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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
not when you cherry pick the points you want and ignore the others
the arctic is currently at the very low edge of normal
when's the last time of above normal ice up at the arctic?
we'll wait while you put that part of your report together


Well-known member
If the 2000-2024 average is normal its above that at the moment, and its a lot higher than it was in the early 70s


Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
reality is , the "climate crisis" is a scam on humanity
Junk science perpetrated by flawed computer models and "scientists" who spread the bullsh*t to get thier guvment funding. We are still in the Halocene period and the "ice age" event , thus the reason for ice at the poles.
In the days of the dinosaurs global C02 levels were in the thousands of ppm's and earth was suposedly a big green ball at the time with lush plant life and diverse animal life. There was no ice where it is today.
At what we refer to as the end of the last ice age C02 levels were nearly at the point where all life on earth was extinct. C02 levels at that time of near extinction were below 200ppm according to all the drill data from all around the world in ice, ground and ocean floor core drilling.

So today we sit at a tad higher than 400ppm which in all my grow books going back to the 70's , seems to be the same as today.

back a few posts someone posted "the climate" movie...... everyone needs to watch that with a very open mind.
Don't accept the narrative you have been spoon fed.
When i was a kid in the 70's there was all this talk of a coming ice age
then in my teens and 20's it was the ozone layer
then came Al Gore and it became greenhouse gasses.
Now it's global climate crisis

The climate is ever changing but we are no hotter than we were in the 30's after a cooling period thru the 70's. Don't forget , what they aren't talking about is the global effects on weather and ocean currents that were caused by the Hunga Tonga volcanic blast 2 years ago starting on december 20th and ending about the middle of January. The projection models from actual global leading volcanologists and weather scientists had thier data pushed to the bottom of the pile on all the search platforms in the months that followed because it doesn't fit the climate crisis narrative. Hunga Tonga's effects on the globe were very significant and will be felt for a few years after the event. A temporary global increase of 1.5C in temperature was predicted as was seasonal drift (seasons starting later than normal) and flucuations in the polar vortexes and oceanic currents. The climate change crisis alarmists are not using this data in thier current models. They are also not able to add the effects of the sun into any of the current computer models that support climate change crisis nazis.

There is no crisis. In fact we need to increase the global C02 levels to encourage more life on earth to flourish. We need to change our attention to what we are putting into our oceans and rivers and make ocean health the focus of the trillions of dollars and human man hours we are wasting on the climate crisis hoax.


Well-known member
If today's CO2 is similar to that of 4.3 million years ago when sea levels were 75 feet higher, why isn't sea level that much higher today?

View attachment 18984602
a good and reasonable question arsekick
you are learning and thinking, that puts you at the top of your respective class
the fear is that may just be where we're heading
our time has been of unbelievable speed in changing our atmosphere, not to mention other likely catastrophes brewing


It is getting hotter no doubt.

I remember those 90s summers 87,8F(31C) was considered extreme hot most of the time temps stayed around 73,4F-78.8F(23-26C) even during peak summer months.

What was extreme then is now normal bottom line with a tendency going often up to 95F(35C)
Several weeks (up to a month) long heatwaves are normal now too.

With the Solar maximum in 2024 and the little ice age starting by 2030 who knows...maybe temps will go down a bit?

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Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It is getting hotter no doubt.

I remember those 90s summers 87,8F(31C) was considered extreme hot most of the time temps stayed around 73,4F-78.8F(23-26C) even during peak summer months.

What was extreme then is now normal bottom line with a tendency going often up to 95F(35C)
Several weeks (up to a month) long heatwaves are normal now too.

With the Solar maximum in 2024 and the little ice age starting by 2030 who knows...maybe temps will go down a bit?
View attachment 18984644
View attachment 18984656
We did not have any heatwave here in South Australia, we usually have a week of +40C every couple of weeks over summer, we only had a couple of days of +40C spread out over several weeks, most of the time it was around 30C or below, so where is this heatwave you speak of?


Well-known member
We did not have any heatwave here in South Australia, we usually have a week of +40C every couple of weeks over summer, we only had a couple of days of +40C spread out over several weeks, most of the time it was around 30C or below, so where is this heatwave you speak of?
Weather does not equal climate. The warming of the planet will lead, and is currently leading to more extreme variations in weather. Unheard of cold, record breaking heat, but the constant is that the average temperature will rise.

Earth has weather systems which influence heat transfer and the movement of temperature. Just because it's snowing at your house does not mean that the earth is, on average, getting cooler.

