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I have achieved my goal of near perfect root zones in my TAG systems so I'm on the pursuit for the ultimate TAGing Nutrient Profile.

That is the nutrient dosing regime for TAG specific growing as the accelerated growth and increased nutrient uptake demand more precisely measured nutrients IMHO.

This is my goal...If you need more clarification on my systems, their design or what the hell TAGing is..just checkout any of my signature threads as all the support information for what I'm about to vomit here is located.

I'll be basing the design of this profile on the latest and most scientific research I can find and anyone interested in lending any professional experience here ...please by all means feel free.

This is an open chalkboard of my thoughts; if you'd like to sit in and help figure this one out with me I'm sure I'd enjoy the company.

I simply request that there be respectful exchange and courtesy between contributors and no shit talking...got it? Good. :D

Let's begin...

I will be posting the eventual Nutrient Profile here in the first post as I learn and discover more. Currently this is to be seen as a chalkboard of ideas and theories as I'm sure I will not get it correct in the first try—this is an on going experiment...

Phase One: Inoculation of the cutting...
Using simiple starting medium for AM&NB innoculation this sounds perfect.

Root Riot
Made from composted organic materials, these new cubes have a great spongy texture which retains the perfect air/water ratio for healthy, rapid root growth.
Suitable for both cuttings and seeds, Root Riot consistently outperforms alternative media.
The cubes are specially inoculated with micro nutrients to nourish the young plants, and also beneficial rooting fungi to aid root development.

My Favorite:
Rooting Plug
Rapid Rooter’s breakthrough technology produces a unique matrix of composted organic materials bonded together with plant-derived polymers. Rapid Rooter plugs are manufactured using a scientifically controlled process that yields large populations of beneficial microbes in the media. These naturally-occurring microbes colonize young roots, helping plants resist disease while maximizing nutrient uptake. Rapid Rooter plugs are fortified with General Hydroponic micronutrients for abundant root growth. The optimal air-to-water ratio within the plug matrix results in explosive early root growth. Use Rapid Rooter for robust early rooting that supports explosive plant growth.

Another of interest but not used:

Mighty Myco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant
Mighty Myco Root Dip Gel Premium Mycorrhizal Inoculant is a root biostimulant that increases fruit, vegetable and flower yields, reduces transplant shock and promotes fast growth.
Contains a root dip mix of 13 carefully selected species of beneficial Endomycorrhizae and Ectomycorrhizae fungus. Mighty Myco works best when in direct contact with a plants roots. Mix 4 ounces of Mighty Myco Root Dip Gel per gallon of water. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. A thin slurry will form that will stick to the roots when dipped. Dip plant roots in slurry for about 5 seconds and plant in soil or medium. 4 ounces will treat between 10 and 250 plants, depending on the size of the root mass.

Active ingredients include Rhizopogon amylopogon 440,528 propagules per gram; Rhizopogon fulvigleba 440,528 propagules per gram; Rhizopogon luteolus 440,528 propagules per gram; Rhizopogon villosullus 440,528 propagules per gram; Pisolithus tinctorius 440,528 propagules per gram; Glomus aggregatum 8 propagules per gram; Glomus brazillanum 8 propagules per gram; Globus clarum 8 propagules per gram; Glomus deserticola 8 propagules per gram; Glomus intraradices 8 propagules per gram; Globus monosporum 8 propagules per gram; Glomus mosseae 8 propagules per gram; Gigaspora margarita 8 propagules per gram. Inert ingredients include 25% Polyacrylamide; 10% soluble kelp; 10% ascorbic acid; 10% humic acid; 3% Vitamin B1; 3% Glycene.


Phase Two: Understanding Gas Exchange
Index to this post:

Opening stomata
Closing stomata
Density of stomata
Stomata and carbon dioxide levels
Roots and Stems
Gas Exchange in Plants

In order to carry on photosynthesis, green plants need a supply of carbon dioxide and a means of disposing of oxygen. In order to carry on cellular respiration, plant cells need oxygen and a means of disposing of carbon dioxide (just as animal cells do).

