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Fresh new DNA from China!


Active member

Wow, they look like wild plants alright. Regardless
what they are, I'd keep those seeds if I were you.
Wild plants must certainly have genes that domestic
plants have lost a long time ago. From the look of
those plants growing, I bet they are very resiliant
and would be much bigger and better if someone
took care of them.

It's your call, your there. I would plant some
in a nice place if I were you.

I wonder if Pandas eat more than Bamboo in China.
Beware the Stoned Panda Bears. :laughing:

I wonder if Sam The Skunkman gave that
old lady those seeds to sell?
:laughing: Not I Say.


Hey OrientalSplash, I hate to splash water in your face but are you not concerned about drug laws in China? They use to EXECUTE Chinese folks for hashish, no?........ OK, calm down, stop sweating, that was over a hundred years ago and ya ain't British. But a Yankee cultivating drugs in China is like having nukes in Taiwan pointed at Beijing, I might imagine. I don't think the commie authorities will like this. According to what I've read of your posts, the Chinese appear carefree and cavalier about marijuana (seeds). If this is the case, it is a possibility that I might choose to live there one day. Freedom! ........ of a sort! Foconoco mentioned that Ace sells Chinese Yunnan already. Think you can find something they didn't Splash?
I'm going try to give them a good home corky. They are like a kid whos spent most his life homeless but now has someone who cares. We will see how things go in the coming months! :D

Rouge, China is an interesting place. I definately wouldn't call it "free" by any stretch of the word. Cannabis is a murky subject as cultivating for drug use is very illegal but cultivating for seed is perfectly fine. Infact China has started an initiative to have more farmers grow hemp by 2020. They expect it to double to annual income of farmers in rural places. Regardless, all the foreignors I've met in China smoke hash and I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble. Smoking cannabis just isn't really a concern for the Chinese because none of them do it.

From my understanding the weed in Yunnan is like human genetic variation in Africa. Being it is the home of the species it has huge differences from one local to another. Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, India, and Burma to name a few are all right near by and it is speculated the first indicas came from Yunnan and spread thoughout the rest of the world by migrating populations. I am fairly positive being as I am taking my samples from a remote place far from Dali (China's weed capital where all chinese strains in the west come from) they will be very different.

So, I starting think about the male plant with nuts on him pictured. Isn't it kinda strange for the plant to be in the flower stage at the end of March? It is a tiny little plant too, only a fraction the size of the others. What are the opinions here?

*Note - another of the mothers has begun to recover from the transplant shock. The remaining two are hardy but the leaves are all dead. Based on the first two recoveries I think they will later grow new branches and be ok.* :D


Active member
I'm going try to give them a good home corky. They are like a kid whos spent most his life homeless but now has someone who cares. We will see how things go in the coming months! :D

Rouge, China is an interesting place. I definately wouldn't call it "free" by any stretch of the word. Cannabis is a murky subject as cultivating for drug use is very illegal but cultivating for seed is perfectly fine. Infact China has started an initiative to have more farmers grow hemp by 2020. They expect it to double to anual income of farmers in rural places. Regardless, all the foreignors I've met in China smoke hash and I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble. Smoking cannabis just isn't really a concern for the Chinese because none of them do it.

So, I starting think about the male plant with nuts on him pictured. Isn't it kinda strange for the plant to be in the flower stage at the end of March? It is a tiny little plant too, only a fraction the size of the others. What are the opinion here?

Maybe, you can plant some in that Old Lady's backyard?
That way you won't go down for it. :laughing:

Flying Goat

The tiny male might just perhaps be an autoflowering variety of ruderalis. The Scandinavian genes I am working with now have the females about 3" to 5" tall at 10 days & showing sex between a week & 10 days... Males usually identify themselves at about 2 weeks.

Another interesting occurrence! My stepson brought me an "unknown" tiny pot plant he found growing in his mother's yard where everyone there throws their bag seed. It is only 6" tall, showing purplish red stem & petioles (I presume from cool weather) & yes, it is female... He scooped her up with some dirt in a beer cup & brought her home to me... Now more happily situated in a 6"x6"x10" rose bucket with decent soil under the cozy 400 MH, she's sporting new growth...

I won't hijack yer thread, OS, & will post elsewhere, but I was thrilled to be gifted this tiny "shady lady." How cool if she turns out to be autoflower or semi-auto!

Do keep safe - we don't wanna see yer handsome mug on "Locked Up Abroad," my dear!



Active member
ICMag Donor
This is one of the better threads I have encountered.
An adventure unfolding. You have to love the internet.

OS, I was thinking the same thing about the nuts on the male. For certain you have found a few gems. In fact, you may well have stumbled onto the holy grail. Perhaps the garden of Eden for cannabis? IMO a laboratory look at some of the things you have found would be quite interesting. Maybe a link not seen yet there....

Thick leaves, thin leaves, autoflower....man what a find in the wild.
Is there a chance of conversing with any local folks who might be in the know about cannabis as we perceive it? Any info those sorts could give you could be invaluable.

