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glossy leaves with leaf fringe standing up? HELP!

does any1 kno wut this might be? r/o is 6.1 pH. i had fed with 10-15 ml of cal mag and pbp bloom bout 6 days before this happend. 7 days n2 flowering. tnx

i have no idea wut the hell happend 2 that pic, tnx every1
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I may be wrong but that looks like it is over feed. I see claw type leaves in the back of the pic. Could be too much nitrogen. Leaves do look dark green or is that the pic? Also how are you growing? soil, hydro? if hydro lower your ph to like 5.8 and flush the plant.


Active member
How much pbp bloom are you using? Which formulation...hydro formulation or for soil? how are the plants being grown? Hydro, soil, etc...?
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What are your temps? RH? How close are your lights? Ventilation? Seems a little like heat stress as well. More info on your setup is needed. As much as possible please. Use this...it may help a little....


What STRAIN are you growing?
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What Technique are you using?
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)
What is the Nutrient temperature?
What Nutrient's are you using?
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?
What is the pH of the "Tank"?
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?
When was your last watering?
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)
What size bulb are you using?
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is your RH Factor?
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?
Are plant's infected with pest's

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Active member
Hydro Feeding Recipe

Hydro Feeding Recipe

1 teaspoon = 5ml
per gallon (3.8L) of water...

2 1/2 teaspoons pbp bloom for hydro
1 teaspoon cal mag plus

n 114
p 30
k 144
ca 77
mg 33

You can call this Johnson's nutrient solution. It could be used in both hydro and soilless mixes. :yes:
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Active member
If your using pureblend pro bloom for soil

If your using pureblend pro bloom for soil

1 teaspoon = 5ml
add this to 1 gallon (3.8L)

17.5 ml (3 1/2 teaspoons) pureblend pro bloom for soil
6ml cal mag plus

n 101
p 85
k 203
ca 101
mg 44

This is about like the first recipe but contains more phosphorus and potassium. It also contains slightly more calcium and magnesium.

This recipe probably has too much p for hydro use.

If your soil mix contains dolomite lime that is still providing calcium and magnesium, you may not need to add cal mag plus. If levels run low...add the cal mag plus.

Good luck growing everyone!


Im gonna back you up on this sproutco. Mr.niceguy, you should flush your plants and when you feed again follow sproutcos recipe the second one although I might use 8ML of cal-mag plus.
soil, and pbp for soil. like above 10-15 ml of pbp bloom with 10ml of cal-mag. r/o is 6.1 pH. when i left my plants where 8inchs away from lites 400w hortilux, when i got back they were closer than 4inchs. i had my hand inbetween the tops and lite for bout 5min wuznt evn remotely warm. but i backd em off 2 8inch again. i have a box fan for outtake and 3 osclating fans so ventilations not the problem, tnx for all the help so far.


Active member
Flush with lots of water. Too much cal mag plus. Apply:

3/4 strength bloom recipe

13.1 ml pbp bloom soil + 4.5 ml cal mag plus per gallon of water (3.8L)

(approximate ppm)

n 76
p 60
k 144
ca 74
mg 32

Try to be as precise as you can when measuring the ml's. 1 teaspoon = 5ml's and 1/4 teaspoon = 1.25 ml's

Report what happens. :D
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Looks like alot of Heat stress to me also, or very low humidity as well as possible light burn. Give us some more info as far as Temps, humidity (if you have a hygrometer), type of light, and how far the light is from the plants.

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