Unlike animals, plants have no specialized organs for gas exchange (with the few inevitable exceptions!). The are several reasons they can get along without them:
Each part of the plant takes care of its own gas exchange needs. Although plants have an elaborate liquid transport system, it does not participate in gas transport.
Roots, stems, and leaves respire at rates much lower than are characteristic of animals. Only during photosynthesis are large volumes of gases exchanged and each leaf is well adapted to take care of its own needs.
The distance that gases must diffuse in even a large plant is not great. Each living cell in the plant is located close to the surface. While obvious for leaves, it is also true for stems. The only living cells in the stem are organized in thin layers just beneath the bark. The cells in the interior are dead and serve only to provide mechanical support.
Most of the living cells in a plant have at least part of their surface exposed to air. The loose packing of parenchyma cells in leaves, stems, and roots provides an interconnecting system of air spaces. Gases diffuse through air several thousand times faster than through water. Once oxygen and carbon dioxide reach the network of intercellular air spaces (arrows), they diffuse rapidly through them.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide also pass through the cell wall and plasma membrane of the cell by diffusion. The diffusion of carbon dioxide may be aided by aquaporin channels inserted in the plasma membrane.


The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaf (as well as the loss of water vapor in transpiration) occurs through pores called stomata (singular = stoma).

Normally stomata open when the light strikes the leaf in the morning and close during the night.
The immediate cause is a change in the turgor of the guard cells. The inner wall of each guard cell is thick and elastic. When turgor develops within the two guard cells flanking each stoma, the thin outer walls bulge out and force the inner walls into a crescent shape. This opens the stoma. When the guard cells lose turgor, the elastic inner walls regain their original shape and the stoma closes.

Time Osmotic Pressure, lb/in2
7 A.M. 212
11 A.M. 456
5 P.M. 272
12 midnight 191

The table shows the osmotic pressure measured at different times of day in typical guard cells. The osmotic pressure within the other cells of the lower epidermis remained constant at 150 lb/in2. When the osmotic pressure of the guard cells became greater than that of the surrounding cells, the stomata opened. In the evening, when the osmotic pressure of the guard cells dropped to nearly that of the surrounding cells, the stomata closed.

Opening stomata

The increase in osmotic pressure in the guard cells is caused by an uptake of potassium ions (K+). The concentration of K+ in open guard cells far exceeds that in the surrounding cells. This is how it accumulates:
Blue light is absorbed by phototropin which activates
a proton pump (an H+-ATPase) in the plasma membrane of the guard cell.
ATP, generated by the light reactions of photosynthesis, drives the pump.
As protons (H+) are pumped out of the cell, its interior becomes increasingly negative.
This attracts additional potassium ions into the cell, raising its osmotic pressure.
Closing stomata

Although open stomata are essential for photosynthesis, they also expose the plant to the risk of losing water through transpiration. Some 90% of the water taken up by a plant is lost in transpiration.

Abscisic acid (ABA) is the hormone that triggers closing of the stomata when soil water is insufficient to keep up with transpiration (which often occurs around mid-day).

The mechanism:
ABA binds to receptors at the surface of the plasma membrane of the guard cells.
The receptors activate several interconecting pathways which converge to produce a rise in pH in the cytosol transfer of Ca2+ from the vacuole to the cytosol. The increased Ca2+ in the cytosol blocks the uptake of K+ into the guard cell while the increased pH stimulates the loss of Cl- and organic ions (e.g., malate2-) from the cell.
The loss of these solutes in the cytosol reduces the osmotic pressure of the cell and thus turgor. The stomata close.

Density of stomata

The density of stomata on a leaf varies with such factors as:
the temperature, humidity, and light intensity around the plant;
and also, as it turns out, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air around the leaves. The relationship is inverse; that is, as CO2 goes up, the number of stomata goes down, and vice versa. Some evidence:
Plants grown in an artificial atmosphere with a high level of CO2 have fewer stomata than normal.
Herbarium specimens reveal that the number of stomata in a given species has been declining over the last 200 years — the time of the industrial revolution and rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere [View].
These data can be quantified by determining the stomatal index: the ratio of the number of stomata in a given area divided by the total number of stomata and other epidermal cells in that same area.

How does the plant determine how many stomata to produce?

It turns out that the mature leaves on the plant detect the conditions around them and send a signal (its nature still unknown) that adjusts the number of stomata that will form on the developing leaves.

Two experiments (reported by Lake et al., in Nature, 411:154, 10 May 2001):

When the mature leaves of the plant (Arabidopsis) are encased in glass tubes filled with high levels (720 ppm) of CO2, the developing leaves have fewer stomata than normal even though they are growing in normal air (360 ppm).
Conversely, when the mature leaves are given normal air (360 ppm CO2) while the shoot is exposed to high CO2 (720 ppm), the new leaves develop with the normal stomatal index.

