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Girl Power? ... if not, why not?


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Adding my voice

Adding my voice

I've been growing about 6 years now,I've never run across another female grower in my area. And the guys all seems shocked when they find out I grow.

I went into a diff hydro shop than normal and the guy started talking to me like I was 3 about nutes and chem vs organic etc. :biggrin:

was kinda cute, my BF was with me and just kinda looked at the ceiling. He knows my grows. this kid didn't and thought he was helping out a clueless female.
I waited and then pulled out my phone and asked him if he thought my plant was deficient in any way and what would he suggest?

I'm by no means an expert and I learn new stuff all the time, but I think I have the basics OK. the guy seemed to think so as well because he kinda smiled and was like ok I get it now, you fooled me.
We were cool from then on out.
I still prefer my normal shop though, they know me and we BS a lot, I just had to check out a new place. I love the smell of hydro shops, I'm weird.


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Closest I've gotten to getting my wife to grow was when I had my appendix out and I had her water my plants for the first 2 days after surgury..

She gets migraines from the smell sooooo...her in my grow rooms is basically only if I am physically incapable of doing the work..

She doesn't ingest MJ in any way either.

That being said...if she did start growing...she would rock the shit outta it. She is very methodical, and could probably optimize work and yield if she tried.


New member
I'll speak up as a woman grower. I was heavily discouraged from starting to grow my own as a legal patient by growers and other friends. I was assured that I would just be throwing my start-up money away, because it is just such a labor-intensive, exacting procedure to grow good meds.

Really kinda pi$$es me off when I think about it. I doubt a guy would have been told the same things I was. I could go on and on about this...

I found it so much easier to grow than I was told; once I got the actual grow room set up and the first couple of grows under my belt, things just kinda began to run themselves! I spend so much less $$ and time on my garden than the other growers that I know, and have a steady supply of top-quality meds. Plus, I find that the actual gardening is great therapy for my depression, and nothing gives a good attitude boost like harvesting a big ol' top heavy plant full of stinky, sticky buds!


if it smells like fish
I would love to find a grower woman.. I promise to help her trim too....lol..rock on ladies... I would love a dating site like the farmers got but we know how that ends ..with someone being fucked over by some scumbag..i know your out there somewhere sweetie!!!!

Former Guest

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I want to see the women's forum come alive in a positive way. Is there an active female member who would want to start a thread that is specifically for females to ask questions specific to growing? Like a community thread with a mentor? VG has a great one for organic growers but for the ladies? Maybe ladies from other forums will come over here fellas ;)


Active member
There are a good lot of lady gardeners in the world as well as female growers of MJ .

No reason why a lady`s buds can`t be as big as a mans :laughing:


if it smells like fish
why would women need a special grow section...grow a thicker skin as guys aint gonna clean up their act any....lol...its still the same plant....you could call it the sensitive growers section alternative lifestyle accepted too ....lol...fuck garden gnomes I want a grower babe....lol.....yeehaw

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I just thought that it would be nice to know there are others out there like a group. The outdoor growers hang out, organic growers hang out, why can't the girls just hang out? That way there isn't one in the group of organics, one in the hydro, etc. power in numbers I guess I could see how that would cause some to want to give greif.


ICMag Donor
why would women need a special grow section...grow a thicker skin as guys aint gonna clean up their act any....lol...its still the same plant....you could call it the sensitive growers section alternative lifestyle accepted too ....lol...fuck garden gnomes I want a grower babe....lol.....yeehaw

We don't NEED one we just like having a place we can talk to other female growers, it's not that big a deal....shouldn't have to grow a thicker skin or anything, just a place to chill and ask questions. What's wrong with garden gnomes and grower babes?? Can't we have both? My hubby does hehehe


if it smells like fish
not saying the ladies don't need a place to hang,just saying they really don't need a woman only grow section...respect ladies..when I find the right woman then I will consider the gnome..personally I don't like the way they stare me down ,like a scorned woman...yeehaw


ICMag Donor
It's not about just growing, it's about whatever we want to talk about, you guys have the whole rest of the site to post in this is just a place for women to voice their thoughts and ideas or whatever.....just sayin


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the way that some of the guys speak about women on this site... i dont blame the girls for wanting somewhere to hang without all the macho posturing.



New member
I can understand wanting a seperate woman-grower thread. It can get pretty hot and hostile in a lot of the disdiscussions, which i find a bit uncomfortable.

I'm just not sure how much there is to talk about as a 'woman' grower, as opposed to to being a grower. Other than maybe just bitching about male growers and their egos, lol.

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well, it doesn't have to be about women's issues because I can see how the convo could get stale, but I think a lot of the women feel the same way so having a thread where we could go and talk about growing in a comfortable environment where the people who make us uncomfortable could get uh...dealt with if the happen to wander onto the thread. there has been a few women's only cannabis conventions here in Washington to show ladies how to be successful in cannabis business but as far as getting a "how to grow" type of class or gathering of some sort, I've been told that would be tricky because you can't show someone how to grow it; just sell pot, stuff to grow the pot, talk about the pots medicinal qualities, but you can't have a class as that's just too risky.

another great thing about it is that you know who all the women are on here as a lot of them don't have female type names so they're less noticeable. this way, you can ask someone a question if ya don't want to post by messaging them instead which I've found most effective so I don't have to get ridiculed on here. I've learned much more that way.

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i wish i knew more so i could help better. sometimes my advice isn't that great but i learn from the right answer.

any time a womens thread comes up though, it's either to discuss how men want her to act while pregnant or discuss why there has to be a womens forum anyways. i wish there could be more. most women have a lot going on in their lives so they don't always get the chance to log on here to talk all the time....well, except me but i have no life :D


ICMag Donor
I've been on this site for s long time and I still can't really talk about my day to day stuff, I think it's boring I guess who wants to hear about my day. Maybe I should post more in here I used to.....my hubby and I grow indoor and outdoor.....it's just kinda part of our life,don't ever see our selves stopping any time soon.
Us ladies have to keep growing and not listen to any of the negativeity from whoever it is!!
Keep it green ladies love you all!!!!

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Mrs babba, I would love to hear from you more like what type of projects youre doing or even little things. i know ya like sports but unfortunately I'm not too big on that or I'd join your threads.
I am a male grower but my missus has had to carry a few unfinished (still in veg kind) projects to the end when I have left overseas for studying or working... :biggrin:

Her first project, 2x 600w HPS's, 75 plants, NFT... She overvegged them (for like 2 months or so), and the yield suffered from that, I reckon we got less than 700 grams that round which was an all time low from that closet. My bad, should have just said something more adamant like "flower them in two weeks" and she would have been just fine.

The next one was a 600w (5x 120w 1w LED panels) LED project, four plants, ebb & flood, on this she also overvegged (again, I should have been more adamant about putting them to flower soon) but not so bad as the first time, we got maybe 400g which was okay but I've seen many people pull 1+ gram per watt with LED's so in that light it was a bad yield.

After the last project she said that she's never going to do it again indoors, that if she does grow, it will be outdoor, organic in soil (she's going to move to southern spain next weekend to chase her dreams as a natural therapist, a separation of 3000km / 1900 miles)... :moon:

Any hot tips for strains for her to grow there in spain, girls??? She does not like indicas, body hit or zombie type of effects. But I think the spanish summer is too short for the longest sativas?