Best of luck and health to you, your wife, and your new child.


Ni Hau :wave:

Very interesting thread.Nice to meet someone else who is growing true Chinese genetics.Strains from China are pretty tough, although the strains from Yunnan are not very potent they have other qualities.You can find sativa's, sativa/indica or indica's.The only province in China where you have a hash culture is Xinjiang, but so far as i know is that foreigners are not allowed to travel there.
The Han Chinese use the seeds as you stated earlier for food or for medicine (Huo Ma Ren).

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Size of Seed Comparison?

Size of Seed Comparison?

We'd be interested to know whether there was any significant difference in the elapsed time of germination between the largest of the pictured seeds, and the smaller versions.

The largest seed, on the far Left of the posted photo, looks remarkably similar to those that produced the first heavy "one-stalk skunk" Indicas that reached the US in the late 70's.

The light color isn't necessarily predictive of sprouting rate. Even fully mature, darker, seeds of that size with the extreme "Indica ridge", are sometimes a challenge to propagate. The shell is very hard, and they can take several weeks, or more, to pop out.

Will we see comparison photos showing leaf shapes of the various seeds?
Bass - I put about 15 purple seeds, 30 black, 30 orange, 30 big and 15 striped in a new container like the one pictured before. This time I used better soil with less junk and rowed the seeds very orderly to keep track of things just like what you asked. I will snap a shot later today to throw on here. The first batch pictured has started popping but are too disorganized and such for me to keep track of whats what.

Elmanito - From what I've came to understand weed here isn't exactly unpotent but more accurately varied. It simply is not bred for these characteristics. The women who pick it to sell to foreigners care less of quality. Why would they? The Chinese don't use it. I've heard plenty say things like "I only found one bag that got me stoned the entire time I've been here." The thing is that means they have all encountered atleast one plant here each that had the right stuff.

Hoosier - I doubt I would be able to find any locals who knew anything about cannabis in our contexts. They see it as a sunflower or the likes. It is really interesting to find so much variety growing around here though. I even found another plant on the way to the computer bar just now! I'll snap a few shots and scoop it up here in abit. I'm really starting to have quite the collection. A person wrote on my profile saying "Think about breeding as a business. Think about it a lot." and I have. I love cannabis and have been a connoisseur of quality herb for many years. What better than to help in developing it farther?

FG - It would about have to be autoflowering. I will just have to wait and see what's to come of all these. Interesting find with the little purple girl too. I hope she produces some quality herb for you!
In a haze of purple one little green plant refuses to be silenced.....


I found her on the way to the PC bar.

Also on tonights show, the mysterious case of the unknown seeds. What will pop from these? Stay tuned to find out on next weeks episode!


Sorry the lighting is so bad. I took the pic last night and my house has horrible lighting.

You can see the seeds are rowed and classified according to type. The seeds on the right side are barely visible because they are darker and smaller than the lefties.

S = Striped
B = Big
Y = Yellow/Orange
BL = Black
P = Purple


Active member
ICMag Donor
very interesting and unique genetics

im dying to see what comes out of the giant sized seeds
maybe some kinda jumbo sized indica leaves that makes deep chunk look like a pure sativa?

im not kidding here
really interesting find


Very interesting thread!:lurk:

Flying Goat, the scandinavian genes you're talking about. They are not supposed to be wild right? Never heard of such thing but if it exists; which country are they from?

Flying Goat

Wilde - Best of my knowledge, this is the Pehkuruder, a Scandinavian ruderalis that has been improved by Soviet Finland for potency & uniformity.

Mine were gifted to me from a fellow researcher in Norway. Please see ArcticSun's posts in Autoflower Orgy! in the autoflower forum under Growers' Forums...

I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of an improved ruderalis, Solid Bottom, from CZ, as well as Baikul ruderalis from Russia.


This is really interesting to read, but how you gonna grow these with no lights? Outdoors? Don't they execute people in China for drugs?
Have you asked the locals if what you are doing will attract unwanted attention? I know in the rural areas of undeveloped countries I've been to, walls have ears. The authorities ther may not be happy about seeing cannabis indoors...:2cents:
Yes, I am currently planning to grow these on the roof of my aprtment complex. From what I've came across China seems very laxed on cannabis. Were it opiates or what not yes I would be literally risking my life. I have no interest in such things though.

Growing cannabis for hemp and seeds is perfectly legal here. I have no intention of selling or giving out the flowers of the plant which is illegal. I am simply a small grower of MaZi or cannabis seeds, which is perfectly within the confines of the law and encouraged by the government. I was actually considering going to a local farmer and asking them to grow out a thousand seeds or so for me. I would choose the best plants for myself and have him isolate them and such for polination and in return pay quite the premium for these seeds. He could sell the rest of the seeds and hemp as he chose. As long as all my actions are centered around breeding seeds and not selling drugs it should be fine legal.

Anyways, I am quite sure most if not all the police here have no idea that these plants are cannabis in the drug sense. If they do recognize the plants it would be as a seed plant and nothing more like if you saw someone growing sunflowers.