Roots and Stems

Woody stems and mature roots are sheathed in layers of dead cork cells impregnated with suberin — a waxy, waterproof (and airproof) substance. So cork is as impervious to oxygen and carbon dioxide as it is to water.

However, the cork of both mature roots and woody stems is perforated by nonsuberized pores called lenticels. These enable oxygen to reach the intercellular spaces of the interior tissues and carbon dioxide to be released to the atmosphere.

In many annual plants, the stems are green and almost as important for photosynthesis as the leaves. These stems use stomata rather than lenticels for gas exchange.

Helpful charts:

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Probably the best known of the plant hormones. It's produced by the plants tips and is responsible for the plant growth. Most use it in two ways:

1) If they want to germinate seeds, they soak the seeds first in a solution of GA3 (200ppm) for 24 hours. Compared to unsoaked seeds, the soaked seeds germinate faster, a better percentage of germinations and they grow like crazy.

2) After the clones have rooted and are established (usually 10 days), give them a foliar spray of 30ppm GA3. This makes them literally "take off". You can almost see them actually growing.

The problem with GA3, is that most growth is in the form of "stretching" which isn't always diserable, so except for seeds and clones, most don't use GA3 ever again in the plants cycle.

GA3 has some other uses as well. You can intiate male fowers on a female plant but using high doses every day for several days, you can also induce flowers earlier and yield bigger flowers but I haven't tried that yet.


This is one of the main hormones used. Concentration use is approximately 0.1ppm as a foliar spray about every three weeks with a final spray just as you change the lights for flowering. It will increase a plants resistance to stress (cold, drought, too high a salt content), it helps the plant locate light, it strengthens a plants resistance to disease. It will also stimulate a plant to grow it's overall root mass. The overall effect is that the plant will be much healthier, stronger and thus the yield will be better. It is estimated that the effect is about a 50% better yield than the untreated plants.


Another favourite, depending on the concentration used, the effects are thicker and stronger stems, healthier and larger leaves (more surface area to capture light) at 300 ppm. If you find that youwould like a plant to have more branches, you give it a foliar spray of 2000ppm. This is called hormonal pruning and the advantage is that you don't need to pinch of the plants growing tip (thus decreasing the gibberrelins), the plant stays healthy and doesn't stop growing to repair the tip.

Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300ppm at the end of the 4th week of flowring there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinlide that most do at the start of flowering, the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.


This is actually a growth inhibitor. It is sold in Hydro stores in pre-made solutions under various brand names. The idea is that it will stop the plant growth when it's time to start flowering. Not only does this control the final height (useful if you have a low ceiling problem), but also the plant will start to allocate it's growth resources into bud growth sooner. I resisted using this product because I don't have a height problem.The effect you see is that bud size that were usually about 5 weeks old are now bud size at 3 weeks. This gives you larger early buds and as you know, you can only build from there. Most hit the plants with the Benzylaminopurine and the bud growth takes off, supposedly. This hormone is relatively new to me concentration known to use is about 10ppm.

Here is some interesting information on the Hydroplex:
By rec. dosage:

Nitrogen 6.25 ppm
Phosphorous (as P2O5) 53.500 ppm
Potassium (as K20) 130.00 ppm
Magnesium 6.00 ppm
Sulfur 6.00 ppm

Derived from: (god the print is tiny) Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium hosphate, Phosphoric Acid, Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Sulfate, Seawwed (Ascophyllum Nodosum), Humic Acid Fulvic Acid (both non-plant food ingredients).

so what does this mean? hmmmm

The PowerFlower is a 2-2-5 so the addition of the .5-4-10 would only be a
2.5-6-15 by their mixture.
Ionics flowering mix is:
4-5-8 Bloom
0-5-6 boost
So it would seem PSeries with the Hydroplex would be lower in Nitrogen during heavy flower as well as lower in Phosphorous, but matching in K.

Of course I didn't include the CalMagPlus...hold on...lol

*1 part my ass.. :rolleyes:

HAHAHAHAH yeah..check it.. CalMag.. 2-0-0

So make that a 4.5-6-15 to 4-10-14 Ionic (how much you wanna bet there is some hidden Phosphorous somewhere?)