I hope you're all right with this 'climate change is a conspiracy' thing. Most of y'all will be dead by the time we find out so the younger group will find out for you.
Here's my thing, why fight this idea? A. All of the reliable studies show that it is happening. If it's a hoax, the entire scientific establishment for the better part of a century is in on it. If they wanted money they'd be working for tobacco companies, plastics producers (oil) and... you know... the f*cking oil companies that have billions coming out of their asses and want desperately to convince us that climate change is a hoax. Wonder why they want to do that. Probably because they're good guys who just don't want us being duped by the woke eco mob, because oil barons are just cool bros like that, they just like us.

B. If it's a hoax, we get cleaner air, more healthy ecosystems and the preservation of wonderful, beautiful and unique species and habitats that should be cherished and enjoyed, not dirt biked over and pissed on just because it won't kill the earth if we do. Man, I wish people would grow up and lose this "F*ck you I got mine" mentality. We are one species living on a small globe. If we don't take care of it we will kill our grandchildren. But hey maybe not maybe it's all some liberal agenda to turn your kids into trans weenies or whatever it is that people fear nowadays. Maybe Dow was doing my home a favor when they poisoned entire watershed areas with bonkers amounts of carcinogens. That was probably a woke lie too. Except that I've seen the amount of bone/stomach cancer patients in that area.

Maybe someone can enlighten me? What's the agenda? What hurts so much about caring for the earth that gives us life? Maybe it's a natural process, why not do what we can to slow it? If you start a small fire on the floorboard of your car with the windows up, and keep feeding it small pieces of dash and seat over 5 years every day would you notice a difference in the inside environment of your car?


Well-known member
Most of y'all will be dead by the time we find out so the younger group will find out for you.
but but..we were supposed to be finished long before whatever time you are insinuating..

the oceans were to rise, the hordes of people[not those people] running north from insane temperatures...

ground cracking....as the onslaught from our overuse of oil and cow farts

makes us wish we listened to al gore and later..greta the greats,

sigh.,why oh why did we doubt them??

nyc under water...the melting icecaps mercilessly consuming farmland so fast

they cannot make impressive graphs fast enough

what happened?


Well-known member
but but..we were supposed to be finished long before whatever time you are insinuating..

the oceans were to rise, the hordes of people[not those people] running north from insane temperatures...

ground cracking....as the onslaught from our overuse of oil and cow farts

makes us wish we listened to al gore and later..greta the greats,

sigh.,why oh why did we doubt them??

nyc under water...the melting icecaps mercilessly consuming farmland so fast

they cannot make impressive graphs fast enough

what happened?
that's because you're referring to non scientists that attracted press attention
not good sources for actual science
climate is a game for the patient


Well-known member
but but..we were supposed to be finished long before whatever time you are insinuating..

the oceans were to rise, the hordes of people[not those people] running north from insane temperatures...

ground cracking....as the onslaught from our overuse of oil and cow farts

makes us wish we listened to al gore and later..greta the greats,

sigh.,why oh why did we doubt them??

nyc under water...the melting icecaps mercilessly consuming farmland so fast

they cannot make impressive graphs fast enough

what happened?
U good? People say that trees ae alive, but whenever I see one it looks static, what happened?

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
Of course the climate is aways in a state of change...... this is an absolute given.
The other part of life on this rock is that over the centuries and millenias , human beings and thier constructed civillizations have been overcome by that constant state of climate change.
Look at Eqypt.... it was not always a vast desert .... look at all the ancient cities being found in oceans..... Look at all the vast constructs being found in various countries, under feet of earth or overtaken by vast jungles.
Problem is, modern man is so stupid that they refuse to realize that climate change WILL make certain areas we currently habitate, unliveable.... it's a fact of nature.

people ask why all the energy is being spent by governments to push the climate crisis narrative? Well two things come immediately to mind...... Profit and Control. There is huge money involved and you can bet every politician pushing the agenda is getting fat kickbacks to ensure the wealth of thier families. The climate crisis is also being used as a tool of control, completely changing the way of life of the people they serve.... reducing thier freedoms and driving up thier costs of living. Controlling thier movements and adding layer upon layer of taxation. None of which addresses the supposed climate crisis.
I pay thru the nose for food and energy while my government officials hop on jets whenever they feel like it , flying all over the world on huge expense accounts, living lavish carbon producing lives while the rest of us are supposed to "pay to fix the climate"

if you truly believe the scam on humanity that is the "climate crisis"...... you are truly fucked.

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