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Drip King


Here are thepics of the grafting attempt.
Roots are from my Casey Jones.
Grafts are FMS Purple Power, FMS Maroc, RMS Nigerian Nightmare.
I attempted to graft 2 diff. ways.
One way I made a "V" in the root plant and a chisel shape in the graft plant.
The other way I skinned the out side of both and used tiny Zip ties to bind the shaved areas together.
All were then covered in grsfting wax.
It is pretty cool, stiks to the plant but not your fingers.
I figure this has about a 20% chance of any success.
But if it works,I figure having a big root ball to start out with can only help.
I'll update whenthy live :joint: or die :badday: .
Some pics,sorry if they suck.
I tried.

Casey right before chop.


The graftees.

A V cut.

Oops.... Gotta uploadmore pics!
Upload is taking a long time.
I'll finish in the morning.
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Thanks Sunnydog, this is definitely something I would like to try and your efforts are MUCH appreciated. Yes, please keep us updated.

Namaste, mess


I Love It

I Love It

Sunnydog, that's looking great! My tape attempt had poor results. I love how you ise the zip tie and then the wax. The tape I used was not water tight and bacteria grew inside, the major fault for my attempt. Your application of the wax as a seal seems to eliminate the problem I faced. I'm going to try some of the OSH goop and zip ties and see if it works for me as well.

I believe the method you have used here will work very well.


Drip King
Report: they are looking bummed now, guess that is to be expected.

Report: they are looking bummed now, guess that is to be expected.

Word is they are not looking so good at the moment. :badday:
I guess that would be normal, keeping them well misted.
I'll update as things progress.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Neat experiment..subscribed..

Now keep us posted ya hear. For me the idea of keeping multiple strains on one stock is the most appealing..
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Thats a great idea!!

If this works out it will take away my breath.There would be so much new possibilitys in this technique.Just imagine a rootball from a plant that can take a big load of abuse(lets say water and nute stress)with a few branches of a finicky F13 or Haze or whatever crafted to it--do you think it would make a difference?
I would say yes cause i think if a plant gets stressed "trough the roots" by beeing watered with to much nutes/water or the watering cycle gets messed up(or everything together) it will shoot up hormones or something like that to the tips and tell em to show a reaction to her/his circumstances....but in this situation the rootball from a much more resilient strain comes into play.....i think you all get my drift?

+ the point that you could have as much strains on one root system as you want...propably

Keep it up...i will follow this to the hopefully succesfull end....Good Luck!!! GS :wave:


Drip King
Goldenseed said:

Thats a great idea!!

If this works out it will take away my breath.There would be so much new possibilitys in this technique.Just imagine a rootball from a plant that can take a big load of abuse(lets say water and nute stress)with a few branches of a finicky F13 or Haze or whatever crafted to it--do you think it would make a difference?
I would say yes cause i think if a plant gets stressed "trough the roots" by beeing watered with to much nutes/water or the watering cycle gets messed up(or everything together) it will shoot up hormones or something like that to the tips and tell em to show a reaction to her/his circumstances....but in this situation the rootball from a much more resilient strain comes into play.....i think you all get my drift?

+ the point that you could have as much strains on one root system as you want...propably

Keep it up...i will follow this to the hopefully succesfull end....Good Luck!!! GS :wave:
Pretty much what I had in mind, ie, Graft fast finishing(but smaller root system) indica to a sativa (with sativa type rootstock) and several things on one plant.
Can i be the first to say: Jeez, you guys are grafting plants now? Whatever next?

It's a really cool idea though, kudos for trying it. Could be useful for saving a plant with root rot. I'd like to see a few different strains on one root too, that would be quite a site especially if they were wildly different strains.

Grafting plants is good for creating mothers with multiple strains. (I have a citrus tree which grows five types of fruit, one type for each branch.) It's also helpful when you're dealing with plants which take years to flower (not Cannabis). Sometimes people graft plant shoots onto a root system that they know is very resistant to soil diseases (also, not Cannabis).

Grafting Cannabis plants will not change the flower time, nutrient diet, or anything else. In fact, if you plan on flowering those plants, it's a waste of energy. In the time that it takes for the grafts to set, clones would have rooted and grown a lot more. You'd get a better yield from a clone, than from a cutting that was grafted onto a 'revegged' rootstock.

I see grafting as a valuable way for patients to stay within plant count. How much would a mother plant be worth if it could give you cuttings from 5-6 different strains?
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Custom User Title
It seems like there's a couple slight misconceptions. The only use for grafting would be to keep multiple strains on one mother, keeping numbers down. If you have a huge rootball and not much vegetation, the roots just won't grow until the vegetation has caught up, and the opposite is true as well.

The characteristics of each strain will only show from the graft point and above, each strain will keep their traits and not pass them to any other part of the plant.


my 2 cents:

a 15 gallon root mass can intake more food and water than a 5 ounce root mass.

a 1 inch stem can move more food and water than a 1/16 of an inch stem.

a grafted cut can receive more food and water than a clone once the graft has taken and the clone rooted.

a clone must grow above ground and below ground.

a graft only needs to concentrate on above ground growth.

i have heard stories from humbolt of people using 250 gallon bags in the flower room. they harvest the buds then graft onto these huge root balls for the next harvest. i have not seen any of these setups, just heard stories.
doggod said:
i have heard stories from humbolt of people using 250 gallon bags in the flower room. they harvest the buds then graft onto these huge root balls for the next harvest. i have not seen any of these setups, just heard stories.

So are you going to waste your time doing that, or are you just encouraging others to do so based on hearsay???

Bounty29 has it right.


New member
This is something that is very real and done all the time. You have to graft a piece of VEG plant to the root stock. A plant that consists of a stalk and a few flowers has already prepared for the end of it's life cycle. You need a 3 week veg plant and then a good healthy root stock. The plant will flourish. Use the wax and keep things clean and your results will be evident. Good Luck!

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