CalMag adds:
N 52 ppm
Ca 83 ppm
Mg 31 ppm
Fe 2.5 ppm *(much overlooked - if you use a magnetic pump it knocks iron out of the water so you need to supplement) Those are submersibles.
so now we just need to measure this against what is considered perfect!
Ok so that would be like what...
Nitrogen N - 50.024 as NH4
Nitrogen N - 106.778 as NO3
Phosphorus P - 35.000
Potassium K - 100.000
Calcium Ca - 50.000
Sulfur S - 20.031
Magnesium Mg - 20.000
Chlorine Cl - 19.107
Iron Fe - 10.000
Manganese Mn - 4.000
Copper Cu - 0.700
Zinc Zn - 0.500
Boron B - 0.500
Molybdenum Mo - 0.060
Cobalt Co - 0.050 *
Nickel Ni - 0.050 *
Iodine I - 0.010 *
Sodium Na - 0.029 *
Chromium Cr - 0.001 *
Barium Ba - 0.001 *
Vanadium V - 0.001 *
Selenium Se - 0.010 *
Tin Sn - 0.001 *
Fluorine F - 0.001 *

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Alright...I've decided to breakdown each element in the list of 'water of life' to examine its function, resources and optimal levels. Macronutrients first:


Nitrogen is a major component of proteins, hormones, chlorophyll, vitamins and enzymes essential for plant life. Nitrogen metabolism is a major factor in stem and leaf growth (vegetative growth). Too much can delay flowering and fruiting. Deficiencies can reduce yields, cause yellowing of the leaves and stunt growth.

Phosphorus is necessary for seed germination, photosynthesis, protein formation and almost all aspects of growth and metabolism in plants. It is essential for flower and fruit formation. Low pH (<4) results in phosphate being chemically locked up in organic soils. Deficiency symptoms are purple stems and leaves; maturity and growth are retarded. Yields of fruit and flowers are poor. Premature drop of fruits and flowers may often occur. Phosphorus must be applied close to the plant's roots in order for the plant to utilize it. Large applications of phosphorus without adequate levels of zinc can cause a zinc deficiency.

Potassium is necessary for formation of sugars, starches, carbohydrates, protein synthesis and cell division in roots and other parts of the plant. It helps to adjust water balance, improves stem rigidity and cold hardiness, enhances flavor and color on fruit and vegetable crops, increases the oil content of fruits and is important for leafy crops. Deficiencies result in low yields, mottled, spotted or curled leaves, scorched or burned look to leaves..

Sulfur is a structural component of amino acids, proteins, vitamins and enzymes and is essential to produce chlorophyll. It imparts flavor to many vegetables. Deficiencies show as light green leaves. Sulfur is readily lost by leaching from soils and should be applied with a nutrient formula. Some water supplies may contain Sulfur.

Magnesium is a critical structural component of the chlorophyll molecule and is necessary for functioning of plant enzymes to produce carbohydrates, sugars and fats. It is used for fruit and nut formation and essential for germination of seeds. Deficient plants appear chlorotic, show yellowing between veins of older leaves; leaves may droop. Magnesium is leached by watering and must be supplied when feeding. It can be applied as a foliar spray to correct deficiencies.

Calcium activates enzymes, is a structural component of cell walls, influences water movement in cells and is necessary for cell growth and division. Some plants must have calcium to take up nitrogen and other minerals. Calcium is easily leached. Calcium, once deposited in plant tissue, is immobile (non-translocatable) so there must be a constant supply for growth. Deficiency causes stunting of new growth in stems, flowers and roots. Symptoms range from distorted new growth to black spots on leaves and fruit. Yellow leaf margins may also appear.

Interesting FYI:

Every amino acid contains nitrogen.
Every molecule making up every cell's membrane contains phosphorous (the membrane molecules are called phospholipids), and so does every molecule of ATP (the main energy source of all cells).
Potassium makes up 1 percent to 2 percent of the weight of any plant and, as an ion in cells, is essential to metabolism.


as NH4:
“ammonium (NH4)”
Definition: The ionized form of ammonia, which is occurs when the water is acidic. It is not toxic to fish as ammonia is, which is why aquariums that have acidic water do not have as many problems with the intial phase of the nitrogen cycle.
Ammonium, the most important nitrogenous fertilizer for water plants, is essential for the breakdown of plant protein.

as NO3
Nitrate is the result of the bacterial breakdown of ammonia > nitrite > nitrate which is the final stage of the natural biological metabolic waste conversion also known as the nitrogen cycle.

