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Help with spreading dots/spots?


Active member
Group Shot:

Smallest one with worst case of spotting:

Mid-size girl... not as bad but still pretty heavy:

Largest girl fan leaf... not too bad but still annoying:

Roots about two weeks ago:

Roots now:

How long has this problem been going on?
Pretty much since sprouting....
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents)
What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...)
What STRAIN are you growing?
Mossy's JEMS(Autoflower)
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)
Seed in verm/perlite, day 3 washed off mix and stuck in mediumless DWC pod
What is the age of your plants?
about 25 days
How long have they been in there mixture they are in now?(coco,soiless etc..)
20 some odd days
How tall are the plants?
Tallest is about 5.5-6 inches, smallest is about 3.
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
They are flowering and sexed as female (flowering began about day 18)
What Technique are you using?
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)
Pool Noodle
What is the Water temperature?
About 72-74
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy?
White, a little brownish near the stem. Not slimy, but there is some debris buildup on the tops of the pods and on the air tube running into the res and into the water.
What Nutrient's are you using?(If growing soiless)
They are on GH Flora Nova Bloom, Lucas formula.
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water?
The biggest girl is on 5ml/gal (full veg formula), the smaller ones are one 2.5ml/gal (50% veg formula). *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding? (If using soiless)
They are being topped up with straight RO water for now, dump and replace res after adding back 1 gallon. That's happened once already.
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
It is a one part formula.
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? No clue
What is the pH of the "Tank"?
RO water going in is about 6.5. I don't know what is after the nutes are added, no meters.
What size bulb are you using?
150W HPS
What is the distance to the canopy?
12 inches
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)?
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)
Are plant's infected with pest's
? No

Well to start off I don't really expect to save these plants, I just want to know what you guys think is happening to them. Here's the story, they were starved in straight Ro water with no nutrients for the first 8 days of their life, they ate their cotyledons almost completely and had some problems. Then, they were put on 50% Lucas Veg formula, and perked up. A couple of days later, they were put on 100% Veg, and were burned alot (too soon for full strength veg formula).

So, they were starved then burned before they were 3 weeks old: they are stunted and growing slowly due to those stresses. I should note I started with regular G-M-B 3-part nutes Lucas formula, then switched to the 1 part Flora Nova Bloom line at about day 20, which supposedly works just as well without the mixing. Currently, the largest is at 5ml/gal and the others are at 2.5ml/gal. They are about half the size the should be, if not smaller. The small double headed one began having spots almost from the get-go, which spread quickly and pretty much over took it. Gradually, it started happening to the other two plants. The middle-size plant isn't nearly as spotted as the small one, but it's pretty messed up too. The largest plant seems to be fairing ok, but it has spots as well (not nearly as many) and even on the new growth too. What is up? Do you think I'm STILL over feeding them? Is it a virus? Is it root rot? What is going on? I notced the roots were mostly completely white before the Flora Nova, and afterwards parts of the roots look much browner. I'm not sure if it's just stain (the flora nova is like brown sludge), or what. They LOOK perkier after being switched to the Flora Nova line, but the spotting seems to have progressed without slowing down.


Active member
Any reason it doesn't look like typical burn? I.e. yelow from the tip towards the base of the leaf? That is what happened to the first single blade fan leaves when I know I burned them... but now, it doesn't look like burn at all to me.
The dude above me neg reps me for repeating myself, when in fact I didn't. My restatement was an asked for refinement of my earlier statement. The irony is, his comment is itself a direct repetition of the message above his. 'Unhelpful' EH?

Oh...and check for mites. (that's more irony kids)


Active member
#1 - If you want to go hydro you need to, absolutely must, test/adjust the pH. If nothing else, get one of the liquid test kits. They're under $10.

Are you misting the plants with anything? That almost looks like physical damage and the new growth actually looks pretty healthy.

In the stickies at the top of this section there are plant problem threads with pictures. Look thru there and see if there is something that looks like your problem.

Netwrx - lay off the neg rep - it's meant for people who have been real assholes, not just someone who rubs you wrong.

Mtnmama420 - I gave you the points back that Netwerx took away. (I don't suppose that qualifies me for a mtn blowjob or anything like that, does it? ...just thought I'd ask lol)



Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I agree with pharma, nutes DROP the ph. Your starting with the ph you need to aim for. When i first started I had the very same spots and ph fixed them. Your locking nutrients out and burning up your girls. Go get a liquid test kit, they are cheap and work well. Also get some ph up you won't need down. Lookup GH liquid test kits.