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ICMag Donor
Light: Tek T5 4' 8 Bulb 12 inches from plant.

Are these heat stressed from the light (Not all plants are doing this just 2 or 3 out of 34)? The one leaf that is curled on these two seperate plants is very hard to the touch and seems 'crispy' in my opinion.

I raised the light to 15 inches and some plants around the edges started growing like this:

So, I went and bought a fan and pointed it straight up at the light and lowered it to 14 inches. Any thoughts or suggestions?
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New member
Your seedlings are fine. 15'' is too far for fluorescent lights, keep'em as close as possible without creating heat issues.
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Weedman Herb

Pointing the fan straight up at the light could blow the hot air back down ... what you might want to do is have it blowing long ways just above the tops of the babies. Direct wind might cause a burn or excessive drying on those closer to the fan. Get that akene off the sprout by doing a quick mist of water and carefully peel it and the membrane from the sucker leaves.


Weedman Herb said:
Pointing the fan straight up at the light could blow the hot air back down ... what you might want to do is have it blowing long ways just above the tops of the babies. Direct wind might cause a burn or excessive drying on those closer to the fan. Get that akene off the sprout by doing a quick mist of water and carefully peel it and the membrane from the sucker leaves.

great advice, this has saved many a sprout for me!


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ICMag Donor
Weedman Herb said:
Pointing the fan straight up at the light could blow the hot air back down ... what you might want to do is have it blowing long ways just above the tops of the babies. Direct wind might cause a burn or excessive drying on those closer to the fan. Get that akene off the sprout by doing a quick mist of water and carefully peel it and the membrane from the sucker leaves.

Thanks for the advice I pointed the fan slightly at the light and more a long the top of the plants as well as stacking it on top of some books may adjust down even more if I feel its needed. I also removed all the akene from my plants:

The white pots against the wall were also removed to allow more space for the air to travel as it was reflecting off of them back onto the plants and I also moved the one plant directly infront of the fan.

By the way the fan I got I think is perfect for this and it was only 9$ at wal mart..3 adjustable speeds I just leave it on low.

Thanks again for everyones advice.


What's the temp at soil/plant level??........Do you have a therm??.......I didn't see one in any of the pics??.........I run 26w cfl clusters and have them 4-6 inches from my seedlings with no prob


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ICMag Donor
Danksta408 said:
What's the temp at soil/plant level??........Do you have a therm??.......I didn't see one in any of the pics??.........I run 26w cfl clusters and have them 4-6 inches from my seedlings with no prob

Ordered them 2 weeks ago and they were on back order...hoping they come soon heh.

The fan definitely helped heat issure. I lowered the light really close now probably 6 inches its extremely cool now.

Only reason I had it so high is in Jorge's book it says to keep compact flouros 12-18 in away from seedlings but I think its making them stretch I am not real sure....All the outside ones were leaning in diagonally though...


hey bro. if you can get a soft, oscilating fan that would be killer. seedlings like things in the medium range. no wind at all, they don't grow as strong. too much wind (directly on them all the time), they get stunted from fighting so hard. this would be a great value-added (what, $10 at target?) expense. if not, point your stationary fan towards the wall and it should get a little breeze on all of them without hitting one or two too hard.

keep the light 6-8" off the TOPS of the plants, if temps aren't an issue. if temps are getting too high, back off. but to be safe I wouldn't get closer than six inches. the additional intensity/growth is not worth the risk of radiant burn.

what are you doin for nutes? hopefully nothing right now, they don't need it. if the soil is hot (nutes added) make sure to water with ph'd water, i.e. filtered (bubbled if possible).

you are on you way brother! here's a pic of my very first grow, give you an idea of how close to have the lights. these girls are at week 3 in veg, from seed. they are strong and healthy, and still i wouldn't put the light any closer than shown here.

looking good so far man, keep giving em love the rest is just details. always err on the side of caution, especially when it comes to heat. if they start to stretch too much you can always do a FIM or top her or LST. research these if you're curious. anyway if things are too hot it will mess EVERYTHING up.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks alot for your reply and putting it in the thread so everyone can see as I am sure many others had the or will have the same question.

I know I have done a ton of reading over the years and never had any idea about radiant burn from flouros which I think was the problem with the 2 pictures I posted because for little while the light was extremely close....

Thanks for everyones advice again in the thread.


radiant burn is a phrase i picked up along the way... to me it was a light bulb going off (no pun intended). i had always thought that the only burn from a light was heat-related. but then i learned that even if you had a light set up in a damn refridgerator, with the air directly under the light cool as can be, the light itself can still burn the plant if too close. there, i think that was a good way of putting it. its probably a little more prevalent with floro growers, and with HPS and MH you can't really get that close anyway without the heat going way up.

holy shit. this purple urkle is fantastic. ;) haha i'll try to follow along man, you are gonna have a great time with this. btw your set up is nice and clean, well-organized. that's the best place to start, kudos to ya.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
khaleel said:
holy shit. this purple urkle is fantastic. ;) haha i'll try to follow along man, you are gonna have a great time with this. btw your set up is nice and clean, well-organized. that's the best place to start, kudos to ya.

Yea I'd love to do the urkle. I am going to have a spare tent this round and I was tempted to maybe buy some seeds if money comes my way after seeing yours and then checking out some othe threads.

Thanks for compliments my tents should be arriving this friday finally so it will be even cleaner; its been a fiasco ordering them...I will probably pop them under my 1000 watt with MH when I get it set up becauseI think I put too many under the Tek as all the ones on the outer ends are stretching so I have started rotating them and training them with small plastic jars next to them to propem up as you can see in the picture lol


Weedman Herb

Jorge doesn't always know WTF he's talking about IMHO. Even using the CFLs the leaf or top must pretty much rest on the bulb to have a significant burn happen to it. It starts as a wrinkle ... then turns into a dry dead patch (not like the thorough bleaching from a HID set too close) but on standard or tubed floros this could take many hours or even days to be a problem.
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