The process of breaking down ammonia > nitrites > nitrates is known as the nitrification process. It takes place in an aerobic environment. Nitrifying bacteria settle on gravel and build colonies. They need nutrients (ammonia and nitrite) and oxygen in order to perform their tasks. The result is nitrate. The removal of nitrate, if not utilized by plants, takes place in an anaerobic environment and is called denitrification.
Nitrate is also a key nutrient source for algae. Most of the pesky and unwanted algae thrive on poor water quality, high nutrient levels and excessive nitrate. Many initially cycling tanks experience an algae bloom due to this effect.

Some very important information:

Nitrifiers are most active at temperatures ranging from 68 - 86 degrees F. Their metabolism will decrease below 50 degrees F, while levels above 95 degrees F are potentially life threatening.

Nitrifiers need oxygen to perform their task (aerobic respiration). Nitrate is the final product after completion of the biochemical oxidation, which plants utilize as a fertilizer thus removing them from the water.

Nitrifying bacteria work either at full capacity or drift into a resting phase. Major changes in the bioload will effect the bacteria population. Additional bioload may have the effect of a new cycle (adjustment through growth).

The need for light proofing
Nitrifiers are light sensitive, especially toward ultraviolet (UV/ sunlight). Room light has a negative impact on bacterial activity as well. Colonizing the filter is therefore the preferred settlement of the bacteria, as it provides a dark environment. Light exposure (i.e. cleaning the filter) will not cause stress, as the time frame is too short allowing the colony to recuperate within hours.

The nitrifier's colony creates a surrounding, slimy bio-film, as they clutter together. This somewhat protects the settlement from light exposure. Good films smell earthy, if otherwise, it is an indication of problems in the aquatic environment.

Now a couple questions off the topic:

1. Are nitrifying bacteria advantageous to rooting clones? Would the submersion of a cutting into a thriving biomass of Nfixers help to stimulate root growth.
-Brainfart...An aerocloner with subculture biomass in place with higher levels of ammonium nitrates. Cuttings introduced would immediately be colonized and root structures started? My support for this theory are the Rapid Rooters. I've had faster root development with RRs than with Aerocloning, I believe do to an already AM/BN matrix in the composted tree bark which is probably high in Nitrates no doubt. The roots were outside the plug in 4 days. Unmatched to date. I think the addition of AM to Aerocloning might be a logistical edge to mediumless TAGing.

2. Could the use of stressing agents, i,e. UV/temp. et al. be utilized to increase AM and Nfixer colonization? Increased stress to the environment or the host plant stimulates the increase in AM/BN biomass...thereby increasing root surface. Once returned to 'unstressed' environments substantially more bud development could be supported. No?

Just thinking...here...hmmm K

This would also explain why rooting in aero/hydro is actually more effective with PH 7 Tap Water as the NB like the PH 7 better and have ample Ca and trace minerals to do their jobs I suppose....if my theory of AM/NB digging into cuttings and stimulating root growth are correct.

Moving on..



Iron is necessary for many enzyme functions and as a catalyst for the synthesis of chlorophyll. It is essential for the young growing parts of plants. Deficiencies are pale leaf color of young leaves followed by yellowing of leaves and large veins. Iron is lost by leaching and is held in the lower portions of the soil structure. Under conditions of high pH (alkaline) iron is rendered unavailable to plants. When soils are alkaline, iron may be abundant but unavailable. Applications of an acid nutrient formula containing iron chelates, held in soluble form, should correct the problem.

Manganese is involved in enzyme activity for photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen metabolism. Deficiency in young leaves may show a network of green veins on a light green background similar to an iron deficiency. In the advanced stages the light green parts become white, and leaves are shed. Brownish, black, or grayish spots may appear next to the veins. In neutral or alkaline soils plants often show deficiency symptoms. In highly acid soils, manganese may be available to the extent that it results in toxicity.

I thought this was very interesting:
Boron is necessary for cell wall formation, membrane integrity, calcium uptake and may aid in the translocation of sugars. Boron affects at least 16 functions in plants. These functions include flowering, pollen germination, fruiting, cell division, water relationships and the movement of hormones. Boron must be available throughout the life of the plant. It is not translocated and is easily leached from soils. Deficiencies kill terminal buds leaving a rosette effect on the plant. Leaves are thick, curled and brittle. Fruits, tubers and roots are discolored, cracked and flecked with brown spots.

