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GrindHouse Catalog of Seeds



2 weeks ago we had a successful meeting down at ********** in Oakland Cali. Several copies of tha GrindHouse Catalog was dropped off with stock . This catalog will be comprised of varieties from not only myself but also , I'm proud to say , others in North America and abroad . Most notably , OG Bub's crew , HTC . 'Nough said fer now .....

Tha catalog thus far (OG Bub's pages are pending approval)

With more breeder's being added to tha catalog , we're confident that folks will find a variety that fits their needs .

Sincerely ,
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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Looks real nice. The thumbnail only opens so big. Are the words readable otherwise against the background of flowers? Also, since it's hard to read from here, are the prices listed?

looks like a nice professional job.


wow, looks great. i'm so glad harborside will be carrying good genetics again. I assume this catalog is for seeds? it would be awesome if you could provide them with clones of those genetics so they could make mothers and give us all great cuts like blue sky! just a thought..
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New member
75 ducks ;) ,....but more important WHATS THE GOOD STUFF MAN? you know a little insde knowledge hookup for us icmag fans.....]

shiva das

great idea steele...
can't wait to have a copy of the new catalog....when do you think you'll have it together?
all the best,
shiva das


FaceLift , the catalog in shops is not a problem to read . I apologize for it not being large enough to read on-line , however I can say it is of very high quality .

Inverse , yes it would be cool but ********** isn't runnin' clones .

Krakatoa , prices are being worked out . I will say that they will be reasonable . Also prices will vary from breeder to breeder , however , we are keeping tha prices within reach for tha MMJ community .

Abakedpotato , tha good stuff ?; I guarantee all of it is killer , have no doubt . I will say we just received some HTC gear last night . :D On tha font tip , I assure you will be able to read it .

Brastaman , Sounds like a killer reason to me . I'm sure tha folks at ********** will love to hear that they have southerners' comin' up .

Shiva , tha catalog will be an ongoing and open collection to add to .

HTC is tha first heavy hitter to join us in populating tha Bay Area with cannabis . Special thanks to that hard workin' crew .

More "Heavy's" will be joining , so show your support .

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Hey haya Steele. So you guys got some stuff up in Oakland? Sweet. I was wondering about the HTC stuff. Do you know what you have in stock of that stuff? I am very interested in their Skunk Ibl stuff as well as DC strains. Plus I would love to have some of the other ICmag's gear as well. Just want to make sure that I am understanding correctly. They have beans now?


I can't speak fer when ********** decides to "list" tha beans , however they will be delivered sometime this weekend . Some of you guys might remember when we listed on SBay several months ago . We anticipated being able to list 'em right away and ended up crashing ICMag's server with so many folks being on tha site and refreshing while I was busy typing 'em in . (This was my first experience stocking SBay and thought I'd be able to make one listing for each strain and category i.e. BIN or Auction, which is not the case) I can't speak for another company on their protocols of when they start stocking tha shelves .
Thus far we have received VERY limited HTC stock ;
5 Packs of HTC Skunk & 10 HTC's Blend will be available with more in tha coming
weeks ! Fer those that don't know of tha Blend : It's a 40% mix of Jamaican Jam with WhiteWidow , Deep Chunk , Afghan , Raspberry , Haze , Skunk #1 , 2 C99 hybrids including North#1 , and Cali-O X Skunk .

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happy to see that fine catalog steel bro, you did a nice job for shure! hope to get some beans on there over time, and that the nice project will be succesful. i will get over some nice erdpurt crosses and others. seems like you are having some nice ppls stuff up there already. i suppose the Harborside Health Center in Oakland Cali sells genetics for the cali med grower. shure they need some good stuff these ppl. are they having a web page with more info?


Way to go Steele!!!Talk about spreadin the love in a BIG way!!Gotta love a man with a big heart and I hope it all works out great for all involved.That catolog looks like a collector's item,maybe ya can whip up a .pdf for us to drool over!!

I miss the downloadable seed cat's.


nice one steel...... setting off the bay area sprout athon... looks like i may have to pop on by harborside for seeds sooon...
catalouge looks good too, way to push the envelope...
many blessings
anxious to get my hands on the catalouge and some gear.... keep us posted onto how we can obtain the catalouge- will it be availible online, or something we must apply to recieve? can we order direct out of the louge? sorry steele I know these are dumb questions but Im stoked just looking at this stuff.... Anyhow thanks for this brave move and I will definately be looking forward to hearing some more.... In the meantime best wishes! Peace~


Delivered fellas , not sure when they "throw 'em up" , but they are there .
All Blue Sonja BX2 and Sour Bubble BX1 1IX was delivered as well . We're workin' hard at getting more turned out for not only contracted clubs , but also fer SBay . We're makin' enough beans to supply each region and will be makin' our way down south into SoCal. with tha fresh beans . Other than tha 1 or 2 other guys that are sellin' beans at **********(plus pending contracts with other major players) we have this bitch locked . This was a move to try to help keep quality and variety up and prices at a fair price . My personal beans won't be in stock all tha time but we're workin' hard , contracting with other Breeders to keep tha catalog stocked with plenty to choose .

Your support is appreciated ,

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Active member
This is good to hear about all the strains and breeders you are getting together for everybody. Just hit us up when you get some of that HTC love somewhere in Sac.Because I will be on it asap! I want to try out some HTC gear soon. Also that catalog looks nice too.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
High everyone!
HTC looks foreward to this venture! Im happy to keep some good genetics avail in the states, and especially for the med folks in Cali.
I have faith that this union can and will expand and grow

our thanks from HTC!
Peace, bub.

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