuuuse.. and fukin dirty dancing


Active member
I love that show.
In Fact this Halloween, I'm gonna be Randy Bobandy. I have the tight tan pants. I have the big fat hairy gut! Being in America, I doubt anyone will get who I am,
but it's my tribute.



I see Bubbles from time to time in around the town where I live.( he used to live only a few miles from me before TPB,s ..That was when he was in a band that was quite popular many yrs.ago.Next time I see him I,ll be bold and ask him what,s happenin....He will probably fill me in...Nice guy real time and funny as hell.Seen him bout two mths ago but he had a crowd around him with everybody havin,a chuckle..


king of the dinosaurs
its gotta be my favourite show. just picked up the last 2 seasons on dvd. season 7 aired after the big dirty with no corey and the trevster. which is a real shame. although i do kinda like the replacements Jacob and the **** goofs.

i think it keeps getting better and better. bummed theres no season this year but im sure the special will be good. then i hope they stick it out for at least one more year

i wonder how long till jroc visits this thread... knome sayin


Sneak attack critical
Were those the dudes in the skits on the Cervantes Ultimate Grow DVD?

I wasn't impressed with what I saw...


Active member
I was highly disappointed in the movie after seeing all 7 episodes of KICK ASS material. TPB's had the most unique characters out of any show I've ever seen.

I have introduced at least 20 people to trailer park boys. It all starts when one person sees an episode or two like this . . .

friend - "This show is freaking stupid"
me - "Just watch it. It will grow on you"
** couple episodes go by and friend leaves **
** a few days later **
friend - "Hey man, you got any more of those trailer park boys episodes?"

TPB is addicting, watch a few episodes and you are hooked. Too bad Cory and Trevor left. I loved those guys.


king of the dinosaurs
Dank-j said:
I was highly disappointed in the movie after seeing all 7 episodes of KICK ASS material. TPB's had the most unique characters out of any show I've ever seen.

I have introduced at least 20 people to trailer park boys. It all starts when one person sees an episode or two like this . . .

friend - "This show is freaking stupid"
me - "Just watch it. It will grow on you"
** couple episodes go by and friend leaves **
** a few days later **
friend - "Hey man, you got any more of those trailer park boys episodes?"

TPB is addicting, watch a few episodes and you are hooked. Too bad Cory and Trevor left. I loved those guys.
hahahha, so very true. i had a buddy whod refuse to watch it until finally he caught on and now loves it


Active member
So true lol, after watching 1 episode I wanted to see more. Only now getting into it, I never caught it while on TV. So rare to actually plan my life around a show, so much rather stream it, or something. Caught parts here and there while it runs on tv. I'm just on episode 2 of the first season right now.

Been watching "Weeds" off that site.

I bumped into "J-roc" downtown a few times, nice guy as well.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
dank-j yea thats so true
i saw an ep and was like WT?!
then i watched another the day after, ya, know, give it a shot, they got a lot of weed you know so...i was interested in that lol
OMFG! hilarious!
i loved the ep with the cougar. the freakin stoned cougar. "aw he's jsut a big stoned kitty-cat". if you love it set it free! if it comes back you can keep it!

you cant throw that in there
why not
casue its littering
no its not, see the lakes and rivers and shit ,they jut take everything away and clean it up magically


Dr.Katz420 showed me TPB for the first time, and i have been hooked ever since.

"I was gettin changed ma-****as, Knome sayin" J-roc

And the two greasy asian hash dealers that always have their dicks hanging out... HAHA Crazy stuff, man.


yo lemon!!!!

good find on the video!!!! that is truly some sh*t to see!!!, are those bubbles real glasses, and maybe we can do an american version of the trailer park boys, it could never match up to the real thing, but i do think i am having withdrawls here!!!

oh to be in canada. . . hell , now that i think about it, to be anywhere other than the USA at this point would be a blessing to some degree!!!

looks like i started a monster with this thread, well lets ride it out and talk about these bad ass mofo's till the wheels fall off!!!!

***i remember that episose when bubble and rickys dad went on a trip across teh border, dad got arrested and bubble freaked out adn spent the whole time in a phone booth until the boys came and picked him up. roflmao

***then near the end of the last season they all get caught in a raft in the middle of the river and ricky is trying to see who had a better deal as far as jail time?!?!? OMG roflmao

:headbange :headbange :headbange :headbange LIQUOR AND WHORES, LIQUOR AND WHORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbange :headbange :headbange :headbange


king of the dinosaurs
the quotes are endless. some of my fave moments were randys cursing

ah frozen mixed vegetable cocks. and lock ness monster balls, ive been shot. or “Alfred Hitchcock!”

BAAAAAAAAM...Green eggs and haaaaaam

heh ehe, think ill have to watch an episode or 2 now. maybe 5 or 6...


Active member
those glasses on bubbles may be real, but he doesn't need them. it's just a character he did on the set when they were getting ready to do season 1 or something, and they just had to add him in. i think they re-wrote a bunch of stuff just to add bubbles in the main cast. he's actually a normal looking dude without the glasses. definitely one of my favorite shows.

"you ever had yer cock bitten by a snake?"


tv links is great.. lots of dead links but i have watched tons of crap that i would have to pay for at the movie store! I saw that trailer park boys blender hash vid a while ago before i knew about the show, funny guys for sure.

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