Zinc is a component of enzymes or a functional cofactor of a large number of enzymes including auxins (plant growth hormones). It is essential to carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis and internodal elongation (stem growth). Deficient plants have mottled leaves with irregular chlorotic areas. Zinc deficiency leads to iron deficiency causing similar symptoms. Deficiency occurs on eroded soils and is least available at a pH range of 5.5 - 7.0. Lowering the pH can render zinc more available to the point of toxicity.

* This would explain why it is best to be at the lower end of the Ph scale for aero... 5.6-5.8

Copper is concentrated in roots of plants and plays a part in nitrogen metabolism. It is a component of several enzymes and may be part of the enzyme systems that use carbohydrates and proteins. Deficiencies cause die back of the shoot tips, and terminal leaves develop brown spots. Copper is bound tightly in organic matter and may be deficient in highly organic soils. It is not readily lost from soil but may often be unavailable. Too much copper can cause toxicity.

I thought this was very interesting:
Molybdenum is a structural component of the enzyme that reduces nitrates to ammonia. Without it, the synthesis of proteins is blocked and plant growth ceases. Root nodule (nitrogen fixing) bacteria also require it. Seeds may not form completely, and nitrogen deficiency may occur if plants are lacking molybdenum. Deficiency signs are pale green leaves with rolled or cupped margins.

Chlorine is involved in osmosis (movement of water or solutes in cells), the ionic balance necessary for plants to take up mineral elements and in photosynthesis. Deficiency symptoms include wilting, stubby roots, chlorosis (yellowing) and bronzing. Odors in some plants may be decreased. Chloride, the ionic form of chlorine used by plants, is usually found in soluble forms and is lost by leaching. Some plants may show signs of toxicity if levels are too high.

I thought this was even more interesting:
Nickel has just recently won the status as an essential trace element for plants according to the Agricultural Research Service Plant, Soil and Nutrition Laboratory in Ithaca, NY. It is required for the enzyme urease to break down urea to liberate the nitrogen into a usable form for plants. Nickel is required for iron absorption. Seeds need nickel in order to germinate. Plants grown without additional nickel will gradually reach a deficient level at about the time they mature and begin reproductive growth. If nickel is deficient plants may fail to produce viable seeds.

Sodium is involved in osmotic (water movement) and ionic balance in plants.

Cobalt is required for nitrogen fixation in legumes and in root nodules of nonlegumes. The demand for cobalt is much higher for nitrogen fixation than for ammonium nutrition. Deficient levels could result in nitrogen deficiency symptoms.

Silicon is found as a component of cell walls. Plants with supplies of soluble silicon produce stronger, tougher cell walls making them a mechanical barrier to piercing and sucking insects. This significantly enhances plant heat and drought tolerance. Foliar sprays of silicon have also shown benefits reducing populations of aphids on field crops. Tests have also found that silicon can be deposited by the plants at the site of infection by fungus to combat the penetration of the cell walls by the attacking fungus. Improved leaf erectness, stem strength and prevention or depression of iron and manganese toxicity have all been noted as effects from silicon. Silicon has not been determined essential for all plants but may be beneficial for many.

OK Silicon is a big Plus :tup: get your SilicaBlast now!


Time to do some work over here.

Now the boost in Ionic will add 50 ppm Phosphorous and 100 ppm Potassium to your nutrient solution. Thereby covering any deficency as the required amounts have been satisfied in this single product application.

and their ppm line up is as follows:

Nitrate-Nitrogen 2.3 227
Ammonium-Nitrogen 0.1 9
Total Nitrogen 2.4 236
Phosphorus 0.8 81
Potassium 3.835 384
Calcium 1.3 130
Magnesium 0.32 32
Sulphate 0.40 40
Iron 0.039 3.9
Manganese 0.011 1.1
Boron 0.003 0.26
Zinc 0.003 0.26
Copper 0.0013 0.13
Molybdenum 0.00065 0.065
Cobalt 0.00065 0.065
Nickel 0.00065 0.065

So it appears that Ionics Bloom mixture is about 3-4 times the amount required for healthy growth without going over the toxic elements. Nicely balanced formulae.


Concerning Flushing...

Well this is what I found out on flushing...

Nitrogen, which is the main factor in poor-tasting bud, can be moved within the plant. If not present in the root zone a plant will take it from the older leaves to support newer growth. Calcium, however, is a nutrient that cannot be moved within the plant, if it is not present in the root zone it is not available for growth. Little research has been done on nutritional requirements of cannabis during the final stages of flowering, but it seems likely that calcium is vital as it is crucial in cell division. A calcium deficiency at later stages could therefore adversely affect trichome production.

This is not as serious of a concern for soil-based growers, as lime or other calcium sources which are mixed into the soil likely will provide sufficient nutrition even while flushing with pure water. But hydroponic growers using very pure water sources with little naturally occurring calcium could have problems. Flushing is certainly a valid technique, but is easily overdone and is not a quick fix for overfeeding earlier in the flower stage.

Some studies have shown that high potassium levels have a negative influence on THC production, which would correlate to the general belief that while hemp crops uptake more potassium than phosphorous, the reverse seems to be true for drug and seed cannabis crops. A study on how to minimize THC levels in hemp crops showed that THC levels in newer leaf growth decreased as nitrogen levels were increased. As no THC measurement was taken from floral clusters we can only speculate that the same would likely hold true in buds. This would also explain the good results that most growers have flushing their plants, as nitrogen is the nutrient most easily flushed from the soil.
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Interesting info on available fertilizers and their composition:

These are the elements your plants are looking for:

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New member
I have achieved my goal of near perfect root zones in my TAG systems so I'm on the pursuit for the ultimate TAGing Nutrient Profile.

You might want to try growing some "perfect" bud while your at it.

Note that the Racer never shows you anything above the root ball.

Dr. D

Active member
tut tut!! didnt your mother ever tell you Simon?
If you aint got nothing good to say, then say nothing! :rolleyes:
btw racer excellent post man full of info...very detailed a bit much for some but none the less excellent!
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Nutrient Ratios

Nutrient Ratios

Thank you Dr. D & Tonysparks. :D

Here is some very valuable information I just uncovered concerning ratios for hydro. These I'm sure are applicable to TAG to a more defined degree I'm afraid, but as there have been nothing but K def and Ca and Mg issues with TAGing fertilizers this information should aid in remedying any deficiencies. :yes: With any luck..lol

First as stated on the TAG Landing thread:

"I found that fertilizer ratios play a major role in hydroponic beyond the basic N-P-K.

Apparently, the balance between Ca and Mg (a ratio of 3:1) is required for optimal plant growth in hydro. This is the minimum. As long as the ratio stays in that range and there are adequate amounts of other nutrients the plants will continue to pick up both Ca and Mg, while it was found that Ferts with substantially different ratios resulted in some deficiencies of nutrients and will lead to plant stress and prone to disease or pests.

K:Ca, K:Mg, Ca:Mg, Fe:Zn appear to be the limiting factor for growth so for TAG these will have to be precise to maintain flawless leaves...this will be the hard part, unless DMOne has solved this as claimed."

Now even more information:

Ratio between 2 forms of N (NO3:NH4) Best ratio of NO3-N (Nitrate) Vs. NH4-N (Ammoniacal) in any liquid fert is 9:1 as most of the N taken by the plant is in a nitrate form and a very small portion is taken up in an Ammoniacal form.
Secondly...ferts with higher NH4-N can reduce volume of the total plant growth. In general those plants will produce smaller darker green foliage compared to higher NO3-N ferts. :yes: Good to know, eh?

This is due to N form effects on photosynthesis and N assimilation as NH4-N must be immediately used in a process requiring carbos (the sugars you are trying to produce) and without sufficient levels of carbos free NH4-N can be toxic to plants. While on the other hand when NO3-N is taken up it is reduced to NH3 and assimilated into amino acid. If sufficient carobs are not available then the NO3-N is stored in the vacuoles (storage house for salts used to build up osmotic pressure) of the cell until carbos are available. Which means NO3-N will never tie up available carbos (sugars) at the expense of the plant's growth.

This information is all courtesy of Dr. Tahir Mahood
Director of R&D for Grotek Manufacturing Inc.

His work, not mine. :D
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Captain Expando
I feel like I just got out of class... bravo

just ring the bell for your next session.... I need a toke :wink:


this is like being in school, but a hell of a lot harder... its going to take some time to fully digest all this great info.. thanks POD RACER!

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